Physics major here. How do I make the point to a medfag friend who thinks he's god that his area isn't hard?
Physics major here. How do I make the point to a medfag friend who thinks he's god that his area isn't hard?
If you are talking about an undergrad """pre-med""" then you are right. But studying actual medicine is pretty hard, the way it is hard is different than how physics is hard, but it is still hard.
Remind him that there are way more women in his field than in yours.
>STEM major: what are you learning in school
>Business major: shapes and colors
>STEM major: lmao good luck getting a job with that
And yet at the end of the day...
I thought that was the joke.
How is medicine hard? I would consider it tiresome but not intellectually challenging.
>STE major: What are you learning in school?
>M major says, holding a draft for his proof of the four color theorem: n-nothing
If you're talking undergrad pre med kinda yes but then undergrad physics isn't that hard either.
when you start getting into PhD & post doc stuff physics doesn't even come close to Medicine - especially in terms of responsibility.
when a physicist fux up just erase the blackboard and start with another integral......or clean up a mess and retry experiment.
When a physician fux up.......?????
OP ur a complete idiot to even bring this up and makes me think you're the arrogant ass.
You don't. Just let him do his thing.
Physics undergrad isn't exactly hard anyway. You're not special.
Go back to Facebook if you insist on posting like this.
>hard means intellectually challenging
You're too stupid to live.
o snap
that new video was dope though
>When a physician fux up.......?????
you tell your patient to come back next week, in my experience
oh no, he took too many PPI's he's gonna get indigestion for a day!!!
Medicine isn't really hard. It's just endless repetition.
Take any random high schooler and have him repeat the same shit for like 8 years while reading the books in the mean time.
He'll turn into a doctor.
Why bother?
>Business major
Unless you guys are one step ahead of me.
by studying medicine and BTFOing him in every way possible in his field
>you won't
>One of the hardest, if not the hardest undergrad subjects
>Physics undergrad isn't exactly hard anyway
I figure you've spent too much time in academia. Maybe YOU don't find it hard, but if you ask most of the world...
>implying most of the world aren't brainlets
undergrad anything isn't hard
>I would consider it tiresome but not intellectually challenging.
And you would be mostly right.
When you study medicine, you're likely to discover that you're really turned on by a specific subset of it. I guess that's how we choose our specialties. As a whole though it's not really that big of a deal.
Doctors fuck up all the time.
>you tell your patient to come back next week
Not if you're a surgeon.
Relatively speaking, anything can be hard. Compared to having no undergrad experience, undergrad is hard. Compared to other undergrads, physics is hard. Compared to most postgrads, physics is hard, too.
I like this ironic use of relativity
top kekkity m80
Why would you think it isn't intellectually challenging? That shit you've memorized is about as useful as memorizing irrational numbers when you can't apply it in unison with everything else you have learned, which is anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, histology etc. Don't tell me you have breezed through every concept in physics you've ever encountered.
Props if you have though.
>Medicine isn't hard
It's hard in its own way, you sound like an arrogant asshole. Probably one of the autist who inhabit this place and think that if you're not doing maths in the darkness all day you're not making science.
use rhetoric to convince him, using your understanding of other human beings and skill at social manipulation to make your points seem convincing to him despite his previous bias
oh wait lmao you spent your entire life studying shit that the vast majority of your fellow species couldn't care less about
The difficulty of medicine greatly depends on the specialty.
For example, radiation oncology requires a great deal of knowledge of biochemistry, biophysics, radiobiology, etc. Oncology requires an understanding of pharmacology, physiology, genetics, and so many other subjects. Nephrology, while focused on simply the kidney, is notoriously complex and requires a very analytical mind.
I will agree that a lot of surgical specialties can be very tedious without being intellectually very stimulating though.
You're right, physics is harder. It's much harder to get a job as a physicist unless you get into a top Ph.D program, like Oxford or some other top ten program. Have fun after graduation!
>when a physicist fux up just erase the blackboard and start with another integral......or clean up a mess and retry experiment.
Excuse me? There are plenty of ways for STEM majors to fuck up.
