>that undergrad kid who's always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class, always making paraphrased questions of what the professor just said, but then gets mediocre grades
actually feel bad for him desu
>that undergrad kid who's always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class, always making paraphrased questions of what the professor just said, but then gets mediocre grades
actually feel bad for him desu
Do these people exist?
What subject?
I respect passion, and unlike much of sci, I do not bear disdain for brainlets
this is me
this was me. 18 credits a semester was a mistake.
kickin' ass in grad school now that i'm taking 1 class at a time.
>tfw I am that undergrad kid who is always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class, never making paraphrased questions of what the professor just said, but then gets all As in every single test.
Actually feels good.
This summer I studied real analysis and thus learned a lot about real numbers. This semester I just started taking Calc 3 and the professor started his lecture by saying
>You now may know that the real numbers have two structures. An algebraic one, and a geometric one. Which is the algebraic one?
And I say that it has the structure of an ordered field. We know this and we proved this last year. But then he asked what was the geometric structure and this we didn't do last year but then I answered
>A complete metric space
And of course, he knows that we don't know shit about metric spaces from freshman year. He knows that no one even tells us that the real numbers are a metric space. So then he comes to me and asks me to define what a complete metric space is. And then I answer: A space where every cauchy sequence converges and then he looks clearly impressed.
Feels fucking good.
This was me but then I started getting better and better grades. Nothing really changed or came about to make this happen as far as I know.
>tfw I am that undergrad kid who is always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class, never making paraphrased questions of what the professor just said, but then gets all As in every single test.
I love being that guy, except some people assume I'm asking questions to look good or make a good impression, which is annoying, since I just really like my field.
To fix 'smart but lazies' we will have reengineer the human brain from the ground up.
As I said, I never ask questions. But I answer every question the professors ask. Not for fun or to show off but to always be sure that I know my shit.
I am not afraid to put out there how much I know or how much I don't know. For example, there is something I do that NO ONE does. When the professor is doing a proof and I do not understand something I always ask him to justify the step that is bugging me.
Other people don't do this EVER. And because I talk with those people after class I know that they sometimes don't understand entire proofs or even what theorems say. But they never ask the professor anything.
It is so weird, that people are scared of looking stupid.
But how do we fix "dumb but passionate"?
>except some people assume I'm asking questions to look good or make a good impression
people dont understand that when lecture begins, everyone else falls away in my mind. its just me an the prof.
Wait, I just realized my post looks weird.
What I mean is that I never ask questions of random stuff, but I always ask the professor to explain something to me again if I didn't get it.
>It is so weird, that people are scared of looking stupid.
Yeah, it's really annoying. These people will often end up fucking things up in the lab, too, because they don't ask for help when they need it. You're a student, you're SUPPOSED to have some ignorance. Even professors ask questions.
I don't ask questions because I'm 80% sure the professor doesn't know the answer or a thorough proof would take too long. I just look it up later to save everyone the trouble.
>when you ask the prof a question and he tries to give an answer and spends 5 minutes trying to answer it
>still don't understand
>try to ask again
>makes even less sense
>sit there confused for the rest of the lecture
>ask after class
>prof gives a completely different answer and works through it in much more depth than in class
>it makes perfect sense
Never understood this.
This is me, except unlike , I actually even am BEHIND in classes, having to do an extra year overall
Teachers get the spotlight effect too. I just prefer to ask questions after class because of this unless the teacher is actively looking for questions and discussion.
bro, you da real MVP
It is already self-fixable.
like this?
So how do you fix it then?
Studying more you faggot
He has what is necessary to survive in this world.
A students teach.
B students work for C students.
I don't dislike people asking questions but i fucking hate when people won't stfu with their questions.
Who gives a shit lololol?
Do you realize when I enter the classroom its just ME and the PROFESSOR I am paying tuition dollars for this - none of you faggots even exist, yes I might miss an A by like 3% but so what? I made use of the 3 50 minute class minutes and you just sat on your phone
>A complete metric space
Too bad that is topology and not geometry.
>that undergrad who learns 70% of the material 30 minutes before the exam and 30% of the material during the exam connecting the logical dots as your adderall brain bruteforces all the possible meanings of potential things you can do with the numbers
me by the way
This is relatable on a whole new level
I feel like they always have to dumb everything down for the brainlets, we definitely need new systems of education
The "dumb but passionate" will stop being dumb given enough time. I've seen it happen.
This except he fucking smashes all his exams.
>never studying and learning everything through deduction while taking the tests
feels good to not be a brainlet
You'll understand why when you have to do long presentations on a board or teach a class.
Doing something quietly with a pen and paper is very different from doing it on the board with people watching you. Answering questions on the spot is even worse, especially if the lecturer isn't very comfortable with public speaking, even if they know the material like the back of their hand.
And your dick is 10 inch long, amirite?
