So how did everyone's finals go?
So how did everyone's finals go?
Semester's not yet done for me. Where do you study to be finishing so early?
Shit dude I just got done midterms
my finals are in one month, where do you study OP?
hahaha nice brainlet universities
Nah I'm not in a university actually
wrong guess mate
Taking my last one in a couple hours. No grades back yet, but I'm expecting A's in C programming and calc 3. Physics 1... might get a B if I fuck it up today.
I have only done midterms, my grades were very diverse.
Math Class 1: Failed w/ an average of failing
Math Class 2: Failed w/ an average of C
Math Class 3: A w/ an average of failing
quarter system cuck detected
i think OP is taking about quarter system schools.
also: 150% in every class ez
>get every question on exam except one
>spend 25 minutes fiddling with it
>finally get it to work
>go home and realize I dropped a negative sign
My physics professor always said it was fine if we just used h=c=1=-1=2π=1/2π
> 1/3 points missed because I put
Daily reminder that you only make these mistakes if either
a) You were rushing, which means that you are not naturally smart enough to do things quickly and thus need to over extend yourself like the brainlet you are
b) You don't even understand the procedure you are doing, you are barely trying to repeat what you once last night will practicing, which classifies you as a top brainlet
So why are you even here, brainlets?
gr8 b8 m8 i'd r8 8/8
Good but got rejected from the 2 PhD programs I applied
Time for a gap year I suppose
My test is sunday how do i study
>Physics and math midterms both today
>thought physics would be a breeze and math would tear me a new asshole, so I studied accordingly
>completed math in 20 minutes, physics I barely finished even with additional time and definitely made one mistake
fug. Statistical mechanics and Dynamical systems, btw
Should have applied for master's and switched to the PhD. That's what I did, and I got in almost everywhere
For midterms so far I got an A on my molecular bio and a B on my immunology exam. Fucking complement pathway memed on me.
Did they say why did they rejected you?
Good phd programs don't let you do this, the masters is not supposed to be a backdoor to a phd
Not sure the quality of a university is determined by the date at which finals end.
I never wanted a PhD, but the only two universities nearby (UCLA and UCI are the only ones close enough for me to commute) only offer PhD in microbiology, it sucks shit. Wish I could go for masters.
Nope. If I had to guess the biggest would probably be I half assed the GRE. Not too bummed out Tbh, I fucking hate studying and a year of work sounds nice about now
>I never wanted a PhD
Get out.
You can bypass all of that if you get a professor who wants to do research with you, even if it's a top 10 program. I've been advised on this extensively.
So you were planning to stop after you got the Master's? Yeah, it's a good idea, just harder to get into PhD is all. Good luck.
I'd be perfectly content with a masters, I don't plan on going into academia. Just want a decent job that can eventually support a family while doing what I like.
user, your well-adjustedness frightens me. I go on on Veeky Forums to discuss with autists like me, and I am very triggered by your talk of non-academic careers and family.
don't worry I've got plenty of autism
>tfw i was a TA i would take off half the points the problem is worth if the final answer is wrong
consider yourself lucky then, faggot. a phd is a waste of time, and if the universities don't offer masters then you can't even master out, i.e. you're going in all or nothing.
nigger what are you doing
Waves and Quantum Mechanics
So lots of c's and h's from the physics, and 2π's from fourier transforms.
Failed my "diagnostic" exam.
Ah, I remember Ochem... It gets better. I haven't thought about fucking ozonolysis in 3 years
>Miss one homework assignment out of 8 because of anxiety/depression
>Score better than 90% of the class on the final
>Get a B+ in the course overall, only top 50%
>got an 83 on my fucking history midterm
>it was objectively easy but I choked hard on the essay, which was worth 85% of the goddamn test
>now I have to score nearly perfectly on my 30% essay and my final to get an A
Oh my fucking god, my 4.0 is going to get ruined by a fucking gen ed.
A-at least I did good on my diffEQ midterm...
managed to postpone my calc 3 final until the beginning of calc 4, gonna be one comfy spring break m8s
discrete math exam in a couple hours, but fortunately I can get 50% and still pass the course. So I think I can pull a 70% and get an A :-)
fucking unix class though, barely based. I've been using Debian for two years I just slacked.
I don't know if I'm being a brainlet about this but that's what I've been doing for a while now
>final is written + oral
>have crippling anxiety and my language skills in the language i'm studying in are subpar
>don't show up to oral, let myself fail
>retake test next week, this time it's only written
It's so much easier it's ridiculous and you don't feel like killing yourself. Downsides? As long as you pass there isn't a penalty in your diploma.
>failed my Chem quiz
>failed 5/7 classes
Actually. It has been the most eye opening experience i have had.
