Why aren't you taking Medicine?
>300K starting
>Literally body engineers(surgeons), do the same thing everyday, no brainwork needed
>People automatically think you're smart
Sure, you'll start work at like 30, but you'll make more than a lot of the people at your age, for using your muscle memory.
Why aren't you taking Medicine?
I probably can't get into medicine. And I'm 22 and 1.5 years into biotech. I'll start work at 32 or something if I do it
>hand twitches one time while working
>fuck I just cut his intestine in half
>career is permafucked
I don't like being gay, but thank you for the offer.
> not being a vet
> not working with fluffy animals all day
> not jerking off into your jar of former testicles
> not spiking your nephew's food with horse tranquilizer
> not using Eastern European mail-order brides as your gourmet treats
Fucking normies.
I'd rather just get a PhD in Biomedical Sciences, less stressful than clamoring to get into an MD program. Even if I make less I'd rather make $30k a year in grad school stipendbux, then start at $80-100k than owe a million and make $250k a year
>I can get into medical school, but I have to work hard, but I don't like working hard, so i'll settle for less.
salary from an engineered shortage
My grades are excellent now, but they weren't always and med schools are not forgiving in their expectation of perfection. A 4.0 in women's studies is preferred over 2.0 in biochem, can anyone really take them seriously considering that?
Poor work/life balance for the highest paid medical professions, you could make the same as the lower paid ones by studying more interesting scientific fields, or screwing STEM entirely and getting an MBA; free time is the most valuable thing you can be paid. If you say respect from strangers you're a cuck.
Med school is too expensive, and it takes too long.
Job requires you to be surrounded by sick disgusting people on a daily basis.
It's just a bad idea, I can think of nearly a dozen more reasons, but they are probably posted above by someone else. Don't study medicine..
would rather go for PhD in physics since im interested in physics i find biology boring as fuck
>do the same thing everyday, no brainwork needed
That's the problem, problem-solving is nice
Cmon m8, don't you like squirting shit into agar and looking at cells under a microscope? See see, it's shaped different nao!
>decide it's not for me
>200k in debt
I don't think this semen slurping profession is for me guys
Without Biology, there will be no medicine. Enjoy your 30 years life expectancy then.
I can only imagine how bad your parents were to raise someone THIS shallow. I pity you.
You're conflating them finding biology being boring and them saying biology is useless. I doubt anyone denies the impact it has had on life. But you have to have a passion in something to study it.
because all of these jobs are going to be replaced by computers and robots in a very short amount of time
What is your opinion of me?
>only in college to indicate that I'm smart
>researching for the very same reason
>taking summer classes so I can graduate early
>wants to go to med school, so I can show that I'm better than everybody and make a lot of money
>wants to become a surgeon because I can boss people around and work long hours
>will most likely kill myself after achieving this goal
>will certainly kill myself if I don't achieve said goal
>body engineers
yeah more like mechanics
average indian male
I think that's sad and hope you find a better purpose. I don't think k I should judge too much though since I was like you until I learned to love my craft. Hopefully you end up really liking your job and finding fulfillment in perfecting the art of medicine, but sadly there are too many doctors who treat it as just another job.
I'm an Indian trapped in a black man's body.
I can't really talk about it much considering I'm only a premed, but I'd certainly want to be good at my job. You'd have to be if you want to get referrals and not get sued.
>black man
good luck
you'll have to become an uncle tom like ben carson if you want to be a successful black surgeon
it's the only way to convince us whites that you're not really black on the inside
If you change your mind you can always rob someone, fake your own death and move to Panama.
I was at Jiffy Lube yesterday (about one block from my doctor's office) and literally thought this.
They should make a gen practice clinic designed like one of those NASCAR stops where a pit crew with nurse and doctor run out, quickly perform tests then scurry back to a pit on the side of the road.
