What went wrong?

What went wrong?

They're celebrities, not scientists. Stop legitimizing them.

Left = Real Physicists

Right = Pseudointellectual Fedoras

>heavily romanticize the physicists on the left
>pick popsci promoters and richard dawkins (a real scientist who has made great strides in his field)

>what went wrong?

your post


In defense of Bill Nye: he is a genuinely great guy that at no point has claimed to be some cutting edge scientist. Note that the other three quotes are just self-aggrandizing dickish condescension, while his really could be taken out of context. All he is saying is that he is SKEPTICAL of the (entirely undecidable) claim that reality isn't "real".

Bill Nye has always been an educator, and a damn good one at that. He has done wonders for the RIGHT kind of popular science: promoting general scientific literacy, habits of mind, and curiosity in a wide population. So many kids grow up watching his videos and have seen cool experiments and watched the scientific method in action because of it.

These other fucks are who your post is about. Intellectuals who try to act like they are on the tier of the left column in terms of contribution, and spew condescension at people while promoting the WRONG kind of pop science: haughty teenagers who will rattle on about quantum physics but can't solve free body diagram problems in two dimensions

umm correct me if im wrong but didnt lawrence krauss derive the theory of dark energy? i mean sure einstein made it first then withrew it , calling it a place holder. but decades ago the guys on the left would be the ones youd be calling "celebrities"

days have changed and modern philosphers cant be the ones deriving science since the development of quantum mechanics. the world has been found to be non deterministic and lab work is what is needed to persure further

>>days have changed and modern philosphers cant be the ones deriving science since the development of quantum mechanics. the world has been found to be non deterministic and lab work is what is needed to persure further

the day's have changed and it's not the philosopher's problems. philosophy and science have decoupled long before einstein's times but they still managed to have some sort of education in the classics and letters. mass education is producing technically knowledgeable people much at greater rates these days but the quality of mass education has been steadily declining at least in the US, with the biggest hits to the "useless" liberal arts topics, producing some scientifically knowledgeable people but also creating philosophically illiterate and a critically under-literate philistine society

>This so much

Never understood why Veeky Forums has such a hatred for promoting science, when it's the only way that many of the world's uneducated gain any understanding of science.

Without a friendly and easily relatable way of promoting science to the public, people would continue to fear science and attack it out of ignorance

Nobody's romanticizing anyone, you're making shit up.

im not arguing philosophy is useless im just saying it lacks direct use in science. its still necessary for many other reasons


Popular science promotes lazyness of thought. It promotes complacent learning. Science is hard, and you cannot grasp scientific concepts by watching Bill Nye or Neil Degrasse Tyson on TV. Science should not be democratic, that would just decrease its quality, it should be reserved for those brave enough to work on its advancement.

so do you expect everyone or even the majority of people to undergo that?
or would you prefer a few scientifically minded elite surrounded in a world of scientific ignorance?

your view is narrow and short sighted

Popular science is incredibly fucking important. It inspires the brightest minds to get an early start pursuing scientific study, and it helps the rest be somewhat weary of the universe they live in and to not drink bleach and wash the feces and bacteria off their hand

Bill nye shill here again

Nye doesn't try to do this. He nearly always is discussing basic, demonstrable science, or simple facts like the enormity of space. One of his videos I remember the best is like an introduction to mechanics where he goes over newton's laws and shows tons of videos of experiments demonstrating them. This is good pop sci. It teaches kids that science is interesting and all around them, and if you are proficient in algebra, you really can watch that video and start solving basic physics problems.

NDGT on the other hand tries to "teach" cutting edge physics and cosmology like it's a body of information to just memorize. That's the issue, experts talking about white holes and antimatter and gray goo and FTL spaceships so that the average person thinks all there is to science is cool sounding buzzwords. Michio Kaku is another (even worse, the man is deplorable) example of this bullshit.

"String Theorist" my ass the guy looks like he couldn't pass the physics gre

physics gre

thats like saying passing the SATs

you know what I mean faggot, he's a self-proclaimed "String Theorist" so he should be able to do quite well

>neil degrasse tyson and bill nye

not scientists

sorry, i was nit picking
its in my nature to make confrontation on the internet

You posted this shitty bait thread too often

That's all well and good until you rely on the uneducated masses to fund it

To many jewz not enuff niggahz

left = physicists, who have studied some philosophy and know what it is (generally)
right = popsci losers, who haven't studied any philosophy and think the whole of it is just a is asking shallow surface epistemological/metaphysical questions.

In reality such questions are thousands of years old and serve as the base for deeper thought. Not to mention they don't capture what philosophy is or the whole of it, aesthetics, for example, is a big part of philosophy too.

Philosophy isn't even the content/work contained within it. The right have a completely uninformed idea of it. Philosophy is just rational and systematic reflection into oneself or different parts of the universe, then developing formalised ideas/theories from that reflection. As well as further refining or deriving ideas from those formalised ideas through critical discussion and reflection. Applying philosophy to ideas initially derived from philosophy.

blueprints lack direct use in building a house, too, that doesn't mean it's not necessary to build a good one.

This. "Popularizing" science doesn't do anything but give you idiots who idolize science but don't learn any.

>richard dawkins
>the "my shit is literally the same organic composition as your food" guy


Dawkins is absolutely detestable. What an awful human being


Popular science is an american thing that exists only to get more funding from the government.

>What went wrong?
Americans on the right.

Did he really say that?


Scientists stopped being pretentious.

Your understanding of pretentious as a word is 100% backwards.

>all this cherrypicking
Let's conveniently ignore Dirac and Feynman and Von Neumann and all the other 20th century physicists who couldn't give a single fart about philosophy

First posts, Best posts
I have nothing to add

It's simple. Bill Nye talked bad about Trump. /pol/ snowflakes can't handle it. Just like Terence Tao, he's on their shitlist now.

>"String Theorist" my ass the guy looks like he couldn't pass the physics gre
Michio Kaku? He got his PhD in physics long before you were even born