It's another MBTI thread again

>it's another MBTI thread again

ISTP-A master personality reporting in

Other urls found in this thread:


Im genuinely curious how much of a fuck up you need to be to get -T

its pretty easy


I am an engineer in the making and I cant stop constantly procrastinating.

What does -A or -T stend for ?


INFJ-T here.
Life is hell, I assure you.

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its a science

Soft science is still science


im a fucking psych major dude



enfp here

lofty goals and low self esteem/discipline are the makings for a life of shattered dreams

Does anybody have any good sites that describe cognitive functions and how you can identify yourself. After some research I found out that most people misidentify their dominant cognitive function with their second or third cognitive function because the dominant function is so apparent that you don't think about it being a function of yours.



You might as well start adding Veeky Forums too because of humanities section.

INTP, no idea what the -A/T stands for

Assertive or turbelent. Basically if you'r confident or fall back into the 'grip' of the fourth function.

INTP-T here

I am sort of a fuck up

>Assertive or turbelent
turbulent most probably then

Do you feel like this article describes you?

3x tested:
2x INTJ-T, 1x ISTJ-T

INTJ incompatible with happiness tier reporting in

I am ENTP. My IQ is 123. I can't learn how to integrate. Everyone in my university has already passed Integration Techniques exam except me.


INTJ-A here
Not very accurate. Most of times I keep my mouth shut because I know too many disagree. I have zero feelings for all living matters. Nihilist.


reporting in.

Just learn how to derivate. You will start to see pattern. It's part of getting the trick and also part of knowing how the rules work.


ENTJ-A here. 5x tested, same results every time. I'm not sociopathic, I would describe myself as empathetic enough to be able to cater to different personalities and persuade them to do what I need them to. I am an engineer by trade, work in an automation firm, and have to do this constantly with clients, technicians, and management. Maybe the MBTI isn't a valid metric, but I think it has described my personality fairly accurately.

Pretty accurate
I wish I could be more assertive

I think you can change your personality in a limited way. When I talk to executives or angry clients, for example, I've learned to disassociate and kind of make it a game. I think extroversion can be learned over time, I guess.

>Thus, unhealthy or immature Ti-doms do their utmost to reject Fe in order to protect their ego-image as an “independent or unbiased critical thinker”.
I just can't stand people. They want me to do things that hurt my serenity, such as clubbing, meeting large crowds of drunk people in littered strangers houses, talk about other people's lives for no reason whatsoever and expect me to be interested... I am biased by education and media, not the people I meet.
People don't enrich me, they leech my energy. I don't hate them, it's just that I can't stand them.

>unable to maintain healthy long-term relationships or connect with others in any meaningful way
Still wrong, I can't maintain relationships because I eventually get tired of people and want to be alone most of the time.
I don't trust them to make me feel serene.

>blame others when their own emotions get out of control, resist committing to relationships and keep others at a safe emotional distance, reject any call to be responsible towards other people or society, rebuff any attempts to solicit empathy or sympathy, see any kind of emotional or social influence as corrosive and to be counteracted, try desperately to “correct” people who are deemed as “wrong” or “irrational” or “unintelligent”, start useless debates/arguments or unconsciously seek affirmation from people to ensure beliefs are “fact”, retreat from social life because they find it too overwhelming or unpredictable, develop overly simplistic “logical rules” for predicting or explaining human motivation and behavior, try to impress or provoke or influence people instead of connecting with them, be overconfident about their ability to read people, arrogantly attempt to excise any information that they deem “irrelevant” to the situation regardless of how it will affect others, inadvertently overlook or neglect important details related to other people’s feelings and expectations, and so on.
Veeky Forums™

Today i just said i wish if I could be more turbulent. See? Every one wants what they dont have

Introvert Extrovert isn't a black and white *Social Autist who doesn't understand how to talk* and *Chad*

Introverts can still be very capable in conversations/be leaders , extroverts can still be /r9k/

You're not so much learning extroversion as just learning how to play the game

Going through college changed me from INTJ to borderline ENTJ

Is Extrovertion worth it? Is it eorth getting out of the shell?

This is precisely why MBTI is garbage. It forces everyone onto one of two extreme, mutually exclusive positions, either you're an introvert or an extravert, when in fact most people are somewhere in between.

