>Only 1 country in the world argues about climate change
How fucking retarded are Americans? Like fucking seriously?
In other countries it's not even a fucking question, it's simply a problem.
>Only 1 country in the world argues about climate change
How fucking retarded are Americans? Like fucking seriously?
In other countries it's not even a fucking question, it's simply a problem.
You're wrong, Russia and Australia are also retarded
Oh and the UK has people like Christopher Monckton and the Daily Mail.
I'm glad fucking China is light-years ahead of us on topics like this. Shows their higher intelligence.
Frankly I blame the US for Australia, we wouldn't have this fucking denialism if it wasn't for their influence
What? Australia is much more heavily influenced by the UK. It's the British wackos that are to blame there.
I just always assumed everything stupid coming out of Australia was a shitpost
>it's another climate "science" thread
Until the ice caps melt, I won't bother agreeing with these retarded obviously bought and paid for science journals.
Never trust "science" with a political agenda. Especially things supporting the notion of climate change and the LGBTQIAπ agenda.
Russia? Their plans are based on CC being true.
Yeah nah fuck off cunt, it's blantantly obvious from just looking at australian politics who we're influenced by
>the world
>anything other than the US being relevant
>be russia
>deny climate change
>when temperatures rise, millions of square miles of frozen tundra is now arable farmland
>agriculture production in the US ends when the Midwest desertifies
Gee, I wonder why.
>yfw in 2030 superpowers Canada and Russia kick off the second Cold war
China owns America in science nowadays. Fact.
Not really. Americans think they're the most important country to everyone so I guess that's where the misconception stems from.
>t. never actually reads any journals, just reads news sites
America has always been way ahead of its time. It generates the largest amount of knowledge in the world. It's only a matter of time until the rest of the world understand that climate change is a hoax.
You wouldn't be reading this if America hadn't decided to give internet to the world. America is not only innovative, but also generous.
Maybe with their high school students. I don't exactly call that science.
>How fucking retarded are Americans? Like fucking seriously?
>posts pic of Pepe in Trump hat
oh I think you already know the answer to your question. ;-)
So what you're saying is China knows they are killing their own people and don't care. Really makes me think!
Russian citizens get fed constant propaganda so not surprising
Are you mentally disabled? Russia has everything to gain from climate change and nothing to lose. What happens when their breadbasket balloons to the same size as the US's thanks to climate change? It has literally nothing to do with propaganda, just smart policy decisions.
You wouldn't be saying this if you were australian.
>What happens when their breadbasket balloons to the same size as the US's thanks to climate change?
It's not gonna. You need more than heat to turn frozen swaps and tundra into farmland.
Not nearly the extent of the US.
People who are generating the knowledge are the ones who believe in climate science in the first place.
Yes, warmer temperatures will literally turn the literal deserts of northern canada and eastern russia into an agricultural utopia
You do understand that swamp land is INCREDIBLY agriculturally productive, right?
We are the only people left with any balls, so we are the only ones who still think their own thoughts and speak up when something is obviously bullshit. You faggy serfs in europe just believe what you are told to believe. You make me sick. Fuck global warming. That shit is so fucking retarded its a joke. "People are making the planet hot" give me a fucking break.
They are poorer. We are not.
They want to redistribute our wealth to them. Global warming is the perfect cover for them to do so. As for the rest, they are benighted in the quasi-leftist global traditions of socialism (Europe), so there are some actual true believers out there as well.
That is why the opinion is split as it is.
>Accepts that climate change exists
>Doesn't change his diet, transportation, and consumer practices.
>Feels superior
Really activates my almonds
This. You ever notice how it's the UN that is always making these radical statements about climate change and immigration and all this other leftist shit? I don't give a fuck whether or not climate change is real because the reality is that the capacity the issue is being used is 100% for political power. It has absolutely nothing to do with actual concern for our planet. The brainwashed liberals eat this shit up and then campaign for their people. Notice how the UN has gone into overdrive now that Trump is in power. Would be a shame if someone pulled the plug on that fraud organization ;)
If you can buy scientific journals why doesn't the oil industry with its way higher budget than most other industries just buy out science?