>prof ask a question
>98/100 does not know the answer
>Everyone looks at the guy that knows his shit to answer so that the lecture can go on.
>He is being a dick, he does not answer and the prof wastes like 5 min waiting for somebody to answer.
>I raise my hand to just say something stupid so that we can go on.
Well, it becomes really awkaward and frustrating being the only one who participates just because everyone is a fucking pussy who is afraid of saying something wrong. It's worse when the prof asks something trivial, because you fucks make him think no one is understanding and he repeats himself.
How's your strategy working?
When you first asked the question their brain didn't have the answer prepared, so it wasn't able to communicate the answer well. After class he's had a little time to turn it over (unconsciously usually unless the professor could tell that you didn't understand and took time to think about it), so when you ask they can give you a better worded answer.
>Well, it becomes really awkaward and frustrating being the only one who participates just because everyone is a fucking pussy who is afraid of saying something wrong.
Fucking oath this. Why can't people be more active in class.
The word "tryhard" and the cultural meme it represents.
tons of them in engineering and in computer science
>tfw i've never heard of a "metric space" before
feels bad man
This desu
It's annoying when people think you're a cocky know it all when you're literally just trying to enjoy your studies
People just don't expect human interaction in class nor do they desire it, often the only reason they get educated is to land a decent job and not because they even like the major they're pursuing.
>2 days ago
>outside of class
>standing with a friend talking about the test
>group of 9-10 other students next to us
>we all got our exams back
>these kids all got 50s and 60s
>I was pissed that I got a 73
>turn to them
>"I-I got a 73"
>3 girls circle me
>guys trying to grab my exam
>girls saying "oh really? Hehe" or "you HAVE to come study with us."
>dude rips an exam page off of my exam out of my hands
>"he really did get a 73!"
brainlets baka (that includes you)
Engineering has a ton of reasonably intelligent people who could handle the subjects but cant handle the course load.
I have to spend about 30hrs a week studying just to keep a 3.0. I admire you physics guys intensely.
Out of 100+ students, the highest grade was an 84 senpai
And it wasn't you, brainlet.
Just kidding you did okay.
>get 100% on first exam
>write second exam
>every question is piss easy, walk out balls swinging
>somehow I got a fucking 63
>can't even see test until next week
I hate exams
>professor asks a question
>have an intuition what the answer is
>raise hand and give answer
>professor responds a flat "no."
>someone else answers and gives a more concrete answer similar to what I said
>professor said that's right and moves on
Fuck me, I don't know why I answer shit in class. I always get it wrong or am off the mark. I am consistently top 5% in exam scores but I never know what the fuck is going on in lecture until I sit down and transcribe the lecture notes with the book in front of me.
And people ask me for help all the time but I can never give answers because I literally don't know unless you give me a pen and paper, an exact question and let me logic it out for a few minutes.
I hate being "slow".
Nah don't worry about it senpai, solving problems fast equalling intelligence is a meme. If you can generally get the right answer in the end, and can do so in a REASONABLE amount of time ("right fucking now" is not always reasonable) you're probably pretty smart.
This is why the timed portion of the IQ test is utter bollocks, much like most of the rest of it.
>wanted to see if I could get away with not studying for once
>made a 47 on the physics exam
At least I learned my lesson I guess
>study my ass off for a test
>literally know all the answers
>get way too excited on the test and don't read questions thoroughly
>make stupid mistakes
I lost 14% from carelessness. I am in major grief mode right now.
>tfw I could have easily gotten 2 10's but fucked it up because I'm a retard and got a 9 and a fucking 6.5
My hard work is completely worthless, and so is my whole life.
>tfw prof refuses to agree with any student's answer
>repeats the exact thing they just said as the "correct" answer
>except that one sperg in the front row who's answer is always perfect no matter how vague and useless it is
>tfw smart but lazy
>smart enough to get by with a 3.5 with relatively little studying
>other people in my major (ee) talk about spending entire nights studying every week, tell me about their poor exam grades
>ask me what I got
>lie and say whatever they said with a 5% differential
>actually get better grades than them
I'm about to finish my junior year of studying ee and I feel like I've spent 1/100th as much time studying as my peers, but still understand the material better. When does my ride end
>when your professor realizes you're too good for his shit class and lets you take an instant credit test
I agree that right-now speed isn't necessarily a good measure of intelligence. But I think that being able to process faster results in faster troubleshooting, and faster scientific iteration time (conceptualize --> experiment --> troubleshoot --> interpret). That shit adds up over time.
I need time to digest and process, and that slows my research like a motherfucker.
You're one of them fags aintcha
You've got me there. It is certainly better to be able to do things faster.
My point was more to illustrate that faster cognition /=/ intelligence (in my opinion) in an attempt to boost your self esteem, but you seem to be coping alright.