It was my first semester in chemistry and i was absolutely lost from the first moment.
Its that moment, when you are pampered in your little town, you are smart and shit, you get to a prestigious uni because of your good grades and suddenly you dont understand shit.
I hope i got the hang of it for this semester.
I need to git gud
>take 7 classes
>fail 5 of them.
You have terrible judgment.
you're fucking retarded. why would you overload yourself with 7 courses, and didn't drop any when it was obvious you were falling behind? even if you dropped 4 and passed the remaining 3 you'd still be ahead.
math class 3 sounds like my life in Highschool
you're going to get academic probation and kicked out of school if you don't either nut up or switch out to a different program dude lol. if you don't care about degrees beyond a bachelors then fuck a GPA, do what you're doing and graduate in 10 years i guess. if you care about GPA, fix your shit and transfer schools (a trick to reset your GPA, as transferred classes don't count towards your new schools GPA calculation), but you'll need to demonstrate aptitude in something, or switch to an arts degree and then switch again internally to something else.
>7 classes
nigga thought this was high school lmao
Finals next month -
98% in Physics 1
88% in GChem II and just made an exam my bitch
82% - General Bio
88% - Creative Writing b/c of bullshit grading
Why is it allowed to go straight for the PhD without a Masters degree?
>tfw A in OChem brainlet
>bacterial pathogenesis lab
>get below average on first lab report because different TA grades our shit and wasn't the same stuff our TA wanted
>Finals come up; also have a second lab report due for that class after it
>say fuck it, shoot for the passing grade and focus on other classes. Prof making the final made the hardest tests I've ever seen in the Bac Path lecture class I took a year before (Got a B- in his class, lowest I've gotten in a bio class). Don't bother to study because SD would be wide anyway
>By some force of the universe, I get a 79 when the average is a 55
>Apparently did well on the second report too because I got an A in the class
that was a pleasant surprise
Multivariate calculus exam today
I'm fucked
Why fund somebody to work on a project for 2 years when you can get them to do it for 5?
>Apply to pharm school a year early
>Didn't think I was gonna get in anyway
>Apperently the PCAT is the biggest part of your application and I scored a 95 composite percentile
>Get accepted into a bunch of schools
>Have to cram 20 credits worth of pre-reqs in one semester
it's orgo II, microbio, Physics II, Biostats and public speaking
I'm doing fine in everything but orgo and biostats, they're wrecking my shit
Failed the first orgo exam with a 50, studied my ass off for the second one and got a 67
The professor has a weird rubric where a 60 overall is a C (all I need) but im still worried.
Same with biostats, but the professor is much nicer so I'm a little less worried, gonna study my dick off for the next exam though.
That class was actually really difficult for me. I never understood how the common sentiment is that integral calculus is harder than multivariable.
Yeah our prof forces us to memorize every single fucking equation
What schools have exams on the weekends?
Yeah it's a retarded policy
there is no way of understanding this image in the irony space where it is funny.
Holy fuck, getting a 4.0 GPA in american universities is easy as fuck.
How can homework and midterms affect your final grade? easy as fuck
here the grade you get in the final is the only one that matters, nothing of extra bullshit nor curve grades. I have a 96/100 (I cant believe getting only >92/100 gets you an A = 4.0 GPA in burgerland). 4.0 GPA is easy as fuck.
Most autistic post I've seen on this board in awhile. And that's saying a lot. Congrats.
>first year chem
Oh boy, you're in for a ride
Yeh, that's nice and all, but you're retarded
Come to grad school baby boy, your stress management skills will be totally tested to their limits.
>tfw never do homework or midterms
>always get -20%
id prefer 100% finals
*muffled in the distance* Meeeeeeeeeeme
> tfw your first year in pharma uni in Balkans was tougher than an Murican Phd.
> stress mangment
Niggers, don't talk about stress until you had done 8 classes in a semester and spent on average 35 hours in a lab weekly.
why americans have like 4 classes per semester while i get around 20 (control engineering & robotics in Poland)
kill yourself
This year i've to take 10 classes (all the classes are anual), included advanced math, thermodynamics, fluids dinamic and materials science, fuck me
wow americans have it easy (ethiopia here)
im taking 67 classes this quarter including complex analysis, abstract algebra, quantum field theory, assembly programming, and english 101
if you think those are hard, heat transfer is going to rape your asshole.
>Ace first math test after literally figuring out how it all works the day before
>Second test comes around and I completely bomb it
I don't know what's wrong with me.
How many credits do americans get per semester? Yes, I'm going to judge you.
an engineering degree is ~136 credits. each class is typically 3-4 credits depending on whether or not it has a lab.
