how do i know if i want to major in math, physics, engineering, or CS?
How do i know if i want to major in math, physics, engineering, or CS?
>Do you have autism?
>Are you one seriously cool dude?
>Do you have autism, but hate rigour?
>Are you a brainlet?
The choice is yours:^)
this guy did physics.
that's how you know.
this guy also did physics.
both were famously ladies men, too.
Do you want to contribute to scientific research? Physics.
Do you want to contribute to superior scientific research? Math.
Do you want to contribute to industry like the filthy fucking capitalist you are, you damn wageslave? Engineering.
Do you want to be laughing stock? CS.
>Do you like solving puzzles for the sake of it, and using essentially formalized semantics? Do you like being right and can handle being wrong? Do you want to feel like a wizard?
>Do you want to use lots of math to understand how things in the universe work? Are you mildly insufferable and cocky and REALLY like explaining to people how things "actually" work?
>Do you want a nice blend of mathematics and all the sciences? Do you want to work harder than all the other STEM majors while learning the least about how things work and just accept that they do, plug in a bunch of shit and then masturbate to your 50-80k starting salary out of school? Do you also like complaining about how "hard" your life is?
>Do you like looking at a computer screen for 8 hours a day? Do you want to complain about having to take math classes and how you sleep for 2 hours a night the week a project is due? Do you want that sense of dread when you send in your project and the TA emails back "it doesn't compile"? Do you want to enter an oversaturated market in 4-5 years?
>Do you want to work harder than all the other STEM majors while learning the least about how things work and just accept that they do, plug in a bunch of shit and then masturbate to your 50-80k starting salary out of school?
such a true sentence, every piece of it.
>>Do you want a nice blend of mathematics and all the sciences? Do you want to work harder than all the other STEM majors while learning the least about how things work and just accept that they do, plug in a bunch of shit and then masturbate to your 50-80k starting salary out of school? Do you also like complaining about how "hard" your life is?
>do you want to have classes that teach you how to use software that will be outdated by the time you graduate and therefore it will have been 100% a waste of time
I'm a mathematician and I'm anti-marxist. I also work on designing algorithms for quantum computers that haven't even been created yet, but will be soon. We wouldn't be here without capitalism, so I recommend that you think twice before drinking the marxism kool-aide.
What is rigor...?
also, who didn't have fun with legos, knex, clay, dirt, sand when they were a kid?
>What is rigor...?
Rigour in burger語
being very detailed and not missing any steps. if you do, don't worry, there are a bunch of passive agro fags ready to tear down your argument and do whatever they can to make you look as bad as possible.
it's pretty much like pic related but irl,
All important technological breakthroughs were made despite capitalism, not because of it. Capitalism slows progression actually through non-cooperation.
>Capitalism slows progression
laughing girls.jpg
yeah because people will work for less _insert_your_replacement_for_money_here_ but do more work
No, but you would have way more people working together rather than in competition. Solving a riddle once rather than many times and then wasting energy dressing it up so you can outsell your competitor.
>Basic Economics
>A """"""""common sense"""""""" guide to the economy
How is it, that without looking in at this book, I already know it's barely going to be a step above pop-sci?
>is everyone on the internet serious
>how does the www work
>marxists literally judge a book by it's cover
Hey I'm no marxist, I'm hoping to edge my way into finance at some point. But that book looks like the epitome of pop-sci garbage, okay not the epitome but still you see my point.
>book handily forgets to mention externalities
i mean there are far worse basic books, but you're better off just going with a principles textbook
>Do you love money?
> Do you love lots of money?
> Do you love thinking?
> Do you love yourself?
as far as i can tell from the replies so far...
>physics is for smart people
>math is for autists
>engineering is for people that aren't smart enough for the above and have to compensate with working harder
>CS is for redditors
I keep staring at their legs.
Math if you hate yourself
Physics if you want billions of years of easy life but no substantial income
Engineering if you like money and are adept at math
CS if you like money and aren't adept at math
As if you know what that means, kid.
This is stupid.
Humans are not hive-minded organisms. They are individuals that can exhibit group behavior/psychology, but will never fully understand each others direct thoughts (at least under technology surrounding the brain is developed further).
Marxism/Communism/Socialism are for the weak. Capitalism favors survival of the fittest (found in nature).
Wrong. That isn't how reality works. You are basically comparing a modern computer to a quantum computer.
>being this stupid
Are you the same type of faggot that calls everyone a kid when you get cornered in an argument over the internet?
>inb4 emotional argument/response
>t. butthurt "le pure" mathfags who are angry that they are eternally unemployed
I would not say that it is capitalism that slows down scientific progress but nor does it make it any faster. What really slows down science is religion.
>What really slows down science is religion.
>>>>>I *believe* that what really slows down science is religion.