>nigger and POOnLOO
My stomach cant into of blood
Brighter future and more societal worth than you fagmaster
Because I do not care about money or social prestige, at all.
t. math grad, grocery store clerk
Yeah and quantum computers will allow us to upload our brains and live in virtual worlds with our waifus in the same time period. Super soon I'm sure.
bruh, considering those scenarios to be equivalently likely to occur in the near future implies that you are an ultra retard
are you ultra retarded, user?
>implying that I'll care what those low status plebeians think
>implying that I'm "black on the inside"
>>implying that I'm "black on the inside"
good, good
now you just have to say that slaves imported on the bottom of slave ships were just involuntary immigrants and you're nearly there
Ben Carson never said "just" as if it downplayed slavery. It should be an obvious implication that traveling by slave ship meant you were a slave, AKA somebody's private property to be used and abused. Just because he's happy about the opportunities he has today doesn't mean that he is dismissive of the trials that his ancestors suffered to get him where he is today. In today's society, apparently, if you don't have a massive inferiority complex or sense of victimhood as a black man, then you're considered an "Uncle Tom". And people wonder why remedial socioeconomic development has failed to catch up with the rest of the country—just look at the incentives!
the dude literally said that they were coming to america to build a better life for their children and grand children
he literally equated slaves to immigrants
Ben Carson was born in a poor household. His dad was a bigot, his mother barely went to school. However, he has a conscience and a direction, which is something I would call a gift, seeing as kids born in such background and especially for his ethnicity, would've more likely than not ended up in the ghetto tacking drugs. I do admire what he does, being at where he is today, very seldom you'll see people like him, a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, that's 2 highly competitive specializations, normal people would've taken 20 years to get that title, and he has shown that he is adept at his art, performing a hemispherectomy at a 80% success rate when at that time the success rate of even the best doctot was 20%, where he learnt to find ways to reduce the risks, and brought hope to the parents and children who've went door to door to all hospitals around the country only to be faced by countless rejections. One of his hemispherectomy patients was a little girl, who had even after the surgery, excelled in Mathematics, and all of her other subjects were also doing relatively alright. Half her brain was gone, it's quite a feat honestly.
Yep, and he also thought the pyramids were used to store grain. It's called specialization, it's what most successful people do. He probably hasn't bothered to read or even pay attention to history in years but he's still an excellent surgeon.
I don't need my doctor to be a good singer user..
Right, so it's a good thing he's now the Chief of Surgery for Th- oh right, he's the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
That makes sense.
That isn't his fault. That's Donald Trump's fault. Not sure what he's doing, should've put him in Health Administration at least. This way, doctors in the healthcare sector would be able to easily communicate with him instead of some dude out of Yale that did Law.
No it's not a good idea at all. How did you get that idea from my post?
Who wouldn't take a cushy position like that?
Actually he was considered for the head of the department of health, in which he declined and felt he wasn't ready, and could fuck up the whole system. I honestly feel he's just lazy and wants a cushy job that's respectable and well-paying.
In that case he is even smarter than I thought.
To study medicine in my country, you need a perfect high school degree, which is something typically only the top 1% of students get (we don't have grade inflation like America). Then you need a psychological evaluation, and then you can start studying medicine.
I couldn't study medicine even if I wanted to. I remember one girl at my high school kept proclaiming how she wants to be a doctor, but her GPA ended up being too low, kek. The top student was the daughter of a dentist, and she probably went on to become a doctor or dentist too
Yea he has a life too. Unlike a lot of doctors. He has a taste for classical music and he has a brother whom he's close to who studied engineering in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I would say that how he still got his shit together despite what he's been through, definitely has a lot of willpower and good productivity. He used to flunk Maths in elementary school according to his biography, turns out IQ really doesn't mean shit actually, if I'm not wrong, he was tested and his IQ was 90, at that point in time he got so lost in school that he was depressed, he felt that he would've also flunked the IQ test, which by pessimism, he did. I'm sure today, his IQ would've been much much higher, he was offered to study in Harvard and Yale back in the day and he got into Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. I've read the biography, it was mainly the motivation by his mother, who repeatedly told him that he isn't stupid, and that he's destined to do great things. He also believed in god, he feels that god gave him a good pair of hands so that he may heal the sick and so he did. I feel he's a good doctor, but as a politician, he lacks the skills. One of a kind really, I'm usually very pessimistic when I see people like these, thinking that what he does has some ulterior motive, but I feel that his is genuine, which is hard to find these days. He even gave the glory of the siamese twin surgery to his partner, Dr. Long, even though he did much of the work.
