IUTeich Verification Report 12/2014
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What are the very basic skills one should excel in for moving later into IUT?
Topology->Mathematical Analysis>Differential geometry?
sick burn
Thank you.
I was under the impression his book was essentially independent from the IUT work.
Why aren't Tao, Kontsevich, etc... looking at IUTech?
Or they're doing this secretly?
If they're so smart and Mochizuki's work consists of 2500 pages max they should be able to go through them.
Riemann geometry by Peter Peterson is so dry. A shame for such a colorful subject
leon tahktajan will soon come out with a response its rumored
Where did you hear about this?
Because people like Tao are in a completely different area of math?
stephen bro get trolled lmao
hahaha stephen you fuck
>implying that truly gifted people can only focus on a specific subdomain
Tao is a brainlet
Are mathematicians just butthurt?
Why do they doubt it when they haven't even attempted to understand it?
funny to see professional mathematicians dismiss a subject because they think it will have no useful applications to their work
>that feel when you are a 3rd semester pure mathematics student and you are at the 1/3 mark, maybe at the 3/8 mark if I count independent study.
Feels bad man.
>that feel when given my curriculum, by the end of my undergraduate career I will be at the 2/3 mark of this list. Maybe at the 7/9 mark if I assume my independent studies will remain as quick as they are now.
Feels a little good, man.
Do you think it would be more accepted it if was white/european mathematician?
>leon tahktajan will soon come out with a response its rumored
Rumored where?
Are you the reddit guy?
>Tao is a brainlet
I was surprise when hes said the doesn't like Topology.
I'm a brainlet but topology is my favorite subject.
How can you be an expert in Analysis and not like Topology?
>I was surprise when hes said the
I was surprised when he said that he
Literally who?
>How can you be an expert in Analysis and not like Topology?
For mathematicians "I don't like" means "I am bad at it." And I can relate because anything that has to do with geometry just doesn't click with me the way algebraic and analytic concepts do.
>How can you be an expert in Analysis and not like Topology?
I don't think the opinion that general topology is not fun is that strange.
Topology is the worst spot in all of mathematics for the phenomenon of "retarded pathological counterexample breaks something that should intuitively be true."
If you like it when things behave nicely topology is going to frustrate you.
he never said he didn't like, he said it was his weakest area