Am I suppose to call Caitlyn Jenner a women because it's the polite thing to do or because she is actually a female?
Am I suppose to call Caitlyn Jenner a women because it's the polite thing to do or because she is actually a female?
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This is an argument about what the definition of some made up words are, not an arguments about facts.
Ultimately this just boils down to differences in opinion on how to properly define words such as "woman" "female" "she", etc. There actually is not a correct or true answer. Additionally, most people choose the definition that allows them to push a political agenda.
This. Words don't actually mean anything by themselves, it's ALL about the context.
Get out /pol/.
Mr. Jenner spent 65 years of his life as a man.
He spent childhood as a boy.
Experienced puberty as a boy.
Entered adulthood as a man.
Built his career as a man.
Competed as a man.
Earned fame as a man.
Got married and had children as a man.
Now, nearly 70 years later, feeling overshadowed by all the women in his life and in some sort of pathetic desperation for the attention he once enjoyed as an Olympian, old Brucie has decided to "come out as a woman."
You don't get to go through every major human event in life as a man, and then, presto-fucking-chango, you're Woman of the Year!
Fuck that delusional ass clown - and his family of professional socialites.
Though not about Mr/Ms Jenner specifically, I've always had a problem with transgender people. Not because they make me uncomfortable; I don't care what people think or do to their own bodies. And none of this has anything to do with emotion.
The problem is that all "accepted" and "liberal" society says that being transgender is okay. That you can decide what gender you are. That if what gender you feel is different than what you're born with, you should change the latter.
But what if we expand the subject? There are people in the world who honestly believe they have too many limbs. There is a serious disconnect between their mind and their body and they believe that they need to amputate themselves to feel correct. There are numerous stories and articles about such people, who often end up having "accidents" that separate certain limbs from their bodies. But all the scientists and psychologists would agree that these people have a problem. The problem isn't that they have too many limbs, but that their mind doesn't agree with how their body is.
This disagreement causes them anguish. Can you imagine living in a body that doesn't feel right? That isn't you? It would be torment. But should you solve the problem by changing the body or changing the mind? Interestingly, society deals with these people by trying to fix their minds, while transgender people are allowed (even encouraged to) change their bodies. To me, it's a facet of the same psychosis, but treated two different ways by a highly illogical world.
Why? Because of gays, honestly. Because transgender people caught on with the LGB movement (what it was originally known as). In the same way that everyone agreed you shouldn't descriminate against people based on their sexual orientation, the idea of sexual identity creeped in. Today, the acronym LGBT has something glaringly out of place. L, G, and B are all about orientation. T is about identity. They really don't belong, but are treated the same.
(samefag... comment was too long)
This is how people who have legitmate psychological problems are embraced by society and encouraged to treat their problems by going under the knife.
There is no such thing as "right/wrong" or "should/shouldn't". They're just oversimplifications for the common man. If you really want to know what to do, simply weigh the costs and benefits of each course of action and pursue the one that would lead to the greatest overall pleasure.
Actually, the reason gender transition caught on for trans people isn't because of the gay rights movement, it's because every other form of "treatment" for trans people is less effective. The problem originates in the brain, but we can't reasonably "fix" that particular part of the brain through drugs or talk therapy, and we haven't yet figured out how to safely fix it through surgery. For other mental issues, the same analysis would have to occur - is it easier to fix the mind, or alter the body to match the mind? It's not like there's a "one-size fits all" solution to mental illness, it really comes down to analyzing the specific nature of each condition.
No, he is a man LARPing as a woman for attention.
Also, why is this on Veeky Forums?
You shouldn't refer to Bruce Jenner as a woman at all. He's a man with delusions about his gender as a result of his mental illness. He (and all other trannies/lgbt types) needs help, not people playing on his delusions.
If you go and get castrated, you may not be a woman, but I certainly don't consider you a man anymore.
Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner hasn't had his junk cut off, tho. He's literally just a drag queen.
I think "girls" need to go all the way.
No pussyfooting around
Gender transition is the best form of "help" currently available.
I want /pol/tards to leave this board. Not because I don't agree with you, but because for one moment, I don't want to think about GAY JEW NIGGER TRANNY SJW KEKOLD MUH WHITE RACE MUH HORDES OF MUSLIMS.
Why are you even talking about him?
Trannies are unimportant and can be ignored/shunned.
see Suicide prevention is important. Unneeded death is bad business for a society. The suicide rate for transes is pretty fucking high, and the one thing that helps more than other things is GRS.
But I agree it's absurd at face value, and personally hope psychiatry can progress to the point where we can cure such dysphoria before it devolves into insanity.
To be honest, I don't mind so much that some people want to change their bodies. What I do mind is how many of them and their noisy/nosy supporters are hell-bent on changing how I discuss these people. Should countries allow for a third "gender" for legal reasons? Sure, why the fuck not. Should I be required to learn and use whatever made up pronouns these damaged individuals choose? Hell no. We use pronouns to differentiate people, not to print an identity on their behalf.
It's akin to religion. I don't care if you worship allah or shiva or yahweh or others in your own time, at your home or the corresponding houses and places of worship. I do care if you take that worship outside and start making demands that extraordinary allowances be made because you worship. I think this is why many people get upset by transes, they assume or see that demands are made on baseless grounds, and this is frankly upsetting.
he has a Y chromosome, therefore he is a man
Not an argument.
Great source. Too bad this is poppycock.
In humans the presence or absence of a Y chromosome determines sex.
This is irrefutable.
>If I don't ignore biology I'm a bigot
wew lad this is some next level delusion
prove that Bruce Jenner ever had a Y chromosome
>transsexual in my class
>not passing at all
>teacher calls him mate
>teacher calls his name on roll
>he corrects him with female name
>teacher accidentally continues to call him that, he doesn't say anything
what if i need to refer to him
forgot image
this is what you're referring to. They're abnormalities in sex development being used for all kinds of nonsense civil rights stuff. For the record, if you're born with a weird ass set of genitals and want to consider yourself male or female, I don't give a shit.
But if you grow up as one thing, live your life as the same and one day OH HEY BY THE WAY I AM THIS OTHER THING I will always think of you as a crazy person.
Pic related is from
>I don't give a shit.
yeah i see you don't
Given the conditions stated, no. You do know what a conditional state is, right?
Woman yes,female no.