Linear Algebra thread

Hey cunts, does anyone else want to study linear algebra from Shilov's book? If so, you could join me on discord: You could ask questions if you get stuck, and other anons would answer hopefully. I mean you neets and fags might as well learn something, instead of wasting away your lives in front of the computer, and the only prerequisite of linear algebra is a high-school level knowledge of math.
djvu, 2 MiB:
pdf, 23 MiB:
or just search for "georgi shilov linear algebra" on libgen: shilov linear algebra

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm studying precalc, can i handle linear algebra?

Yeah, I think so. There is a mention of derivatives in the second chapter though, but it's not really important, just part of an example. Although I'm not entirely familiar with precalc, since I don't live in the US or whatever English speaking country.

you just need decent algebra skills and some understanding of trig.


I only recognize the last one.

matlab, matrix multiplied by adjoint, generalized cramer's rule , principal minors


It is rare to see this meme being used correctly.

What is the incorrect use?

Inverse variations. They're a meme in and of themselves.

What's your native language?

Linear algebra is stupid easy

If you can't learn it within a week or two then you should be sterilized

jesus ppl still download pdfs and read them on screen in current year

Leibniz form really is just helpful for particular cases and particular proofs. Minors are much mpre versatile.

help an user out lads

Do you know what a change of base matrix is? If you know, the problem becomes operetional...

I'm familiar with it, but struggle on a conceptual level of what it really is.

Read again the definition and particularly how it is constructed. In linear algebra everything can represented in a multitude of factions. In abstract its the same object, but that doesn't help you actually doing calculations and practical problem. The brilliance of basis is that it let's you acomodate yoyr object into a forma that helps you a lot in your study. A change of base matrix is a representation of the identity transformation of a vector space with repect to two basis. If you know how to construc the a matrix asociated with a linear transformation you should be able to construct it ypurself. Then yoy just need to know about composition theorems and you are done. Ao I highly recommend to review that chapter in your book because it's something used in every singlw thibg.

Hungarian, why?

Why is a lecture better than a book? Both have figures and text (one in the form of speech, the other in the form of spoken word though, but that's not a significant difference).

Is this thing free? Anybody's working Zorich I? I'm on limits.

lectures passively activate more methods of learning then reading a book does

yeah mate, libgen is free and it's pretty popular here on Veeky Forums, just click on the download button on the top. what's zorich btw?

I meant discord. It's some sort communication through the book right? Like in dark souls where you can leave notes and shit.

It's the best analysis textbook.

Discord is a free chat service, I saw it used on /g/ for the web development general. You can share pics and shit and you don't necessarily have to register.

Doesn't Shilov's book require absract algebra? The Veeky Forums wiki recommends it as a second book on linear algebra. I'm planning to work through Lax's book first, after I finish stewart's precalculus and apostol's calculus 1&2 (or maybe I should learn it before calc?).

You don't need Abstract Algebra. Apostol's Calculus vol 2 covers the material in a first course in linear algebra.

Do Lax after Shilov

I'm interested in joining. Can you post a new invite link?

>new invite link
Why? The old one works fine for me in a private window. Anyway, here's a temporary one, use it within the next 30 minutes:

Thanks. Not sure why but old one didn't work for me.

shit, I was thinking of "roman's advanced linear algebra", not shilov

I understand Lax's book is an advanced one, which is why I am going to go through apostol first, so I don't think there is a reason for me to go trhough Silov unless it turns out Lax is too hard for me.

Well now this is convenient, I'm taking linear algebra this semester. I'll stick around if I remember to.


Got a test tomorrow covering up to Quotient vector spaces and Duality. Linear is pretty interesting. Don't think I like it enough to ever consider studying it more than I need to.