Scientists/Physics majors: ever heard of Chernobyl? Fukushima? The atomic freaking bombs? Or Angela Merkel's refugee policy? (Angela Merkel has a PhD in physics). That shows just how fucking wrong you are.
Technology majors: there's been crashes of space rockets because some CS babby caused an integer overflow.
Engineering: the other day, some poor electrical worker died a horrific death while working on power lines, because the jackass engineer responsible for overseeing the operation didn't cut the power.
Mathematics: well OK, they can't fuck up I guess
>Mathematics: well OK, they can't fuck up I guess
Sure they can. The fuckup of a mathematician resulted in the publishing of the world's shortest paper.
>the world's shortest paper.
Not even close.
Thats it !! if you're into STEM
be a mortician.......
Whats ur fuking point loser?
All that shit is Darwin Award winners
doesn't have anything to do with culpability.
You suffer from an over inflated view of your worth to society. If you can't deal with killin someone due to necessary roundoff error you should go into crocheting or making salads; but don't use a knife - retard thumb sucker.
No this is how you make a nurse not a doctor.
Most of the world understands Physics - they may not be able to explain it mathematically but they understand it. Math is simply the language used to explain Physics. Many people understand a language but maybe they can't write or read it.....
Same with Physics - they understand it just maybe can't read & write it Mathematically.
Medicine at the Dr Physician level is a whole entire nuther matter for most of people.
>whole entire nuther matter
You're wasting your time. You're a physics major. You should know better.
Maybe don't. This pissing contest is fucking retarded, and you should probably think about all the other amazing things in Physics that are not resolved, and really work on stretching your limits to try and resolve them, even if it's just for you, instead of getting into scraps with other smart people about who's really smart, or who just thinks they're smart because they aren't smart enough to know how smart a smart person is. Because the only stupid thing is worrying about who's smart. Just fucking do physics and stop expecting to "prove" that you're smarter. If your friend is that wrapped up in his ego, then there's literally nothing you can do to prove him wrong.
>Many people understand a language but maybe they can't write or read it...
Literal children or retards if adults.
Literally Africa tier.
He doesn't have any friends, that's why he's shitposting here.
You're on Veeky Forums. Hard means intellectually challenging here.
>Memorisation is fun
Is this really how medfags think?
In what way did I imply it was fun? My post is taking the focus away from the memorization, please read it again.
On medicine:
>I would consider it tiresome but not intellectually challenging.
>Why would you think it isn't intellectually challenging?
Because it's memorization, which isn't an intellectual challenge. And no, applying your knowledge through the use of a decision tree isn't an intellectual challenge either.
You need the memorization to use in pattern recognition and subsequently in solving problems much in the same way you need theorems or formulas. Isn't math a decision tree in the same way then? Just follow the steps and find the correct solution, huh.
Insight and pattern recognition is needed, and as far as I'm aware those are both manifestations of intelligence and can be challenging, or trivial.
You fell for the memes, man.
Medicine is applied biology which is applied chemistry and chemistry is already fucking stupid.
Also this:
if you need to come here and ask these retards such a thing, then your being a physics major does not make you the intelligent being that you think you are
>im 14 but I've skimmed lots of wikipedia articles
This is disgusting to me.
>Follow these instructions
>Solve this equation
We can safely say more people will fail the latter than the former.
Also, stem will help you to solve problems you haven't encountered yet. Can't say the same for medicine.
Also stem solves problems in medicine, including creating better decision trees than doctors are.
Merkel seems far too stupid to have a PhD in physics.
>Leipzig university
Wow, it's nothing.
>ever heard of Chernobyl?
Not STEM's fault. It was the military brass fucking around too much.
Not science, just engineering.
>The atomic freaking bombs?
At this point it probably saved more lives that it took. Conventional invasion of Japan could have a death toll far exceeding both.
>Angela Merkel's refugee policy?
It was ok and saved more people than killed. And she has PhD in chemistry IIRC.
This is a flawed argument.
>Solve this equation... by following these instructions/by assuming x, y and z.
Otherwise you're implying you don't need a base for doing mathematics.
>stem will help you to solve problems you haven't encountered yet
Deductive reasoning doesn't exist in medicine? We have tests now, but only thanks to assumptions made by doctors about the pathophysiology or pathobiochemistry of many diseases.
