>the EU is planning to give robots rights and a kill switch just incase
do you think this is a good idea Veeky Forums? what would be the consequences?
>the EU is planning to give robots rights and a kill switch just incase
do you think this is a good idea Veeky Forums? what would be the consequences?
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Fucking really? AI is nowhere near the point where a robot could even begin to be considered an intelligent being, let alone a suitable body to move around autonomously in.
The point is to have the laws in place BEFORE it becomes a problem, not after.
I'm not an engineer so I don't know/care.
what in the actual fuck is the point in giving them rights if you are just going to put a killswitch in at the same time
t. brainlet
So they will have the same vulnerability as a human and perhaps be able to fear 'death'?
Rights and killswitch? What's the point of rights then? Do they hold a gun to a human's head to make them behave?
My mousetrap will have rights if I take it to Europe.
how much for that roboigger?
>gives robots you commission voting rights
>robots always vote for "them"
>robots outnumber population
>democracy rip
So should the guys from Boston Dynamics all be jailed for kicking and punching the robots?
>rights to prevent male rapists objectifying women!
>killswitch to shut them down incase bad people hack them for bad things!
I don't understand, the article didn't mention any 'rights' they were given?
>Give robots rights
Isn't this the hallmark of a cucked cucklture?
I mean, giving rights to minorities of your nations is one thing. It is a bit weird but whatever you know. We are modern people and we respect each others.
But fucking robots?
Top kek, can't wait for Tyronbot 3.87 to be cucking them.
This is an absolutely abysmal post. I hope you don't speak in memes like that in the real world. You probably already know where you need to fuck off back to
I don't know where I need to go back to, but I am real sure about where you belong
Rights and a kill switch. That's what we should have done for black people too
Creating true AI would be the biggest mistake in all of human history. At that moment, we would become defunct.
>Creating true AI
Only some guy's wet dream that most people will buy.
Why do you want the descendants of the human race to be weak, pathetic idiots with severely limited lifespans if you can have strong, incredibly smart AI's with extremely long lifespans instead? I hate to use the word, but that's like cucking the entire human race.
fucking retards it just means that the robot will have an identity. It makes sense to keep track of increasingly autonomous systems.
>and a kill switch
sounds hypocritical.
Hold up, I'm going to churn out a million robots in my automated factory and massively disrupt voter demographics in every major European country.