Would humanity survive if the sun died?

Would humanity survive if the sun died?

No, it would die out eventually. Some will live on for a short while if they happened to be in really good situations where they can use power sources from something else to create enough light and heat to farm and survive.

As it stands right now, there's no infrastructure for such an event. If properly planned and executed, such a thing is possible.

This of course is for if the sun died but didn't expand or blow up. It just went out like a light bulb getting turned off or something.

How about a better scenario? "Something" happens to pull the Earth out of orbit with the sun where it becomes a rogue planet.

Yes, but it will be really painful.

eventually the planet would run out of energy. No sun means no plants, no plants means no animals. It would be a slow yet painful death


It's a bit troublesome but we should be able to manage.

It's an if as far as humanity is concerned

I want to get inside Sanae if you know what I mean

Considering that our sun will go supernova when it dies and completely engulf planet earth, no. We wouldnt survive.

Sunshine is a great movie.

you're a big planet

It doesn't have near the mass to go supernova, but it will expand considerably. There just won't be any sort of collapse and hence explosion.

>Considering that our sun will go supernova

By the time we have to worry about that we either are already extinct or have the technology to find someplace else

we could use nuclear energy instead

Come back once you've read a basic astronomy book please

He doesn't even need to do that. He didn't know something that the average american even knows.


>Plants die first

Hah get fucked vegan fags

it would deplete eventually, but we have tons of energy stored endothermically, in oil and fissionable material. We would have energy, but it would take a long time to establish large scale food production that doesn't depend on the sun.

Doesn't all food depend on the sun?

>no wind
>hurled into space because sun is kill
>no moon: no tide
>gravity is much weaker(no gravity based energy i.e. streams, waterfalls, etc.)
>chlorophyll does not work without solar radiation
>no energy for sunlamps
yeah we dead


the earth would stop spinning literally

without the sun there'd be no plants
with no plants there's no oxygen regeneration
Every animal on the planet will suffocate.

>power sunlamps with nuclear power

>recycling nuclear waste
it's no use

>hurled into space because sun is kill

Jupiter would probably just eat us.

>gravity is weaker

the pull that we full on earth is a combination of the gravity that is produced from the mass of the planet as well as the force produced from the planet spinning. With the sun gone the planet would leave orbit and likely not spin as fast as it used to. Therefore, the force of gravity would feel weaker

The overwhelming majority of food yes, but it is a well known fact that life does not need the sun to survive (thermal vents). It is very possible that humanity can rework are food production to be viable without the use of sunlight. Either that or we would just create the light needed to produce food artificially (much more practical than the first idea).

>as well as the force produced from the planet spinning.
The planet would not stop spinning on its polar axis if the sun disappeared you brainlet, and the change in newtons that would result if the earth stopped revolving around the sun would be negligible.

to add, it wouldn't slow down its spin any faster than it would revolving around the sun.

What? You realize I minority of energy produces to day is renewable, right? We're not suddenly going to run out.

For you.

Sorry, this came off retarded. What I meant to say was that a majority of the energy produced today is non-renewable. The majority of the population would die due to food shortage anyway, I don't think shortage of energy shortage will be the biggest issue for those remaining.

If we knew it before, maybe.
We could prepare the world for it, maybe. And when it did, because maybe the future makes colonization possible outside the solar system.

Yeah, because we all live on solar power and the sun is the only way to get heat and light.

not a single > here is actually truth

If it was still causing mass gravitation as a black hole and "died" without sucking us into itself before then then we could live off the rocks and stuff on this planet for a while.
Then unless we cannot feed on other nuclear shit on another planet...well.....


If we knew it before, we'd prepare electrical farms, with artificial light and heat. And a whole lot of nuclear plants to produce a whole lot of power and keep all the shit we need running.
And also to decarbonize the oxygen, because no green life, no oxygen. And it takes a shitload of power to do that.

Sure if we had time to prepare, improving technology and setting up underground habitats that use thermal energy to sustain themselves. But then you'd still run into so many complications that arise due to you not being adapted for such an environment. This would only be a few million people of course, most would die. Eventually the rest would die too.

Tell me when you find a way to make food out of fossil fuel

Use fossil oil to produce electricity, make light. Burn it to produce heat, and use light and heat to make conditions for plants to grow.

Tell me when you stop being a retard

I'm doing that right now in my house with grow lights.

I'll fuck you up m8, not joking