Does this really make you think?

Does this really make you think?

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Why open the floodgates to immigrants with no valuable expertise and have high potential to be terrorist tho

Yeah, it made me think alright.

>and have high potential to be terrorist tho
They're independently vetted by like twelve different federal agencies before they even get the go-ahead to get on a plane. They're about as low potential for terrorism as you could be.

It would be orders of magnitude easier for terrorists to get someone to visit the USA on vacation from some other country than to smuggle a terrorist in through the refugee program.

Soften the image of Germany, across Europe facing growing criticism by various EU states of being selfish, because allegation of manipulating inflation to favor Germany.

Forced hand after several EU states broke pledge to take a percentage of migrants.


Sorry no. Vetting has being fairly poor, in part do to numbers and also lack of documentation.

I think she would agree that this is in fact a migrant crisis. A significant many of them are now being deported.


her phd thesis was about physical chemistry, not nuclear physics.

To fund your state pension plans and appear humanitarian.

she made a big mistake when she spoke those words, but her education is a positive

is right, a whole lot of non syrians are getting deported and the flow has been reduced since the turkey agreement

Too bad Merkel isn't to intelegent in the political field

>Too bad Merkel isn't to intelegent in the political field
>Merkel isn't "intelegent" political field
R u being sarcastic m8, or r u just a dumb?

her phd thesis was made in eastern germany, so it's not even a phd thesis

So you mean... Trump is a physicist?

Not really. I don't need sophisticated understanding of multiple subjects from the president.

I need someone who can make good decisions on how to delegate this understanding and execute it accurately and quickly.

>I need
learn a little bit of what Germany has been like under Merkel.


>to intelegent

She championed the relatively unpopular influx of immigrants yet she manages to stay on top politically.

In power for more than a decade. Forced everyone to the center. Avoided the rise of populism despite the very unpopular immigration. Will probably win

so she had a university training, so what. she can't even say a complete sentence. she is dumb as nuts.

that's simply because all people who surround her are completely incompetent of anything

she is responsible for the rise of populism. and she scared britain away from the eu, and this will ruin germany

Yeah compared to them she must be to intelegent

>she is responsible for the rise of populism.
No the failure of other EU nations including the UK and the resulting scapegoating and blame passing, is responsible for the rise of populism.

> and she scared britain away from the eu, and this will ruin germany

>the United Kingdom
One of these countries is desperate for trade deals, worried about an economic collapse, and brake up of the country. Guess which one.

She did a "polititics without alternatives" for years. Her iwn words. Everyone who said anything against it, got crushed. Now there is the altternative german party that was created in direct opposition to her. She is directly responsible.

Today germany offetd the usa to build factories. Whos desperate nowe?
Stop defending her, it makes you seem like a reader of zeit and bild.

>she made a big mistake when she spoke those words
>she can't even say a complete sentence
as if the image didn't make it obvious, it was your precious god emperor who uttered that blithering strand of elementary school level garbage. that man knows nothing of value.

>Today germany offetd the usa to build factories. Whos desperate nowe?
OMG she did?!? WOW that is super desperate. I guess Germany REALLY is on the brink of collapse.

>Stop defending her, it makes you seem like a reader of zeit and bild.
Could not possibly be worse than you.

lol ded

The only person who has a chance of replacing her is Schulz, who is the exact opposite of a populist.

Merkel let her vagina do the talking in letting swarthy foreign men into her nation. Even better for a brain that could post-rationalize it as some sacred humanitarian act.

That tells me absolutely nothing. GDP is a fucked measurement. It tells me nothing about the actual conditions and their time sensitivity or the composition of the trade...

Unemployment rate is an even more fucked metric.

I'm pretty sure all statistics are being distorted to support the narrative that open immigration is an unqualified good.

> mummy I won't believe it - I won't!

>have high potential to be terrorists

Then why do all the nations that are banned from sending refugees have 0 to do with any killings and/or terrorist attacks?

listen to her german interviews or press conferences. she's literally worse than trump. she cannot speak a single sentence in error-free german.