>implying I don't practice reduce reuse recycle
>implying I'm not vegetarian
>implying I don't take public transit everywhere
>implying I buy a new phone/tablet/laptop every year and don't donate them
>Implying the majority of the Religion of Climate Change can be assed to do any of that shit
>Implying you do either
>first world
>compared to Western Europe
The only places that can be considered first world in America are liberal nests. Really makes you think.
This. No place in America is even comparable to Shanghai or Hong Kong even.
>unironicly says all of Shanghai is first world
shouldn't you be behind some kind of great golden shield?
Because they get their climate science from blogs and news articles on the internet from people with absolutely no expertise in the science. It's no different from trying to learn about biology or evolution from a website like this.
(Nobody is arguing that no climate change is taking place. We're just laughing at the people who think it's a problem, and who think there might be a solution.)
Asia has long since surpassed America in scientific acumen.
Look at this stuff. They're even leaving AC behind.
Meanwhile in MURRICA (the country that brought you planned obsolescence), we're trying to turn back the clock and make Coal great again. Sad!
>They want to redistribute our wealth to them.
Oh please. The greatest transfer of wealth from American people in our history was the ~$18 trillion bank bailout started about a decade ago (see the 2011 fed audit results).
As far as foreign soil, the greatest transfer of wealth from America has been to the Arab oil states and nowhere else even comes close. Since OPEC formed we've been sending them 500bn a year since probably before you were even born.
Do you see? No one ever gave a fuck about American nationalism or conservative values or American money.
So let's cut the bullshit. Global energy corporations stand to lose a lot of money if we stop burning all the fuels that pay for the Saudi Prince's fleets of 136 Rolls Royces. That's where the "opinion split" comes from.
Who are you speaking for? People with the downs?
And yea, half the fucking usa doesnt believe in climate change. It's definitely a problem and it can be stopped.
Well, we're watching the fall of an empire right before our eyes. Blinded by vanity and pride.
tßh ƒam no significant innovation is happening anywhere but the US, Japan, and China, maybe there would be argument on the issue in Europe if you had less dumb sheep and more actual scientists
Thats a literal lie lol. What US innovation? What little progress we made is about to be reversed into the ground by the administration, as they've promised to do. At least china is somewhat trying.
Take a look at germany.
>reversed into the ground by the administration
oh look. more baseless scaremongering.
guess you gotta find funding for your white mans welfare somehow...
Go back to /pol/ you fucking idiot. I bet you deny climate change too.
I imagine you have never actually been to Shanghai? Because it is a disgusting shithole.
I have never been to the USA, but I expect most US cities are rather more pleasant to live in than Shanghai, whether that's East Buttfuck or Chicago.
You seem to be confused and dumb. I was not referring to wealth transfers that have already taken place, but instead to a proposed future wealth transfer, for which global warming and phrases like "environmental justice" provide the pretext-FROM first-world countries (especially America, throw in the odd BRIC country here and there to make it look like it's fair play), TO the maldives etc. "Environmental justice" is an even more exact and nakedly redistributionist mentality, requiring the linchpin of (the pretense that) 'global warming is real'.
Just based on Veeky Forums's typical user ages, there is something like a 90+ per cent probability that I am older than you, so the ageist appeal to authority also falls flat. But of course this might not be the case, but that's beside the point - the point is that your other rhetorical swipe doesn't pan out.
So the only image of USA you have is from movies? Just compare any American city to Gangzhou, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai. In every fucking metric American cities are far less advanced with stone-age level tech. Except the silicon valley area(Most liberal area).
That's a fact.
Hahahaha, yea, I'm sure for the first time in history a ruling power somehow wants to distribute wealth rather then horde it, for some reason. Good one buddy. i fucking wish, hahahaha
Do you have reading comprehension?
Are you well?
Do you have brain damage?
Hahaha, are you though? Does your conspiracy theory ranting looks reasonable to your addled mind?
Your rant seems to suggest global warming is a pretext to redistribute wealth, no?
>we're trying to turn back the clock and make Coal great again
It's better to just face reality than buy into Chinese green propaganda.
That's a fake chart with no basis in reality. China just invested $500b into renewable, shill your BS elsewhere trumptard
>Farmland determines superpower status in 2030
You're a leaf aren't you. You have to be a god damn leaf.
>I was not referring to wealth transfers that have already taken place
There was a time when these wealth transfers hadn't "already" taken place.
(By the way, both of them are still very much in progress.)