Are you Swedish?
That's too low honestly. Hell, even America, who's asking for like 3.7-4.0 Gpa and 80th perc MCAT isn't that low. Are you Swedish? Cause I imagine everyone there is competing to get into Karolinska Institutet.
>He also believed in god
Yeah, that helps. That's why BYU has some of the world's best language schools, if you're 100% confident that god is sending you on a mission to tackle something it provides much better motivation than cynicism...Look at what Alexander the Great's mom did to him.
Well, it's that or just another Dr. House in real life, which is how most Doctors are nowadays. Man's gotta have something to believe him, as long as it works and doesn't hurt anyone I feel it's ok.
>No casual sex
I know casual sex is bad. But I don't think I can handle that.
They built better lives for their descendants. Are you kidding me? I'd much rather be black in the US than an African child soldier.
You could if you truly believed, user.
Not all Africans are child soldiers. In fact, a lot of Africans are immigrating to the US and getting high paying jobs. It helped that they weren't prevented access to higher education back in their home countries, unlike US blacks up till the 50's-60's.
I'm pretty sure the slaves on the bottom of the pile on those slave ships weren't thinking
>Oh boy! I can't wait to get to America!
>I'm gonna work for mastuh' until I die!
>But it'll be great for my great-grandkids, maybe!
I'm pretty sure they were thinking
>Fuck I can't breath
>I'm drowning in piss and shit
>oh god my lungs are collapsing from the pressure
right before they passed out and died
Well, a couple of things.
Firstly, I would like to enter the title doctor through a doctorate and not a medical degree.
Secondly, I already have dealt with blood and guts, so I'm numb to that shit, but the atmosphere of a hospital I just wouldn't want to work in.
Thirdly, my sarcasm and situational humor knows no bounds, so I would cracking jokes whenever I would be doing surgery. I would remain focused, but it may come off as rude to the patients.
Don't get me wrong, surgical skills are very useful to have, but I just wouldn't want to do that as my main job, engineering is my love and pays well enough as is.
it's very common for surgeons and ER doctors to fashion themselves comedians
it's how many of them deal with the depressing atmosphere and death
"Looks like this kid just got an early ticket to heaven". Haha XD
>body engineers
>not technicians / mechanics
>not a slave who has to spend weeks away from friendly and friends
>not memorize a fuckload of mundane shit you may not ever come across to hoop jump for some medical board
>implying you will enjoy your job
>implying it will be fun
>implying you won't have to fear malpractice lawsuits everytime you try to save someone's life
>implying you won't have to worry about accidentally killing someone and passing it off as "they just weren't strong enough for the surgery"
>wanting to be a surgeon
Its like being an engineer, sure. Except you are the engineer who works on the O-rings of spacecraft-your fuck ups are monumental and irreversible. And making O-rings/messing with diseased/gangrenous/necrotic/etc tissue isn't exactly fun
because ill waste a third of my life in school and be a couple million in debt
Because I don't really have an interest in helping people or what they think and would rather spend my time outdoors.
>tfw geoscientist
>tfw if I get greedy I can always sell out to the resources industries
You can get greedy and make patients go for surgeries that they don't need. You make a couple of grands a day son.
So doing a PhD in a field in biomedical research won't involving working hard? OK.
A PhD pays a stipend. Not that you'll be saving for retirement, but you don't have to take out loans. Followed by a post-doc (around a resident's salary), most PhDs end up in biotech industry with a starting salary anywhere from high-five figures to low-100s.
I was an undergrad in physics and math, ended up switching to biology in grad school for a biophysics PhD. As with every other field, a doctorate in biology is very different from a bachelor's degree.
