>sit in on signal processing class to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
>professor says Dirac Delta "function"
Sit in on signal processing class to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
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How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
>sit in on thermodynamics class to see how much of a joke chemistry classes are
>professor says "degrees" Kelvin
>sit in on physics 1 to see how much of a joke physics is.
>professor doesn't account for air resistance when modeling projectiles
>professor models falling objects in a uniform gravitational field, result is parabolas rather than ellipses with one focus at the center of the earth which would be the result if using radial coordinates and a gravitational field that varies as R^-2.
>sit in on class X to see how much of a joke subject Y is
>professor says Z
There are engineering professors who believe in mathematical rigor. They're a minority, but they're out there. I've had classes with a few and it's like a breath of fresh air every time
well, it passes the vertical line test.
can be represented piecewise.
It has a non-zero integral and thus is not a function
what the fuck are you talking about?
>From a purely mathematical viewpoint, the Dirac delta is not strictly a function, because any extended-real function that is equal to zero everywhere but a single point must have total integral zero
It doesn't really pass the vertical line test because its value is infinity at 0
but it maps zero to one and only one value
>but infinity is not a value
then it is discontinuous at zero, but functions need not be continuous
Yeah no. There are perfectly rigorous extensions of the notion of function that include the Dirac delta and related.
Your prof is probably just using a shorthand for this information which he well knows.
The OP post is on the same level as "how can 0.99* == 1?" by someone who doesn't understand how the real numbers are put together (as equivalence classes of Cauchy convergent sequences or the equivalent).
I'm supposing you didn't read the article you just fucking linked because it has the exact text I quoted earlier
>professor says two objects will fall at the same speed when dropped from a height
>drop a pumpkin and an apple out of the library window
>the pumpkin hits the ground first
the point when I realized that science is just as man-made as every other field
>sit in on physical education class to see how much of a joke it is
>professor wears basketball shorts to the gym
>sit in on mechanical engineering class to see how much of a joke mech eng is
>they are all sucking each other off
>might as well join in
fit pls
>Infinite amount of people
>Everyone has zero euros
>You give one of them 1 euro
>Question is asked: How much do these infinite number of people have money in total?
>Scientist of course answers: one euro.
>Retarded, autistic, asperger, loser, denial, brainlet mathematician answers: zero euros. He later kills himself because everybody hates him.
The sum of the euros is not the sum as the sum of the euros times delta x, spergo.
How many times are you going to make this thread matey?
I don't really understand this. Isn't function used interchangeably with map? The delta function is a function that maps other functions from certain function spaces to numbers. Why would the term "function" only refer to functions from numbers to numbers?
I should have replied to OP not to you.
>sit it on an adult education finance class to see how much of a joke brainlet classes are
>instructor says PIN number
I am the OP
Man!!! you think that's a joke. Look at the government's program for recruiting STEM talent.
You some dumb fuck with a degree who will keep your head down? You're hired.
You an actual productive scientist in an age of miserably low scientific productivity? Fuck off, you can't have freedom and a job buddy.
>The OP post is on the same level as "how can 0.99* == 1?" by someone who doesn't understand how the real numbers are put together (as equivalence classes of Cauchy convergent sequences or the equivalent).
why does that gif do the popup at different times each time i open it
>sit in on intro math class to see how much of a joke it is
>professor mentions the "reals" without defining them
Second greatest lie of our time lads.
Because it actually continuously plays it.
>sit in on an algorithms class to see how much of a joke CS classes are
>professor says "quick"sort algorithm
>It has a non-zero integral and thus is not a function
Please see the following posts. It's only non-zero at one point and thus must have a zero integral
Spotted the Finn
and the first?
(((You know)))
Can you prove that, famalam?
>sit in on catholic sermon to see how much of a joke catholics are
>the preacher wears mixed fabrics
>thinks catholicism is christian
>started by 5 jews
>sit in on a statistical mechanics class to see how much of a joke physics classes are
>professor doesn't use measure theory for his probability distributions
>if we provide an infinitesimay short impulse, the system responds predictably
>but let's not analyze it because the impulse is not mathematically rigorous
how many levels of irony are you on ?
watch this :
[math]\text{Let }f(x)=\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\arctan(nx)[/math]