Maybe your fourth function is Fi and not Fe because you're ESTJ or ENTJ. You can't have other people compromise who you are. Or maybe you're an extreme dominant Fi user.

did the test at least 5 times in 10 years, it was always INTP by far

Definitely. Maybe you won't get as much of a charge out of social interactions as naturally extroverted people, but you'd 100% be able to better navigate life if you took time to work on your soft skills. The dividends you gain from this are enormous.

fuck life

Are you a moron? Introverts can have fun talking with friends. They just need to rest up after some time socializing. Extroverted people need to get out to feel energized.

I'm an introvert but had fun going out with my mates for at least 5 hours. At the end I said to some people that the night I started saying everybody else that I had fun but wanted to go home if it's okay with the rest.

You're the extreme who only thinks introverts are the losers who stay at home all day mumbling to themselves and extroverts are always hanging out with others.

Right, but at least they score each quality on a gradient. Personality is not a constant, but I don't think that makes the MBTI useless. Some institutions, like universities and corporations, still find value in it as a predictor for behavior and performance.

Did you do a type test or a cognitive function test? Did you research the functions and thought which ones you use the most?
The only type tests are bullshit.

You aren't going to make friends and get women without forcing yourself to go out

Starting off my freshman year I was terrified inside wandering around a huge campus with a lot of new friends but kept a good face about me and made myself do it. It's progressively become a lot more comfortable and now I prefer a night out on the weekends to my old habits of playing video games. I'm still generally quieter than a lot of my friends though.

How do you keep a cool face? Everybody in my group thinks i'm the quiet but crazy and unpredictable friend with quirks.


>tfw have resting serial killer face

Don't look down or quickly away after making eye contact. Talk and respond to people more slowly than you may immediately want to to avoid stuttering or sounding anxious.

Also it helps that I grew to 6'3 and am a muscular 220 lbs. so people immediately assume confidence lel

True? I've got a big problem with articulating myself well. Problem is that most people think I talk to abstract about stuff and I'm trying to dumb stuff down.

INTJ, 100% A
Get on my realm plebs

hmm, interesting, Fi instead of Fe indeed, still intp

INTP-T reporting in, took the test about 3 years ago, also got INTP-T

>all these ENTPs
Do they qualify as normies?

If we're on fuckign Veeky Forums I guess we would be considered failed normies. But be honest every XNXX has a higher chance of being ostracized.

Tbh, I'm kind of the same. INTP but with high Fi. Has probably to do because I lurk /pol/ a lot which makes me question my own morality a lot.

Holy fuck. I'm an entp and actually killed a rat for fun at around the age of 9.

Assertive or Turbulent.
Im very much a procrastination king but I still ended up as 'A'.
Ditto where A/T came from. Didn't find it anywhere in the Jung theory.
Never had this except when I was really young.
ENTPs are more or less naturally outspoken and have * really * fucked humor.
Obviously the 16 types are just ways that people "think" and they are completely unrelated to behavior but you can notice similarities which make the 16personalities test comparable with others.
I'm another ENTP. ENFP sounds second closest.
Veeky Forums is choke full of ENTPs. Its just here though. I tried reddit and they were flooded with probably fake INTJs.

INTJ. On antipsychotics for 3 years now, lel

When a kid i used to brabble about anything. I still do with my family. But I try to hide that side from my friends as they don't always like it. Most of my family has a love-hate relationship because I literally talk sense about nonsense. Especially my father (ISTJ) and my brother (IXTP) hate me for it. That's probably a reason why I don't let many people see that side of me.

>* really * fucked humor.
Funnily enough when I try to humor people they're mostly thinking wtf, but when i don't try I can say some funny and stupid shit.
For example
>be in discussion with friends and friends dad about hookers
>dad thinks hookers are disgusting
>"it's disgusting that you could put your dick into a hooker, then your father, then your brother and then your uncle and all under an hour"
>tell him
>"eh, doesn't matter, a hole is a hole
>didn't even try to be funny just to 'debate' him and prove him wrong

And everybody thought that was fucking weird and very funny.

>emotionless anime girl who is actually a pussy
I am an anime girl and that's already a win.
I'd rather feeling sad for dead dogs than getting depressed and wanting to kill myself because I don't have a gf like INTPs

INTP, i don't have a gf bud, I need to be forced near someone for ages to become friends, or else i try to get too close too fast and we drift apart :(

hows your libido? i was on risperidone last year and it killed mine :X
once i went off it i started masturbating every day again it its glorious

Jungian pseudoscience doesn't belong on Veeky Forums. Take your horoscope thread to

>I'm the epitome of "smart but lazy" (not that I'm proud of it)
It works.

>father ISTJ?
>turn out ENTP?