But no one cared then, and no one cares now.
Not even you.
are you fucking joke? there's maybe 2-3 DISTRICTS in all of china that even look like a first world country. 500 feet from those, you're buying gutter oil on the street.
I am a huge Trump supporter. But, this is my biggest criticism of Trump. Pollution aside, coal is essentially dead at this point.
>until the ice caps melt
Yeah that kind of thinking borders on the suicidal.
> waiting for actual proof
> that kind of thinking borders on the suicidal
Since when?
Individual efforts are pointless. If we don't have government mandated regulation we cannot solve this.
>implying I'm not vegetarian
Opinion discarded.
the ice caps are shrinking exponentially each year. like ten of the last eleven years were the hottest ever recorded(as in they were consecutively hotter) if russian permafrost melts it will release tonnes of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere. climate change wont be linear. it'll get faster and faster and faster and will just fuck us up. there is a reason we need to limit the temperature rise.
> the ice caps are shrinking
Alarmists have been predicting that the ice caps would disappear for decades now, and guess what? They're still there.
You're waiting until the problem is horrifically bad before taking action.
It's like you smell a gas leak in your house but you decide to wait until the house explodes to be sure because it might just be rotten eggs hidden someplace
There's not really any need for a metaphor here; how are you supposed to stop the ice caps from melting if they've already melted?
You can't take any preventative action if your threshold for doing anything is "it's already over"
You mean
>only one country is right about climate change
Why is the rest of the world so stupid?
The rhetoric being tried in this post (whoever its author) is still wrong. The first and second lines are banalities. The thrust of the latter two is that, together with (especially assuming that both posts have the same author, but still in either case), these two posts are perhaps to be read together as demonstrations that wealth transference from x (burgerland, the west etc) to y (shitty countries) has already been ongoing, which is further perhaps supposes to undermine the correct assertion that I have made in .
Except that's not how what (you) have written actually works. And the reason why this is so, is because what has actually been under discussion has /not/ been ongoing money flows (until you opened the door, missing the point), but the /narrative, proposed money flows/ that global warming and "environmental justice" portend. The USA has been paying shitty countries for oil. What has that got to do with proposed "environmental justice"? Oh, right, nothing (past the surface, once you but think a moment). It's just countries doing business.
Hey guys, look! I spotted a complete retard!
THIS !!!!
>The first and second lines are banalities.
Actually, they are not.
They illustrate quite clearly that "wealth transference" is NOT the source of the disagreement over global warming, which was implied by . If wealth transference was the issue, then either the 20 trillion dollar bank bailout from the common taxpayer to the "1%", or the 20 trillion dollars sent to Saudi Arabia, or both, would have also been hotly contested. Yet they have not been. Thus, you are wrong.
And since you are wrong, another factor besides mere "wealth transference" must be at play. As previously stated, that factor is the profitability of private corporations that stand to lose in a new system that eschews the burning of fossil fuels.
climatr change is a part of nature, polar bears hibernate when the ice floor has no cracks bc they cant eat. they wake up when it gets sunnier so they can grab some fish or seal.
internet babby detected. theyre both lesser cities than new york, source: pic related
are americans denying climate change? i haven't seen it except for trump. but even i don't think he knows what he says all the time.
anyway hasn't the earth always gone through global warming with or without people? also whats being debated is whether or not people are a main cause and how to deal with the warming.
seems politically related
but since it's making fun of Americans it stays up
fucking hypocrites
Veeky Forums mod is a fucking pussy hypocrite
Veeky Forums fags who report posts they don't like are fucking pussy hypocrites
Very bigly. Most them sucking on the teat of right wing propaganda machine. And the real tragedy is that a large percentage are braindead olds that will never see things get truly bad.
The US Congress denies climate change too. The House of Representatives science committee flat out denies it (along with evolution and the big bang), and the Senate has people like Senator Inhofe, who "disproved" climate change by bringing a snowball into the Senate chamber.
Why argue, humanity deserves extinction. WE ARE ALLLLLL FUCKED
Alarmists have been ass-blasted for years. All your models have failed and none of your predictions have come true.
You lose. End of discussion.
>End of discussion.
I fucking wish. These threads never end.
How fucking lame do you have to be to keep tuning in to these threads? The mods need to just ban everyone who participates.