16 credits per semester is typical, while 12 is considered "full time"
Lmao only 35 hours? I'm triple majoring in Physics, Math, and Chemistry and spend at least 50 hours a week in lab. Also taking 10 courses this semester.
Get good, slavshit.
Pretty bad.
My numerics class was a joke so I got a 1.7 (A-). It was literally impossible to fail, but still some did.
My analysis 3 class was really fucking hard but I (narrowly) passed with a 4.0(D) I am very ashamed of that.
My stochastic class was what really hit me because I really though that I did pretty good but got a 3.7 (C-), the average was a 2.3. I literally fucked up everything humanly possible. I knew how every problem should be solved but after the right start I fucked up. every . time.
Funny, I passed all classes which are used to drop out students (free education hi) but failed my numerics class. It wasn't taught theoretically and the exam only included problems like 'use this algorithm on this matrice' which wouldn't be a problem if there was enough time
>7 classes
why do they not tell incoming freshman that college is not high school and that three 4 unit classes is LITERALLY all some wide-eyed bambi from a suburban high school is able to handle? You don't go to lecture all day and just absorb the material, you go to lecture, then do all the problems in the book and all the reading assignments, which takes FOREVER.
I only take 3-4 classes an academic quarter and get good grades because i'm not retarded
>Diffusion and phase equilibria
>Exams aren't back yet, but the professor's comment is "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
It was rough.
>Organic chemistry II - 77% (average was a 40%, with a STD of 55%, so I ended up with an A in the class)
>Evolutionary Bio - 80% (no idea on average or overall grade, fuck me up. But the highest score on the midterm was a 90% and I got an 82% and she curves)
>Differential Equations - 82%, NO idea on averages. Please curve save me
Sorry that you failed, doing math under time pressure is really shitty.
>the exam only included problems like 'use this algorithm on this matrice'
Same for my exam, but the class itself was a huge joke (because the professor was a nice guy who didnt want to make it too hard) , especially compared to the others.
The problems we had to solve on the exam were all really easy, one of them was "explain how to solve a system of linear equations" (which had 1/4th of all points).
This was especially ridiculous because you could take the script of the professor (and anything else hat wasnt a book) into them exam.
Grad student in chemical engineering. Semester system so it was just midterms, but fuck my differential equations professor.
>Iranian nationalist
>Refuses to recognize non-persian students in class
>Goes from A to Z for every problem with no explanation of what is in between
>If you ask for any explanation he makes fun of you
>Goes off on political rants all the time
>Midterm is hard as fuck, average was 23%
>Screams at class about how it's our fault and he's going to fail us all
I also have to take fluid dynamics and mass transfer from this fuck. Apparently the "fucking hard midterm followed by screaming at the class" trend has happened in every class, every semester, for the last 20 years or so. It's well known that students hate him, but no other professor in the department wants to teach his classes, so they let him stay.
Completely unrelated, I'm getting assfucked by my reactor design professor. Literally no correlation between what is covered in lecture, what is covered in homework, what is covered on exams, and what is in the textbook. He's also greek and switched between the english and greek alphabet at random. This is also considered normal for his classes.
Every engineering student I know bitches relentlessly about bad professors. I don't get it. Is it an engineer thing, an engineering thing or an engineering professor thing?
Are engineers just babies, is the major just weird to make tests for, and thus the exams are all wonky or does engineering just attract weird professors?
I'm a math student and have always had decent professors that tried hard, even the ones with thick accents are okay if you can learn to understand them
It's mostly in the first year and then in bad unis because you have general subjects like analysis, physics, chemistry, programming which are taught by teachers who would prefer to be in pure majors. When you get to the specialization subjects shit get much much better (EE here)
Sounds easy. We could also take two DIN A4 sites into the exam but you lost some time every time you looked on them.
The second semester just starter a month ago wtf.
Anyway I got 5.0 in analysis 1 and 3.0 in algebra 1
It's not my fault I'm a scout main
How do you feel about pharma? The job prospects scared me off.
The job market is shit, but it's still statistically safer to do pharm and bet on getting a job vs. trying to do premed and get into a good paying specialty.
Damn I miss school :(
I want a final
This all makes so much sense now.
>freshman shitter having opinions
>in March
5 fucking years for your degree?
In my country is 180 credits for 3 years, 30 credits per semester, 6 credits per class
>75.75% on Diff Eqs midterm
>71.79% on Applied Linear Algebra midterm
>80% on Stats II midterm
Fucking MEDIOCRE!!!!
>that feel when making A on test you thought you failed by cobbling the things you barely remember from the studying you barely did into a workable BS'ery.
Can you provide anything to substantiate that at all?
Frankly I doubt it's that must easier to get into a top-10 master's than a top-10 PhD.