i will post some templates but if you got better ones post 'em

blank template

transparent template

On mobile, but
>when you've spent the best years of your life slaving through grad school to get a chance to spend the rest of your life researching a subject that 99.9999% of the world doesn't even realize exists for a salary lower than the bartender's at your favorite bar, but at least no one calls you a gay engineer on your favorite anime imageboard


Maybe study a real science, and not """biology"""

fresh off the meme press


It is an elaborate post, isnt it


Damn, saved, thanks!

Biology probably has more relevant job opportunities than other sciences. Especially if you assume that code monkeying is an opportunity for all pure science majors.

Science degrees are shit no matter what, you're in for a crash landing I'm afraid.

>When you aggressively push for science funding promising amazing new discoveries to improve the livelihood of many but in reality you just want people to pay you for playing with really expensive tools and looking smart while fucking undergrads.

>he didnt measure the angles between Hohenhagen, Inselberg, and Brocken

Worth it tho


someone prove to me right now that the earth is a sphere using only things that you can find in the average household

>when they call you a gay engineer anyway

You mean a globe?

Most science is reproducible. There's a difference between "can't be reproduced" and "when I tried the experiment I got slight different results using slightly different equipment and methods."

Daily reminder that economics studies have a higher replication rate than psychology ones

Reminder that physics and chem studies are 100% reproducible and social sciences are not real science.

Social sciences are not exact sciences but they are extremely useful.

That's true though you still have Autism Spectrum Disorder, user.

Final straw, I quit Veeky Forums

Sure smells like /pol/ in here

Its name is not memeball

One thing I really hate about Veeky Forums is how absolutely failed /pol/-/b/ tier threads like this can survive because of how slow we are.

make a meme ball about it

Why is /pol/ not content to ruin itself, but also all other boards?

meme ball is chan culture, not /pol/

>when nobody cares about your math degree but everybody thinks a guy with a badge is a hero

the guy with a badge is me, and you're welcome for protecting your life

Use a cell phone to google whether the Earth is flat or round

But economics IS psychology user. Maybe you meant econometrics.

>90% of results can't be replicated
[citation needed]
Go home, /pol/ yer drunk.

>prove to me right now that the earth is a sphere using only things that you can find in the average household
The shadow it casts on the moon during a lunar eclipse is always round.
The simplest explanation is the earth is a sphere.
Or you could just watch ships come over the horizon.

Scientists are like normal engineers, but gay.

It's a good thing two gays cancel out
Or they fuck eachother
I forget

1. Go to your backyard
2. Grab your private personal space vehicle
3. Approach your private backyard launchpad
4. Alert your private battalion of engineers and scientists to ready for launch soon
5. Launch off
6. Turn back around because you forgot your camcorder
7. Launch again (with your camcorder)
8. Turn on your camcorder
9. Realize your vehicle doesn't have any windows
10. Land on the moon and open the door so you can finally record the spherical Earth on your camcorder
11. ???
12. G*d smites you for doubting his perfect flat Earth design

Reminder that there are no studies in Mathematics and Philosophy and that empiricism is the worst meme of the past few hundred years

It's a mix of picardia and poland ball, not memeball.

>le everything I don't like is the /pol/ boogeyman