>stem solves problems in medicine, including creating better decision trees than doctors are
Thanks, that's the point of scientific progress. Make some better shit though, I'm sick of getting a brain tumor diagnosis from webmd every time.
R8d 8/8, gr8 b8 m8.
>what is geometry
>what is color theory
gg no re
The fact that a woman's studies degree got her a really nice job upsets me.
A women's studies degree should lead to a life of struggle and poverty and self reflection of the terrible choices you'd made.
>This is a flawed argument.
And yet totally accurate.
>I'm sick of getting a brain tumor diagnosis from webmd every time.
Someone doesn't understand how to use the symptom checker, or doesn't understand how to read the probabilities. Or maybe you should get that checked out.
why do you want other people to fail, are you projecting?
I... What...?
Are you for real
you shouldn't be arguing with him.
you're just succumbing to a lower level if you're trying to make that sort of argument. don't make physics majors look like douche bags. usually the ones with those attitudes don't make it past E&M 1
>strawman a person you don't know
>decide that they deserve to suffer
>become angry that reality didn't conform to this knee-jerk baseless judgment
She's probably a lot harder working and intelligent than you.
Does this trigger you faggot?
Without meming, how is this possible? What did this stronk independent wymyn do to obtain this position?
just show him this
Just wait until he takes general physics and realizes he can't just memorize all the formulas and get away with simple book keeping.
>general physics
>cant memorize formulas and get away with simple book keeping
fucking kek, i did that with every calc 3 exam because i couldn't bother to show up to class
fucking retards. Vice President of a company doesnt mean what you think it means. Every major corp has hundreds of vp's. banks have thousands of vps.
ross school of business is a pretty good school at University of Michigan, a tier above the normal school.
I don't know about intellectually stimulating, but medicine can be hard as fuck. Example: my mom works at a neo-natal intensive care unit in a major city.
>hurf durf memorization
Can you imagine dealing with a patient born so premature that their skin falls off when you touch them? Patients who barely look human? Patients born going through heroin withdrawal, who will never experience peace in their brief lives? Can you solve a problem in that environment? After visiting her at work a few times I can safely say I sure as fuck can't.
Problem solving and abstract thinking. If it were solely memorization, mayoclinic would replace 99% of doctors.
That being said, what do non-graduate-level physicists do that requires anything more complex than solving a system of partial differential equations?
>muh field is harder
I'm homosexual and you're even gayer than me.
His area is fucking hard you piece of shit OP. Try dealing with ungrateful patients who are going to sue you for every dime you have the second they even suspect you've dropped the ball.
Imagine having to do 30+ long, long physics exams every single day for 16 hours straight for 30+ years of your life, with barely any day off. Imagine that physics changed all the fucking time so the answers change too. Now imagine people's lives depend directly on your ability to get answers right. Now imagine that you're well paid for your work, and because of that you become a target of litigation. So you finish the last 100 question exam of the day, you're fucking tired and get the 99th question wrong. Suddenly everyone gets their paties in a knot and you're taken to court over that shit. Court takes time and money, and in the process you are fleeced of whatever remains of your hard earned wealth. Next day you come back to work knowing it can and will happen again, sometimes just because people didn't like you.
Averaging IQ scores from different tests is so retarded and completely defeats the point of IQ.
Take the same test various times and average those scores.
Holy fuck, your low IQ is showing.
>just showed him his argument is valueless and wrong
>but it's accurate
How? How is it accurate? Are you suggesting we take people that work at McDonalds and task them with solving a case and a problem? What makes you think they won't solve the problem if you explain the rules and dependencies you have in place? Or, more accurately, why do you think they will do better at solving the case than the problem?
>addresses the meme in my post
I implied your system is flawed BECAUSE it depends on probability.
Well MD It's less math and more taking in symptoms, and knowing how the body works and spitting out diagnosis.
If it was "easy" you'd see a lot more doctors making a lot less, but you don't, just like you don't see a lot of physics PhDs
>this thread
>tfw studying dental surgery
Feels good.
OP means the course, not the practice of medicine.
remember not to off yourself
It's tedious