I'm a brainlet

I'm a brainlet.

What now?


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Shit.... what do you do?

feels bad man
t. 21y/o virgin

what do you mean?


mopping floors

Do real IQ tests only have these 3x3 puzzles too?

I bet you're the best

student. studying Physics. Probably gonna be mopping floors anyway lol.

Nope. I took a real IQ test in 2016 and scored 128. It tested mainly verbal, non-verbal, memory, and abstract thought or something like that.


I am content with this I guess.

Although I have done these tests a few times to maybe I am just better at them now.

I'll probably go into the humanities.

You will be the guy who works under that other guy who does the mopping.

Im black just so you know.

damn u must be a genius among other blacks.

> I feel myself stupid. Why?

it says that I belong to the 99.9 percentile but for some reason I am not able to successfully upload the image

T. Genius

>has friends
brainlet detected

> was still little bit high
> was chating with friends at the same time
> had few minutes for the last ones..

Is cutting off all ties to people the final brainpill?

Dubs confirm. user is telling the truth, merely unlucky

And then going full hermit mode.

So you are not the only one.
Get married.
Have a lot of sex.
Don't care about IQ,
and die happy.
What's wrong with that?

>Only 93rd percentile

I got 122 two days ago on a different test

>what did they mean by this

nevermind im 60 iq I forgot the pic

hey that's pretty good


lmao mensa is shit. I got 140 and I had to walk away for a couple minutes in the middle of it to get food out of the oven.

The other online test provided by some university (i think it started with an s) gives everyone a much lower score (~15 points less).

t. been in iq threads on fit, his, and pol

>93th percentile
God is Veeky Forums jaded.

what's the solution to the last one?

And I'm about to drop out of that shit. Procrastination is the worst enemy of your future self...

98.6 percentile. This test is a joke.

Different person, but reflect it about the x-axis, overlay the figures, and remove lines shared by both figures. It should be just a triangle with a dotted line.

>the average IQ of Veeky Forums is 130
Yeah, no. The test is bullshit.

I got 117. I just put in whatever after around 60% because I want to go to bed. Either that dragged me down, or pushed me up. I hope it's the first of the two.

This test is just piece of shit, I think, guy with 130 cannot buy overpriced garbage like mac.

So what's an actual good IQ test?

not even gonna take this test its obviously a joke, everyone getting 120+

Veeky Forums does not sample the general population well

We're on a science board which will bias the results upward a bit. People with poor results are also less likely to post. Or, they took the test multiple times and posted to satisfy their egos. I think the standard tests are WAIS, Stanford-Binet, and Ravens' matrices.

Protip, if its not online, its probably okay.

I have no idea where I'd take an iq test irl

>>look at the problems in coloms, take the symbols in in the first row and rotate them 180 degrees on their Z-axis. Now negate the rotated symbols in the first row with symbols in the second row. Your result should be the symbols in the third row.

>We're on a science board which will bias the results upward a bit.
20-30 points is not a bit.

Fucked up big time
THIS Was reply to your post

>TFW your score is so high it cannot be asserted

>a board with a significant portion of posters being undergrads at uni is biased towards higher IQs

Not exactly groundbreaking. It's not as if we're sampling some bumfuck town in Alabama.

You're a joke for getting such a shit score, neck yourself pls for the good of humanity.

Most of the anonymouses itt r geniuses. So I found picture of one:

i guessed on literally half of them because i have to do something. I question legitimacy

>Implying you're just not severely mentally retarded

I got 138.
Then misclicked and tapped F5 instead of prt scrn.


No your retard!

>tfw am from Alabama
>tfw maxed out MENSA free test
Not sure what to do with this info

>random answer
>get 115
lol wut

How do you like them apples

Mensa Norway has only been certified to do the 3x3 puzzles.

I-I guess I am not a brainlet.

This test sucks. I answered randomly and got around 100, but there are six possible answers for each question so the concentration of good answers was approx. 1/6, yet I'm pretty sure the average person can do better than fail 5 questions out of 6. Verdict : bullshit

kek, answered randomly on all of them and got 110.

This test is absolute bullshit, but hey, without tests like these deluding retards into believing they have a high IQ, they would have probably committed suicide by now. Good for them.

>random answers leads you to the mean.
>assume automatically wrong.
you do know how these tests are scored, right?

There are options that are "less wrong" than others, dumbshit. They arent scored either 100% or 0%.

Still feeling like a brainlet

You'll never achieve enlightenment. Only living on the surface of life. What good is pleasure after the fact? So you can point and say "I did sex X times"?
Give up the ephemeral scurrying and going through motions, devote to study, gain power.


how is the average score = to randomly choosing answers

Get on my level brainlets.

i always score the same on those tests.
you're basically fugged.

>mfw business informatics
>every job I want, 300k starting

Had sex.
The only thing I could think about was "is this it?"
The ego boost I receive from sex feels better than the sex itself.

Stop worshipping pussy do much.

>tfw too afraid to do an iq test because it might prove I'm a retard

Nothing can bring me down
pls no bully

>online IQ tests

This meme is getting more elaborate every time I see it

>relying on IQ as a measure of intelligence

i'm high af and i got 110

usually its > 130 but i feel like i might see jesus himself soon



>any IQ tests

same this is inflated asf. Did half of the test and got 103 lmao.

122 on that one thread.

suh normal
work ethic =/= intelligence

Richard Feynman had an IQ of 120.

>does 5-6 questions
>better than ~40% of the world (irl stats)

This test is total bull. Enjoy telling your mom you're smart and her replying "no ur not." Then you say "ye I am i took dee iq tesst online XD"

Then when you're 30 you'll look back at that day and cringe.

will-power on the other hand....

brainlet detected

work ethic is irrelevant, you fucking moron


>Your IQ was measured to 97, which is equivalent to the 42.1 percentile.

How though, I'm doing differential calculus in school right now and I don't find it very hard, and I have an A in English and English Lit... Fuck this gay test, I don't know what any of those squiggles mean or what you're even supposed to do with them.

>lmao worse than average

Coworker decided to come in and talk to me for a few minutes, but I'm cool with this.

Yeah well who gives a shit, not like Mensa has ever done anything useful. I know I can do maths, that's all I need to know.

>this is what brainlets will say to make themselves feel better

there's always next year champ

well fuck i'm 108.
I skipped 4 problems thinking I could have solve it at the end.

130 here
Is this really a good way to measure IQ? The way I did it was to just come up with consistent rules alongs the columns rows and diagonals, but for most of them I could come up with more than 1 that were completely consistent and I just had to guess between them. How can there possibly be a "more logical" option when you can get 2 different solutions completely consistently?

Damn, an IQ lower than 55? How does that feel?

Sometimes one solution isnt in the provided answer space. Sometimes there are just 2 logical answers and then the more easily obtainable one should be chosen.

It's bullshit, I skipped a fair few questions because I accidentally smacked FINISHED. Got 117. How can you get over 100 if you finish at 70%?

>How can there possibly be a "more logical" option when you can get 2 different solutions completely consistently?

You've probably made a mistake.

Post the question and your analysis.

>not understanding how IQ scores are calculated
you are lower than 117 brainlet

A-am I a brainlet?