What was your mother? I know this is soft science but personality can be derived from somewhere, thus their should be a source. My mother is a INFP and my father never took the test but is most likely a ENTP or ENFP.

I find it hilarious how closely I match up to it, I enjoy a good debate and ramble, I did kill a rodent and felt nothing, I have to stop talking after 10 minutes or the conversation gets very dark and very inhumane. I figured out a way to come off as a ENFP though. I just mimic what I hear and see and make sure to add positive spins BOOM instant likable person.

Your type is not developed from your parents type like your genes are a mix of your father and mother. Types are formed during childhood and from the enviroment.
I haven't got the time to type my mum. But on another note, my dad is pretty messy which isn't very ISTJ like. Maybe he's after all another INTP.

The concept of a narrow and static personality indicator is retarded. What is this pseudoscience doing here.

not an argument
soft science is science since it uses hypotheses testing conclusions


Brad Deluxe

all the physical assets but an I/ENTJ is never going to be a full Chad

Fuck of with this shit
Horoscopes belong on /x/

MBTI: It's Better Than Astrology!

INTP reporting

MBTI version, anyone?

at the very least it is consistent

These tests don't mean what you think they mean.

They do not describe you as a person.

i got cheerleader -T

fuck me

This is surprisingly well done. Much better than the real one.

Still an istp myself. If could go back to 20yo I'd join the military just because in a heartbeat. Went down the math path in college instead which led me to computer science

Inbetween INTJ and INTP and sometimes ISTP.(possibly due to depression)

>no shower for weeks
>anime only
>mindset is operating on logical consistencies
>barely talk and invest all time in the mind
>repulsed by extravagant social activities

Veeky Forums is for science and math, not this egotistical garbage.

Lol look at me I'm intp intj. I'm so smart and unique.

Major fuck up here and I got A

sucky sucky five dollar detected

>special snowflake personality checking in

My general rule for talking with extroverts or in group conversations is to pretend my IQ is 30 points lower, and realize that normies like to talk about the most vapid shit and think you're weird if you have an extended conversation about a real topic.

Astrology doesn't belong on Veeky Forums. kys, nigger

> Types are formed during childhood and from the enviroment.

I doubt that, your personality is derived from your brain, which is from genetics (and some environment).

There is no science going on here. No falsifiable theory is being tested.

It is falsifiable, you're just too dumb to realize it.
Nevertheless, even if it isn't falsifiable, string theory also isn't and people discuss it on Veeky Forums because it pertains to physics, which is a science with a bit of unfalsifiable theories being discussed in academia. Same with psychology: it has a bunch of unfalsifiable stuff but also a bunch of falsifiable stuff (whether you want to believe it or not).

Personality is mostly derived from the environment. It is kickstarted by genetics. Some people are born introverted, some extroverted, but there are different kinds of introverts and extroverts, and that has just a bit to do with genetic variation.
Why is Veeky Forums too dumb to not be able to fathom environmental factors influencing human individuality? Is it indeed a /pol/ infection? Any expert on the area knows that genetics is not everything.

>muh /pol/
how to spot a redditor 101. if you have no real argument don't try to shoehorn in /pol/, retard.

>anyone I don't like is reddit
You did what I did, but worse. I actually structured an argument, you just used a strawman.

I never claimed all of psychology is unfalsifiable, just that Myers Briggs types aren't a coherent scientific theory.

Learn to read, idiot.


Do INxJs fap alot?
I swear I can't Fucking quit it

INTP, I'm nocturnal recluse. I like Haskell.

I also said that even if MBTI is not science, it can be discussed here because string theory (which is, like I said, not exactly scientific) is discussed too.

>Thus, unhealthy or immature Ti-doms do their utmost to reject Fe in order to protect their ego-image as an “independent or unbiased critical thinker”
>unable to maintain healthy long-term relationships or connect with others in any meaningful way
> Ti tends to misinterpret Fe as being restrictive, weak, overdependent, incompetent, or even brainwashed into following the crowd.
>Ti forcefully rejects the Fe perspective because it fears that restrictive social obligations and responsibilities negate the possibility of independence and self-sufficiency
>Ti-doms will develop a maladaptive tendency to misinterpret social factors, for example, they might dismiss social values as unimportant and then frequently misunderstand social situations, or they might get caught between expecting too much or too little from others, sometimes even treating people as interchangeable.
>rest of the article

I'm genuinely tearing up. How did I become such a retard. Why.


worst of all worlds

INxJ apparently will do stupid sensory shit when depressed.

Life is alright