>I guess Germany REALLY is on the brink of collapse.
>Could not possibly be worse than you.
ad hominem. why dont you fuck off? I'm sure there's some wonderful facebook somewhere just for you, and maybe some zeit-faggots and bild-retards will join you.

True, but it sounds like he thinks uranium is made out of nuclear weapons

That's easy. to some, terrorism and holy war is a business and business is good, never been better actually.

>Basically muh balance
>UK big
>UK strong
Literally none of these things affect Germany more than they affect the UK.Germany has even more power in the EU. Germany is bigger and stronger. Their economy right now is what the UK dreams of. Also no numbers lol.

>ad hominem. why dont you fuck off?
>Starts of with ad hominem
>cries like a bitch when it gets returned.

>she's literally worse than trump. she cannot speak a single sentence in error-free german.
yeah yeah, thanks for reminding us all how disconnected you chuckleheads are from reality.

No, but this did

thanks for dropping in,

what are you talking about she clearly cannot speak english.

No, it doesn't. Literally every German who does some sort of managment job is 'Doctor' in something. They appear to have really low standards, it's almost just an honorary title.

>Why open the floodgates to immigrants with no valuable expertise and have high potential to be terrorist tho
Would you please be so kind and share the data with us that you based your assessment on? Or were you just being unscientifical and rather political instead? Then thos board might be not the right one for you.

>That tells me absolutely nothing. GDP is a fucked measurement. It tells me nothing about the actual conditions and their time sensitivity or the composition of the trade...
>Unemployment rate is an even more fucked metric.
>I'm pretty sure all statistics are being distorted to support the narrative that open immigration is an unqualified good.
A conspiracy theorist is a guy who doesn't fit his worldview to the facts but who fits the facts to his worldview...

> Compassion.
And what does that get you? Fucking nothing, that's what. Governing based on feels instead of facts has put Germany on the path to cultural and demographic suicide. In just two more generations, the German people will be a minority in their own homeland.

Tell me more...

source: ass

Ok, my bad. A PhD is almost a requirement to be a politician in Germany for some reason. See for instance, in paricular: "in Germany a doctorate is good for your social career, there are large law firms that demand a doctorate for getting a job."

If Trump would be a German politician, he would have a PhD as well. (Whether he would be able to actually create a thesis is not relevant, since plagiarism is considered an option, see the political scandals revolving plagiarism. Another option is to get a degree in a meme-field, as only the title matters)

Oh wait, I don't think "an university degree" is only PhD's, that includes Bsc and Msc as well, so I don't see how this challenges my claim (which is still baseless, but eh)

yeah, those rapefugees are never going to work and support pensions but will rely on Hartz4 and other support for the rest of their lives; so this one is invalid

Fresse Hans, trink lieber dein Bier und leb um zu Arbeiten bis dir ein "Flüchtling" alles klaut und deiner (potentiellen) Freundin in den Arsch fickt - ihr wirds gefallen.

this is not /pol/ but Veeky Forums where we discuss science on a hi lvl

>I don't see how this challenges my claim
Well, what has been asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof

tell me more...

They aren't getting on a plane, they come on rafts and walk on ground, no planes involved. And the agencies do pretty poor job at vetting if 30-40 year old guys are registered by the officials as teenagers, some of these adult men are even adopted

Why not ban the cars if they have great potential of killing people? Every year more people die from car accidents than from terrorist attacks

Can we all agree though that mass immigration has gone too far? I don't support Trump, but at the same time I feel the post 2000 view on immigration has utterly failed. Lower class migrants aren't integrating, we're seeing ethnic ghettos and increased tension along these lines. A LOT of terror attacks have happened in Germany since 2010. I really do think we need to accept that things haven't gone well, and refocus our efforts on integration, and cut down on immigration rates in the meantime. People have been very much shamed for wanting reduced immigration and this sort of attitude has resulted in people like the big orange nigger being elected.

That graph is useless without showing the actual per capita phd holders.

You don't need science to be a powerful idiot.

