Maybe nothing can go faster than the speed of light because that's the tick-rate of the server our simulation is running in
Maybe nothing can go faster than the speed of light because that's the tick-rate of the server our simulation is...
Maybe Bm = v*c^c
Would the world maintaining the simulation have speed limits?
Also 'cant go faster than light' is stupid concept. It doesn't feel beautiful, which is the only true criteria for choosing your physical reality.
well then what if we overclock the simulator?
Also why would that even make sense? The tick rate of a server would just relate to pushing information to the various clients - theoretical it would make more sense to have a superluminal information speed so the server can coordinate correctly updating the state for all the disparate clients interacting with it.
Even if everything is server side there's still no reason that one is related to the other, its like saying the move speed or framerate is capped because of server tick rate and not because it was a dev choice.
lol speed of light is a constant, no matter what speed you go light will always travel at the same speed, that's why you can never travel faster than light
You fucking retard
just because we don't know how doesnt mean its not possible
do you think farmers in the 1700s thought it was possible to have a robot harvest all their crops?
do you think a prostitute in the 1900s ever thought she could be replaced by some sort of hyper realistic doll
you never even saw a starwars film?
>the future is unpredictable and sometimes unimaginable
>thats why i predict it will turn out like X
>haven't you seen Y thing that imagined X?
>do you think farmers in the 1700s thought it was possible to have a robot harvest all their crops?
>do you think a prostitute in the 1900s ever thought she could be replaced by some sort of hyper realistic doll
Yes in both regards, assuming you explained what the words meant. People in the past weren't retarded or unimaginative.
impulse propagation speed is faster than speed of light.
Here is the proof: if we have an absolutely 100% rigid stick then we can send information instantly by pushing that stick.
Suck it, Einstein.
farmers and prostitutes today probably believe faster than light travel is possible too
Actually that moves at the speed of sound through the medium.
The Alcubierre drive demonstrates that with modern technology, it's not impossible, it's just not practical. But then 150 years ago we were all riding around on horses at 15mph saying "wtf is an internal combustion engine?". So let's just shut down the patent office, because everything that can be invented, has been. And pigs might fly, and man might walk on the moon.
if there's a fucking speed of light that has fucking anything to do with anything but the speed of light, then yes, it's the tick rate.
Alcubierre drive isn't possible. It requires a kind of matter that doesn't exist in the universe to function
sound can in fact move faster than light under some conditions.
the fuck you laughing about, you little piece of shit?
science is a religion, i guess. this is exactly how jehovahs witness acts.
okay, if you can prove the non-existence of something, I'll wager a couple of centuries of technological development and take the bet.
fuck technological development. we'd be better off staying catholic.
I already have 7 cats that own the house I share with them I am cataholic. The steam engine wont get us FTL, nor will the ICE, or a jet engine, or fusion reaction, or the meme drive... but these are all inventions a few seconds from midnight... our species may have more to learn yet.
nuclear warfare caused the last ice age. 270 million year old tablet unveiled chinese characters saying 'after the communist government'.
oh yeah, and fuck your cats. you let them out and they wander around the fields around my house they might get shot.
Wow... cool... so far off topic, but the chinese were homo sapiens and had a system of writing 270 million years ago... I stand corrected!
So does simulation theory account for the possibility of simulations creating their own simulations? So could we theoretically be within 100 different simulations and eventually make our own?
Can't negative energy densities be created using some jewish space magic involving the casimir effect?
Also not saying alcubierre drive is possible, it isn't because our universe cares about things like causality.
My cats have laser canons attached to their heads, so be careful.
...which is why the upper limit of rigidity on any material is the rigidity at which the speed of light in that material = c.
*speed of sound
Fuck, I'm tired.
laser cannons don't do shit to booby traps.
yeah, believe that stupid shit they taught you in school. some fucking how everyone knew about dinosaurs and remembered the same fucking birdheaded gods, but fuck me, right.
dude i unhinged an entire fucking thread about this a week ago or so. there's no known limit to rigidity or the speed of transmitting force through a material, aka sound, therefore there's no reason to think that sound couldn't propagate faster than light.
>our universe CARES about things like causality
(emphasis added)
how do you know?
my cats also have cameras, and they will bring me pics of your boobies.
you know what fuck your cats
I asked; dasher and prancer said ok, the other 5 aren't into that so much.
watch it kitty
Like at night
Did we really went from FTL to spodermon thread? kinda proves my point don't you think?
"Men can never be free, because they're weak, corrupt, worthless... and restless. The people believe in authority. They've grown tired of waiting for miracle or mystery. Science is their religion - no greater explanation exists for them! They must never believe any differently if the project is to go forward. "
who do YOU work for.
Stop Timmy, please stop touching my nips.
Because of the ridiculous lengths it seems to go to to prevent the causal structure of the universe from being violated. Like sealing closed timelike loops away behind event horizons in black holes, for example.
no, they only believe you can grow bigger potatoes and elongate penises
we discussed this at my school's philosophy club a few weeks ago. I suggested maybe the speed of light is so close to 3e8 because in the "real" world the speed limit actually is 3e8. We also talked about the planck length and other physical boundaries. Essentially, maybe things are the way they are because in the "real" universe they are slightly more thus allowing the beings simulating us to simulate us.
a philosophy club sounds awesome
>tfw no clubs in my uni
why even live
The tick rate of the universe is the Planck time.
maybe it's the biggest value for speed an integer can store
Simulation theory really is just god of the gaps over and over again.
How are you any different to creationists? You aren't. You just replaced GAWWWDD with ALIEEUUUMMMS or ROBOOOOTTTS.
make one mate it's really low key we just meet once a week with a vague topic and let the discussion wander. It's really fun
I agree, I'd say join a club and a sorority/frat
one club for academic fun, the other for fun when everyone is out partying
>the speed of light
All the good little photons: Every single photon that exists in the u traveling at exactly the same infinitely-precise speed.
Maybe light doesn't exist as a discreet entity in the universe, but is actually a phenomenon caused by this universes intersection in a separate temporal dimension.
>/x/ leaked
The tick rate wouldn't matter for objects (us) within the simulation. Our subjective experience of time could be completely uncoupled from that of the universe containing the simulator.
Imagine the being running it hit "pause". We wouldn't notice it.
correlations between entangled quantum systems propagate faster than the speed of light
>It doesn't feel beautiful, which is the only true criteria for choosing your physical reality.
you make simulations to observe and record data pertaining to some goal or goals.
"feel beautiful" is vague as fuck and obviously not universal.
No, that would contradict theory or relativity.
No it doesn't. No-communication theorem applies only to any meaningful information that could be sent between observers using entanglement. The measurement one observer makes on an entangled particle still has an uncontrollable causal influence on the other that propagates faster than light
So it looks like nothing travels faster than light there? Hmm maybe there's no FTL there indeed?