Is this board literally just 14 year olds struggling with homework? The babby stereotyping is out of control.
I don't know how your university system works in America, but over here you could do something like this
>start studying math for 1 or 2 semesters, taking the math classes that are required for all 4 degrees, and one class of each of the 3 other categories
So for example in the first semester: linear algebra, algorithms 101, electrical engineering 101, whatever physics students do 101
>if you really like math, chances are you can count the credits from those 3 subjects as "general education" or whatever
>if you don't like math but one of the other 3, switch and have the math credits transferred over, might work with the other 2 subjects as "general education" as well
This way, you don't lose any time at all, yet you still have time to decide.
The irony in that last part
>inb4 gives an emotional response
That's exactly what you just did
>le cs oversaturated market but engineering is the shit
if you are autistic: math
if you are autistic and crazy: physics
if you just want to learn something to make money: engineering
if you are smart and not autistic (because need to work with people): CS
in CS you also need math pretty much, i need to take like 2/3 of the math degree classes
no we judge a book by every page in it
You haven't taken a shower in months because you've been slaving away on a non-trivial geometric construction that predicts a longer solar cycle than what astronomers already have. Your solar cycle means the commodity traders from your city can more accurately assess the value of contracts with neighboring cities whose astronomers don't have your model yet, giving them an edge, earning them greater profits, which they kick up to the king, making the king happier. You want your astronomer friend to check your construction to see if there are any flaws in it, and once it's checked, you want to share it with all your astronomer friends so you can be rewarded by the king with grapes and meat and maidens who will bathe and oil you. Your astronomer friend lives 100 stadia from where you are and your messenger can only carry one more scroll of papyrus because his satchel is already full. How do you write down instructions for your friend that will fit on your papyrus so your friend 100 stadia away can construct your model exactly the same way you did?
>not autistic
Not really. I gave my interpretation of what was said. Opinions and emotions aren't the same thing. Opinions can stem from emotions, but that is an opinion based around logic and observations.
If you get upset at being called stupid on this board then you should probably stay off the internet.
t. "I don't want to work!"
Why does everyone hate on Biology? It's the least natural science.
*least boring. Fuck.
Don't moralize work. It's just a thing that people do to not die in capitalistic societies
You can tell a pig to not shit where he eats, but there is no point, really.
i've never met a marxist who could read
>Arguing over opinions in politics
You're both wrong and will never come to an agreement. You're both arguing against brick walls. What is the point?
Math or physics if you're a real nigga
Engineering or CS: If youre a faggot
Medicine: if you're boring
That simple
You want math. Try math and then if you're too stupid then try CS, then physics, then attempt suicide. If that fails then try engineering.
every time these conversations devolve into talks about politics. can you guys seriously just shut the fuck up for once?
physics if you're smart
maths if you think you're smart
cs if you're dumb
engineering if your penis is between 4.5 and 5.5 inches
But physics majors are smarter than maths majors
lol, CS would be the last without a doubt. if you can't do math, don't bother with CS either because all you'll be in is some lame code monkey job if you can even get one. real CS is literally an applied math graduate degree
physics is retarded
Mathematicans can't into modeling abd heuristics. Physics can do that and can be rigorous.
Why are people grouping Engineering together with those other three?
It's literally the "I want to suck dick 8 hours a day for the rest of my life and learn a lot of different things at a purely superficial level" degree.
It simply doesn't compare to real subjects.
Serious question.
I love mathematics, I really do. However, I'm fascinated by much of what computer science has to offer these days. Should I pursue mathematics as an appeal to Veeky Forums's elitist disposition? Or should I follow my heart...?
Probably doing math and taking CS electives (or double major if you're in the US) is the best option for someone like you.
Cucks all too scared / weak to do some rote memorization.
Look at your genitals. If you have a white cock your science life just got 10 times harder
Man I would FUCK the SHIT out of those boilers.
>You haven't taken a shower in months
Stopped reading here. What the fuck do you know about me pal? I took a shower an hour ago. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that you love bananas and your couch is red either, am I? Because I have no fucking clue about you, Anonymous. Goddamn.
physics if you like actually having to think
math if you like being autistic for autisms sake
engineering if you literally don't give a single shit and don't mind plugging and chugging all day
CS if you like applied math
maths is retarded. checkmate
Late post, but i'm also taking CS, and i'm required to take calc 1 2 and also 3 if i'm going into masters.
According to Veeky Forums it's the best intro to eco book
In Germany most CS degree's at least cover Discrete Math, Linear Algebra (the theoretical one obviously), Analysis and Probalistics. Some degree's also require a Numerical Analysis class but that's it
Thats very strange to me. I'm working my ass off here figuring the math out while learning programming.
I'm from Norway. Computer science is considered an engineering degree here so thats probably why.