You could probably train your brain to work through problems faster, at a possible expense to the accuracy of your assessments. I'd reccomend talking to a therapist who specializes in CBT/DBT and isn't retarded. The latter consideration comes up more than it should.
>It is so weird, that people are scared of looking stupid
I took an intro CS class my first semester of college. The professor was kind of a fuck, but his TA was worse. The guy was Korean and was working on his PhD and had to help teach a section of CS as part of it. During the second week, someone had a question about some programming concept like arrays. The TA laughed and said "Seriously?" in broken English. Then he gave a very rushed, unsatisfactory answer before the professor continued.
No one really asked questions for the rest of the semester, and that section had an 80% washout rate (inlcuding me).
I process information quickly after I've learned something, but I feel like the slowest person in the room when it comes to learning from reading/lectures.
I have to practice problems on my own to learn anything.
>Be TA
>Borderline sperg kid in class
>clearly has a true passion for math
>answers really difficult questions in class that stumps the rest of the class
>has a look of pure joy and wonderment when learning new ideas
>grade his homeworks
>he fails everyone
I feel fucking horrible...
>always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class
Ahaha. Nah. They look up the most relevant materials, old and new, minutes before class and mouth the terms during.
I've had one classmate who did the paraphrasing. Not enjoyable as a third party, as I never put myself with his group. I guess doing these things is a good boost in their knowledge of that subject. I thought it was ego that drove them to doing these, and it may have been -- smug fuck. If I acted like that though, vocally declaring terms or paraphrasing, I probably would feel more comfortable with where I am now.
But damn, if only they continued seeing and understanding what was discovered, hypothesized, theorized, or proved, throughout their day, before and after class, maybe then I'd come to respect and even admire a person who behaved like this.
The particular classmate was open about his power level, talked about owning a trench coat (eavesdropped this), and often snuck his eyes toward the girls. I'm sure that if he was in a class of people like himself, he would have been more involved.
>And then I answer: A space where every cauchy sequence converges and then he looks clearly impressed.
>Feels fucking good.
ayy lmao stop niga!!!
I know the material but I also know that a large part of the rest of the class is unclear and I don't want to give the prof an inflated sense of the classes ability.
Tfw too good to participate
>didn't study for my physics final
>got a 92
must suck to be brainlet
>be in org chem 2 lab
>ask professor how to set up lab because the lab is different than other labs online and we don't have half of the instruments they use anyways
>he doesn't even know what lab he assigned
>after scanning the lab packet, he literally says "this seems right" with the least confident look on his face after kind of setting up something that looks alright
>mfw nobody gets the desired outcome
>mfw half the class left within 5 minutes of walking into the lab for reasons unknown but not a single 0 was given out for the lab book
>mfw this has happened for multiple labs already
sage for irrelevant bad experiences
hes probably good, but he may have little to no exam taking skills.
I can top that
>show up half an hour late to historical geo midterm (80-minute period)
>finish just in time
>a week later, hear from TA that I got a 91
>and when I say I heard from by TA, I mean I ran into my TA at a dirty (lack of) costume party called the Lascivious Ball
Same, I don't take notes because I'll have no idea what it means. My math professors post the lecture notes online though so I need to go through them slowly. I drill myself practice questions and end up getting A's on math tests.
We exist everywhere. It's suffering but it has to be somebody I guess.
The worst part is I tutor others and they get A's, but I don't.
this right here
that's just fucked
>I have to spend about 30hrs a week studying just to keep a 3.0.
that's because you're retarded.
But it's not his fault he was born retarded! Execute him for his crime of being retarded, why don't you?!
the problem with engineering is that it attracts plenty of retards that would do well, maybe even score top of the class, in bullshit majors like business administration. instead they get greedy and go into engineering and drag down the averages so that more of them pass due to the curve.
when i was a TA i had a professor outright complain to me about current quality of students already being shit and still dropping.
I'm at normie-central university. The quality of student is abysmal. It feels like high school 2.0
Almost none of these people should be here.
This irked me too.
I have to spend way more than that for my 2.x ...
>teach buddy in algebra because he doesn't get it and was lazy on top of that
>understand everything and do all the exercises
>get 2.3 he gets a 4.0
I am doing 21 credit because the subject I have to take is going to be gone next semester because of some technical shit. Fuck this gay earth
>second year student
>feels fucking good for knowing the definition of complete metric space
any highschool student really interested in math can understand this fucking notion and actually it's recommended to know some basic topology if you plan to major in math and you're not utterly retarded
He sits next to me and eats cans of tuna in the middle of our physics lab.
Have you tried murdering him?
What can we do if companies won't hire anyone with a degree in business?
A set with a binary operation satisfying a handful of rules which returns a value for any and all pairs of the set.
I too work through the exam logically when I dont know the answer. Too bad this rarely works in my favor