Dixiefag here. How do we make the South less retarded? The few smart ones are surrounded by hyper-religious nutjobs who deny a lot of science for literally no reason, even in the cities. Our culture seems to be inherently broken, and I'm at a loss on how to fix it.
Dixiefag here. How do we make the South less retarded...
Get rid of radical Christianity
stop telling them that the south has a unique cultural heritage to preserve
cousinfucking, racism, and generally making the country poorer and stupider is not a cultural heritage
t. north carolinian.
Yes, but how? It's integral to the culture here. The first thing people will ask you is what church you go to. How did New England stop being a bunch of Puritan fuckers? I haven't seen any research on that.
>The first thing people will ask you is what church you go to. How did New England stop being a bunch of Puritan fuckers? I haven't seen any research on that.
We didn't, we replaced puritanism with Social Justice (tm) and Anti-Racism (tm). God just disappeared because the average person got richer. The South has been the way it has since before America was even a country, so I'm not really sure what you can do.
The South was wrecked economically after the civil war and I don't think they've recovered.
But they slowly have been recovering, there are a lot of people moving to Texas for jobs.
I think as the economy improves so will education.
Actually, back in the olden times before America happened, Damnyankees viewed the South as a cesspool of vice for not being Puritan. Eventually something happened to make them switch places.
I'm from a town just south of Atlanta, which is more rich than most of the South, but I'm still encountering this. I think that economics has been taking a backseat to culture, just like in places like Qatar. The post-Civil War poverty has ingrained itself in our culture.
Religious belief doesnt conflict with my scientific knowledge and skills, it seems that you think a science education demands atheism, why?
And abandon the foundation of the western world? Because reasons?
>not unique
It does though. Perhaps you wish it were more like your native homeland, but you are kind of admitting as much by expressing your unjustifiable hatred.
Middle schooler?
> Religious belief doesnt conflict with my scientific knowledge and skills, it seems that you think a science education demands atheism, why?
Less atheism, more just religious moderation. We're V E R Y religious here, and that breeds ignorance. Just watch anything by Kent Hovind or his son and you'll see what I mean.
>Peachtree City
>more golf cart roads tan car roads
>The education will improve
The public schools are fine enough, certainly as good as any others in the nation - provided we are talking about a majority white school. Even nyc inner city schools fail compared to deep south schools.
>poor white schools don't exist
If you read liberal news outlets you will notice a lot of writers who grew up in New England or the West Coast (which has a lot of New England cultural heritage) ragging on Southerners for being racist, stupid, anti-intellectual, hypocritical, religious fanatics, etc. It has not really changed that much, instead of failing to live up to Puritan virtues they fail to live up to Anti-Racist virtues. Of course Boston can be just as racist as anywhere else, but we all need lies to tell ourselves.
Reasonable Christianity: God gives humans mental faculties to help them understand God's creation.
Radical Christianity: Evolution is a Satanic lie. God frustrates the mind of worldly intellectuals, and places misleading evidence to test our faith.
Thats not an argument. I've both fundie Protestant beliefs and an advanced STEM education. The southerners just arent cucked and dont hold your marxist beliefs.
>How do we make the South less retarded?
Start by leaving.
ITT bluepilled normies
you need to lurk /pol/. yeah you think it's retarded, but you're the ones who are retarded.
Sounds like you hate all Christians, i'm sure alienating yourself and submitting to a depressing and destructive worldview will get you far in life.
They dont. Rural county schools that are 80% white are some of the best in the nation.
No kidding. Its like they are new from reddit. Southerners are based af.
I'm from Tyrone, desu. Even if I wasn't, that's not an argument.
I'm a /pol/ack, but evolution isn't a hoax and the gays aren't trying to subvert American freedom.
Yeah i wasnt making an argument just throwing a (You) your way.
America becoming a haven for scientific thought was an accidental side-effect of WW2, soon to be corrected. You can't fix it, just migrate.
>im an atheist Sodomite
>im conservative
> I don't want the government stealing money to convert into gimmedats
> I don't want my culture destroyed by millions of immigrants from savage nations
> I don't believe in an ethereal sky daddy
Explain how any of these are conflicting.
>Sounds like you hate all Christians, i'm sure alienating yourself and submitting to a depressing and destructive worldview will get you far in life.
No, I just think the "Evolution is a Satanic lie" brand of Christianity is wrong and harmful.
>the part of the country home to the least educated, and most poor, obese, and miserable people in the nation, who are stereotypically hyperreligious, ignorant inbreds is the best part of the country
>everyone is retarded but me
ive been on /pol/. its full of newfags teenagers like you
Inbreeding is a meme. Otherwise, spot on.
t. northerner
Youre being racist againt niggers without even realizing it! Where do you think the education, poverty, and obesity numbers come from? Where do 95% of niggers live?
