Am I autistic? I can't fucking comprehend highschool math. I know this is bad, and I need to in like a year...

Am I autistic? I can't fucking comprehend highschool math. I know this is bad, and I need to in like a year. Is it enough? I can't concentrate at all...been trying to solve some simple equations and was completely blind of the fucking square paranthesis around the fractions.

How can I be this retarded? Also, important to mention, I know most of the theoretical concepts, just always miss something when solving. I really need help Veeky Forums. I mean, I'm planning on practising everyday from now on, but besides that is there anything else I can do for the next year? I don't know how pathetic it may sound...all this...but my whole future hangs in the balance.


Sounds like u need to comme de fuque down . You're letting it scare you. Take a break, do something fun and come back and take it slow. You'll get it. Practice makes perfect

I'm in the same boat as you, I can't concentrate for shit. I do well with abstract thinking, but I really struggle with concrete and logic based issues.

Stimulants seem attractive, but they're not a viable long term solution. I wish I could somehow stop being defunct in this respect.

Well I am pretty scared. I thought I'd like math. I got into a class centered on math bc of previous results. Now I'm a fucking olympic in literature...from a math class. How can one be so wrong? And I'm gonna fail bc of complete "moronness" if that is a word.

I'm honestly trying not to involve any external substances. I've never taken additional classes, heck, I ain't gonna take additional glasses. Excuse my bad rhyme.

You're just scared of notation etc. You'll get used to it.

I'm not scared of notation. I wish I was...if I see it I know what it is and don't have difficulty understanding. But man, some of those incredibly simple stuff just throw a wrench in everything. If I actually manage to understand what an exercise asks of me, then my next big step to overcome is calculating stuff.

Most of the time I know the theorem, but I mess up at the simplest addition. I really do feel like a brainlet for this.

Just do more problems and don't try to memorise math, try to understand it

>"in mathematics you don't understand things. you just get used to them."

i think even if you don't fully understand what you're doing, repetition can instill a form of understanding. often if i don't fully understand the reasoning in a proof, if i repeat it enough times it will eventually click.. but if repetition doesn't do it alone i ask for help

practice nonstop and eventually you will pick things up a bit faster

I actually pretty much follow this idea. I don't really have the mind to understand math, so I just try to memorize specific problem-solving algorithms. At my level there is no need for creativity in finding a solution, most exercises are by the book.
Also, I don't plan on continuing with math, but it is imperative for me to pass the "big bad exam" ahead of me, and in the mock exam I did incredibly poorly(5.9 out of ten). This is why I don't usually learn how functions and limits actually look like on a graph, just learn how to solve them, for example.

I'm on the phone and can't answer two posts at once, but this is also in reply to the user above. I don't know if this is the best approach, but it's the best I've got...just practising until I remember a reasonable amount of ways of solving a specific type of problem and then hope that I won't get something I'm not prepared for.

Same as you, also feeling autistic, but I'm incredibly good at physics

Well, I am good at humanities(unironically good...don't even know why I spend my time on this board though, maybe hoping to pick some stuff up).

In the end I was pretty uninspired to choose a profile called mathematics-informatics(don't know if this is a word, rough translation), bilingual English...

Im' just hoping that I'll learn how to solve certain mathematical problems without actually understanding them, and so pass my fucking year, seriously mathematics is such a big problem, it's as hard as all the other subjects combined

First lines in this sound like a parody of what I said before. Don't know if that's the case, if not, then we are pretty much alike in this. Wish you the best in your math struggle!

>I can't concentrate at all...been trying to solve some simple equations and was completely blind of the fucking square paranthesis around the fractions.
You're anything but autistic, dum normie

what i was more-so getting at is that enough of "going through the motions" will eventually let you see the pattern and understand

if you don't actually get what you're doing you are basically a trained monkey flipping symbols around on a page

But normie means mediocre and mediocre translates to not enough. How to get 10/10 or A if I am but a mediocre dumbfuck? You even get money prizes here if you get 10/10 at the end exam, not that that would be good enough of an impetus to make me want 10/10. I just hate the idea of being a normie.

I also wish you the the best of luck

Is that a bad thing if you really don't give a fuck about whatever it is you're doing as long as you pass?

I would still love to get what I'm doing, but at times it just feels like way too much information and just ends up clogging my mind.

most people who have autism are low-functioning you stupid shit.

educate yourself

as long as you don't plan to go to grad school then sure

to grad school in maths* I guess you meant. Well, that seems about right, as I plan on forsaking everything science related as soon as I get out of highschool. Still, thank you very much for your help, kind user!