What are Veeky Forums thoughs on medicine and the medical career?
What are Veeky Forums thoughs on medicine and the medical career?
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Incredibly competitive in USA/Canada
About 8 years of continuous memorization, volunteering, clubs
Won't scratch your abstract problem solving itch in school
One of if not the most respected profession
Can work wherever you want
Are your own boss if you want to be
Good pay
Inhuman hours as a surgeon
Potential satisfaction of giving a parapeligic their legs back through spinal surgery
Dependant on where you are, it is a meme in the United Kingdom.
you should try to sit down with some doctors and see what they are like.
dentistry is hard work
surgery is rewarding
i would say work in whatever pays the most, so specialize towards that.
If I had to choose I would be an emt. First responder is the most interesting but least financially rewarding job you can do. Society isn't structured to properly reward our police fire and rescue, so don't put your family through that shit and stick to something safe and boring like podiatrist, GP, pharmacist, depending on your IQ and ability obviously.
Thought about being a neurosurgeon, due to the prestige and the fact that I like studying the brain. Even if the pay is good, I wouldn't stand the years of studying, since I can make a lot more money by being an entrepeneur and I've always wanted to be one.
Hello /med/! My username is "feynman" and I'm creating a discord for physicians, nursing, premed, and life sciences majors. Non-life science majors are welcome too. For people who don't know discord, it's a free chat platform that uses text and voice.
Perm link:
>surgery is rewarding
Lel enjoy not having a life outside work and fucked legs
yeah why's that
i hear its competitive asf in UK
Only because of the prospects of getting educated in the UK to move to more profitable places, like the US.
So why is it a meme in the UK
Because of the way the NHS treats its doctors and healthcare in general?
expand, im an ignoramus
Good post. The only thing I would add is the amount of debt that is typically undertaken to pay for med school, followed by low-pay in residency. (That said, the pay and duration of residency in many specialties is comparable to that of a post-doc or two.) But, you're guaranteed a high-paying, stable, secure job.
I'm a neurology resident thinking about quitting every day.
Your transferable skills are few which might prohibit a career change already pretty early.
Most respected profession mostly translates to being bound by responsibility for other people's health which implies absorbing patients' and relatives' frustration, anger, and mistreatment, and "going the extra mile" because that's what doctor's do.
The hours and the content of the job will isolate you from your non-medical peers by psychological changes in yourself but also by the perception of some of them that you are now "something better". Thus your inclusion into the incestuous and dysfunctional "medical community" grows stronger and stronger. Your workmates become your dysfunctional, abusive family. Your boss is a psychopath and your coworkers are backstabbers. You get used and if you don't use other people you're doing it wrong. The nurses act out their revenge fantasies on junior doctors like you. Malicious gossip is omnipresent.
Technically you could use your high income and high-status job as a means for getting easy pussy, but you are too exhausted and you don't anymore have the time or energy to pursue girls. You don't know what to talk about outside of medicine. You no longer have the easygoing funny playful mindset and you just feel old and are happy when you have a little bit of free time.
You get to see other people's lives in a unique way but at the cost of not having an own life. If you're female your chances of becoming a spinster are >50%, if you're male it depends, but your children may grow to hate you because you obviously prioritised something other than them.
OTOH you can indeed sometimes do something obviously Good For The World, which is a very special privilege, and you have one life plan that covers everything, some people like that also I guess.
>Potential satisfaction of giving a parapeligic their legs back through spinal surgery
That doesn't happen. The recovery from spinal paralysis depends mostly on the initial degree of paralysis. Plegia is total paralysis (ASIA score 0) and has a bad prognosis with regard to regaining muscle function with and without treatment. Most spinal surgery in spinal trauma with paraplegia aims at preventing secondary complications.
Not OP, but medicine is not a meme. The NHS is not kind to doctors, though. Very long, odd hours.
You have to fucking love it to pieces because its absurd hours for like 2 decades in the prime of your life. If you love it then those will be amazingly spent but if you are just in it for the money then it will be shit.
Nice meme
dentists go to med school same as any other doctor
You're thinking of oral surgeons, they're specialist physicians.
Dentists go to dental school and receive a DDS, while physicians go to medical school and get an MD.
It's not a science. ~80% of medical "science" is a scam, dangerous and drug companies often directly promote sickness to sell drugs. They operate with "best practice", i.e. like tribal doctors in the jungle, e.g. "we don't know exactly why aspirin works but take it anyway".
Not sure if bait or just an idiot...
> I have no argument
back to /b/ kiddo and get the fuck out of /science/
>Go to doctor
>tell him that my head is hurty-hurty
>tells me to take some aspirin and if it persists for a week to return
>become outraged because he doesn't know exactly how the aspirin works
>shit in my hand and chuck at him
>post on Veeky Forums
>"we don't know exactly why aspirin works but take it anyway".
But we know
Veeky Forums - Career advice
no it is not
>high pay
>strong union
anything else
The problem with neurosurgery is that none of your patients really get better and a lot of them are very sad cases. Very depressing.
Source: friend who is a NS
>"we don't know exactly why aspirin works but take it anyway"
lol what?
> doesn't know about en.wikipedia.org
> current year
Dumb career choice, unless you are passionate about it. You'll be studying for 12 years, all the while washing old people's asses, and then you're gonna be doing the exact same thing every single day for the rest of your life.
Doctor of Dentistry
Med fag here, we don't wash old people's ass unless we have to do a procedure down there. Also, if that's the case, I tell the nurses to clean it. up