Does this include college degrees in the US? If so, that means nothing.

yes i agree
the issue isn't immigrants but islam - the reason MENA immigration needs to be reduced
i think it will happen

>tfw people vote to leave the EU because of immigration fears when MENA immigration is the real problem

>A LOT of terror attacks have happened in Germany since 2010.
Really? Where do you get that from? I count 6 attacks with a total of 17 deaths, 3 of which were the perpetrators.
For comparison: in the same timeframe ~21 people died from rightwing extremist murder, ~24 people were bitten to death by dogs, ~48 people died from lightning strike, 3094 people drowned, ~3800 people suffocated to death from their meal, ~23'800 died in traffic accidents, ~60'000 people committed suicide and ~105'000 died from alcohol.

No we can't agree that, because immigration has a huge array of benefits to the economy - increased labour, increased consumption, net generation of jobs, higher paid positions for native workers managing migrants - and the supposed downsides mostly have no evidence to support them - first generation migrants are one third as likely to commit a violent crime than third generation migrants or native citizens, for example.

Secondly, no 'a lot' of terrorist attacks have not happened, compared with the rate of terrorist attacks historically (both relative to the population AND in absolute numbers). In Britain, for example, since 2010 there have been four incidents: a right wing extremist stabbed a man to death and set off bombs outside two mosques (no deaths or injuries); a British soldier was murdered by two Islamic extremists who were arrested at the scene and given life sentences; three people were stabbed (none fatally) by a man recorded as shouting "this is for Syria"; and an MP was shot and killed by a man heard shouting "Britain first". Meanwhile, between the years of 1987 and 1992, the IRA carried out over a THOUSAND terrorist attacks - bombings, shootings, assassination attempts - throughout Britain, killing nearly a hundred people and injuring over six hundred. Further back, in Austria, between 1934 and 1938, Nazi terrorists trying to bring about Anschluss killed more than eight hundred people and injured hundreds more. And just a century ago, across Europe, hundreds were being killed by the bombs and guns of anarchists, fascists and communists from within their own countries. The rate of terrorism today is utterly minuscule compared to the rate in history, it's simply reported on more and can be heard about as the event unfold giving the false impression that it's in any way more common than in the past.

The issue here (and indeed in general) is that people have very short memories.

It serves as indicator as to how much substance is in the claim that they're being given away on low standards

Cars are inanimate objects

> Canada has not had a single incident despite taking in a fair amount

> doing the morally right thing WITHOUT a garbage immigration system

It's not really that hard to stay in power. Most people vote on the basis of one or a few issues. Immigration isn't really the most important one.

Example: "my father and my grandfather were socialist voting factory worker's. I'm too!"

>I need someone who can make good decisions
Too bad

Heres the easy argument, I dont want immigrants. I want more people around me that look similar. Letting more and more random people in will only degrade social harmony more and more over time. Its historically apparent, look at every mass migration in the history of the world. I dont want individuals that do not hold the same institutions and ideals as me to enter my people's lands en masse. Theres less and less space available all the time.

Economic progress be damned, youre part of the problem making man a shadow of his former self.

Y-Y-Your just a blue pilled fag!!

they're authorized to work at illiterate subhuman wages that don't even exceed 1 Euro/hour in many cases. German multinationals see more benefits than costs. I really fear what this means for delaying automation with cheap labor. I'm sure they still have enough brains to continually create new manufactured goods and machinery, but it will certainly reduce with the population's average IQ dropping.

>rightwing extremist murder

How is THAT quantified?

Wouldnt that just be terrorism?

Most of the problems could be solved by better integration. Then we could avoid culture clashes etc.

The problem is that even the leftists doesn't really seem to offer enough resources to this.

It's not terrorism if white christians do it.

>Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim.

But senpai, the reason why right wing killing people is wrong is because they kill anyone regardless of their actual human value. Ergo indiscriminate.

For example, racists that want to kill black people, go out and kill black people, regardless of weather they are innocent or not. Ergo indiscriminate.

On the opposite end where we have people who are killed by extremely discriminate means such as people who are on death row due to multiple homicides.

You've basically absorbed the "muh descrimination" rhetoric from political correctness and allowed it to author your ideas for you.

yes, but the flow needs to be reduced

>human value

Which flow?