How does someone turn into a top student in a STEM degree?
How does someone turn into a top student in a STEM degree?
you care about the subject more than anyone else in your school to the point of obsession. you're always, always thinking about it.
that's the main ingredient. add a dollop of insanity so you're just on the line between sanity and insanity and you'll be a great scientist or engineer, let alone a top student.
If you weren't at the top of your class from kindergarten to high school you can't succeed in STEM because you're stupid, or you just lack discipline which by college age you are to old to learn.
that's wrong. i've aced classes that i gave zero fucks about.
>always thinking about it
That sound impossible.
I've been at the top of my classes from kindergarten to high school, but I'm struggling right now in the University with Linear Algebra and I don't know why. I want to thing it's the fault of my shitty professor, but even if I had that problem, I should be able to still being at the top, thing that is not happening.
There's no way you're truly struggling with linear algebra, calc is harder and you have to take that first. I'm retarded and I passed. Maybe ban yourself for Veeky Forums to focus?
That's an option, and yeah, I know. Calculus is definitely harder and I'm doing it okay on it (I'm cursing both Calc I and II at same time).
You took both calc and lin algebra at the same?
Maybe there's your problem.
Sounds like you are a first or second year undergrad, why not mix your schedule up with some easier requirements?
The thing is that our tutors told us to take those subjects in order to take Calc III the next semester.
They are really trying to force us in finishing the "math part" in our degree the earliest way possible.
t. First year physics undergrad.
>Be British
>Take superior A levels
>Take A level Maths and A level Further Maths
>Get A* for both
>Literally Calc 1 and Calc 2 of inferior USA "College level Maths"
>Be in Top British School for Maths
>Learn even more advanced shit in Uni
Mfw Americunts are struggling with A level Maths.
There's no such thing as "A levels" it's just a buzzword by Eurotrash that means they used MDMA last night.
>Be GCSE fag
>be me
>Take IB with HL Math and HL Math further
>GCSE brainlet brags about how he passed his brainlet course.
>Literally pay 10x the amount to take A levels with more coursework
And you say you're smart.
An unrelated remark, but I'm always surprised by how much math people seemingly have at high school in other countries.
I went to a rural high school in Germany, and of course we handled topics of calculus and linear algebra. But when I went to university and took those topics again, everything changed. Suddenly there was Logic, Set Theory, proofs, induction. I had never heard of those before. I was barely able to define what exactly the "natural numbers" are and how they're different from "real numbers" and "whole numbers" and "rational numbers".
But if you all did that high school already, why did you have to do it again at University? Seems stupid. At least I can say I actually learnt something new at University (and started enjoying math btw)
I only did Maths Mechanics instead of further maths because I hate stats, does this make me a brainlet
Yes, do it you pussy. Further Maths is not very hard.
Suck dicks
Linear Algebra is easy. The concepts are simple. But mathematicians have fragile egos that they have to throw in fancy jargon.
the only good academic program here in Canada is IB ;-;
>forget about syllabus
>check stackoverflow for best textbooks on your subject
>read like a madman
>understand every proof
>do all the exercises
>claim your 95%
I'm taking linear algebra and calc at the same time, shit's not fun. mostly because my linear algebra prof doesn't know how to teach and is the most spaghetti person I've ever met
Well, you went to shit school.
Discipline, take notes of everything, do all the exercises and tasks as soon as possible.
In general the level of most universities is low, with discipline can be the best student and still have social life.
The other type is the student who for months has mastered the subjects and already on his own is studying things of graduate level and thinks about his own company or PhD, for him, classes and subject are a joke, mind this type Of people already think like researchers.
prof is irrelevant
patrickjmt & kahn academy have full linear algebra courses online
stop with excuses
Found your problem there.
2017 faggot, is STEAM now
My eyes bleed.
>Be superior Greek master race
>Do Further Pure A Level In maths on afternoons
>realise public school mathematics in Greece are highly superior to English A levels
>Ace both
feels good to be a demigod
>inb4 citing the irrelevant financial situation of my government and resort to saying "pay debt"
Step 1: Disable your internet connection
Step 2: Study
this desu. There's this fuck in my math department who is graduating math undergrad in 3 years. every time I talk to him he always talks about math and nothing else. also his girlfriend is hot. HATE HIM
>tfw no gf brainlet who can't think about math 24/7
STEAM was 2016, 2017 is SEMEn