>being cucked out of sex, alcohol
>have to attend their shitty church
>can't even drink coffee
yes I totally want to get my education at some fucking orwellian cult compound
>Why aren't you taking Medicine?
Because I'm not sick.
>>tfw if I get greedy I can always sell out to the resources industries
when will this environmentalist/lefty meme die
Nobody cares about what they're thinking. Not all journeys to the United States possessed the same character. It's like if black people like Ben Carson aren't always referencing past historical crimes, they're not allowed to own up to their "black" identity. Is it really "Uncle Tom"-like of him to focus on bettering himself in the present than complaining about the past? Incentives, incentives, incentives.
you've invented a scenario where ben carson said something reasonable
but that is not the reality of the situation
You kinda have to be a psychopath
I'm too squeamish for even the most basic surgeries
Why aren't you taking CS?
>80k starting
>Literally software engineers(programmers), do the same thing everyday, just copy function code to function calls if you can't think of anything to add and claim the increased LoC is productivity, then replace that code with the function calls later and claim you refactored it
>People automatically think you're smart
Sure, you'll start work at like 22, but you'll make more than a lot of the people at your age, for copypasting from stackoverflow.
Because you have to study for 12 years (learning textbooks from the top of your head) all the while washing old people ass for a living, after that you do the same thing every single day without a chance of ever changing career paths. It just seems like an incredibly boring field to get into and I don't get the hype.
>get to save lives AND come up with mathematical discoveries
mathfags eternally BTFO
>he has a conscience
Didn't he try to stab one of his friends to death?
In general I'd just be more happy being a researcher than pursuing nearly any career in the medical professions. The fact I don't have to freak out my GPA is "only" 3.6 is also nice though.
Yea, it was way way back when he's in elementary school.
Ya'll have some edgy views of medicine. It builds on science even though the dialy grind is far from it – sometimes I keep forgetting about the shoulders of giants and the fact that I'm dancing on the pinnacle of human achievement. Then again where is the interesting science when a biomed researcher spins tubes in a centrifuge and plots lines on SPSS?
MDs have plenty of options in life. Science path is always there but it's also possible to just train some operations and repeat them ad infinitum for financial gains. The operating room at its finest is a meditative place, a human machine that operates on another human laying on the table.
Too many years of schooling plus stressful as fuck. They also have no lives working 80 hour weeks.
I am considering becoming a Physician Assistant though, for the good work hours and $100,000 a year salary, plus it's less schooling.
Be a plastic surgeon, you'll make a shit ton of money doing nose jobs and giving women big fake boobs.
KI fag here, can confirm that everyone is compting to go to med school here.
desu, it's not that hard, people are just bad.
>save lives
Don't start with your fake bullshit. All doctors are in it for the money and prestige. Everyone knows that.
no, only normies care about death, which leads them to deny it by ''saving'' people.
also, reminder that doctors are asseholes even in non-liberal societies, that doctors want to reanimate people (by claiming that it is for their own good, top lel), while doctors themselves do not want to be reanimated
doctors are exactly what is wrong with normies and their little fantasy of morality through compassion and claim of helping others by actually making their lives even more pathetic. Doctors are the pinnacle of normitude : they are hedonistic and have the means for this, while they feel good about themselves by believing they are good guys.
Why haven't you walked in front of a truck yet?
My memory is incredibly bad. And I mean really bad.
Pajeet will do your job for $2000
I was in med school for two years, then dropped out for a girl who proceeded to leave me.
I then learnt that Asperger's is mad for bedside manner and that House is a meme and proceeded to focus on physics and mathematics instead.
You gotta do what you gotta do man. I don't want to be poorer than my parents.
This thread is seriously making me consider becoming a surgeon. I am not bothered by gore, in fact I sometimes masturbate to autopsies. I'm just worried that it's too much work.
Wouldn't the profession be a bit too exciting for you?
>tfw studying to be a neurosurgeon
>tfw going to get my phd as well
>tfw going to get my law degree and mba also
Waste of time