>everyone is retarded but me
dunning kruger taking effect here
> the group which has historically been enslaved, which lives almost exclusively in ethnic enclaves, and whose food is unhealthy as fuck is dumb, poor, and fat
Who'd've guessed? Also, Southern Whites are generally poorer than northerners as well, because Reconstruction was retarded.
I know you're shitposting, but still.
Wait, are you agreeing with me(thus being racist)? But bringing up 200yo history out of context to ease your white guilt?
>white southerners poorer
Without toting out stats, i'll agree more more earning, but i contend purchasing power locally is greater in south as everything is fractionally cheaper.
Literally nobody doesn't agree that black people are poorer on average than white people.
The South isn't any different from the rest of the country. Redlands, CA is equally the shithole as Mobile, AL.
Anyway, if you want to build a better south:
1. VADOT, NCDOT, SCDOT, GADOT and TNDOT are all moving on rail projects that would more or less build a Southeastern high(er) speed rail corridor. This means cosmopolitan areas can build up and gentrify. Gringrich himself wants to turn Atlanta into a southern Amtrak hub, which so far has been unsuccessful.
2. Do what SC does and build nuclear power plants.
3. Destroy NOLA. All of it.
>foundation of the western world
Ahh so you are ignorant historically too?
I prefer not to think about it.
*tips fedora*
>Religious belief doesnt conflict with my scientific knowledge and skills
Yes. It does. Look at the situation with evolution.
But we need dummy Rednecks from the South to be Bullet Sponges in the military. I live in San Diego and we are infested with Inbred military losers from the middle/southern states.
pic: Jason King typical stupid Redneck Marine. He is why we cheer when one of them is killed in the Middle East.
I believe Hegel got it right. Identify what the world is around you and do you. Things cycle in a limited ethos. Human fashions repeat in different ages
>And abandon the foundation of the western world? Because reasons?
He said radical Christianity. No reason we can't keep Christianity and just get rid of the anti-evolution part. Look at the Russian Orthodox Church. There is no requirement to believe in young earth creationism. Seriously, American Protestantism is a joke.
What drives one to care about another's personal belief system?
anyone who unironically uses the term "science denier", is a science denier
When it actively strives to convert as many people as possible to said worldview, while promoting things like young-earth creationism and Ayn Rand-tier political philosophy.
So like radical Islam except instead of theoretically being containable in the Middle East (if Western countries gave a shit), it is backed by American billionaires with tons of power.
meant to reply to
I'm Catholic, so I should care about others' interpretation of Christianity, since it's poisoning our national discourse. We should be worrying over serious theological questions of the nature of good, not pointless quibbles. Furthermore, I have several cousins in Peru who were tricked into converting to the American Baptist tradition. They're doctors and scientists, and they should not spread such falsehoods. American Protestantism can do better, and should, because they affect this country and others. Also, one of my cousin's died because her family is Jehovah's Witnesses and she declined a blood transfusion. That's why I care. These American protestants focus on the wrong issues, the pointless issues. Aren't those good reasons? Do you just not care about the direction of society? Seems irresponsible to not do anything.
It literally doesnt bother me nor conflict. The extreme interpretations from both sides have little evidence to back their claims. Not to mention if a complete fossil record was discovered it wouldnt disprove a God in general or my own specific fundie dogma. But as it stands the current fossil records dont imply what you think they imply.
Im so happy to hear this good news of your cousins finally finding their calling in Christ. My science education has brought me so much closure to God to so i know their joy and peace.
When your calling comes Christ will show you the path as well and lead you to salvation away from this atheist cult you call Catholicism.
Burn it to the ground, repopulate it with new people. I suggest the native Americans
6/10 troll. You had me going for a while.
Remove the (((diversity)))
Im rather sure ive had more of a science education than you, and probably more Bible school too (maybe) - problem?
yeah, then everyone will be a drunk retard, faggot
How much science education have you had? I have a Bachelor's from Cornell.
nice. I as well. I suppose catholics dont have Bible school since theyre atheists like you. Apostates can surprise me occasionally though.
you just seem so angry
You went to Cornell?
You're the one who is constantly slinging insults. Seems like you're projecting.
you're a real fuckin dick
Not cornell, a b.s. in stem at a reputable institution, Not that i nessarily believe you did. But its w/e. Care to explain to me why i should abandon my faith in God cuz reasons.
>mfw he comes back with PTSD and kills you because your faggy shemagh makes him think you're a raghead
You don't need to .believe that I went to Cornell, the satisfaction I have is enough for me.
>'cuz reasons
It's not simply 'cuz reasons. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming. Furthermore, the acceptance of evolution does not require you to abandon faith in God. If your faith in God is contingent on a literal interpretation of a a small part of Genesis then it probably isn't a very strong faith anyways, built on sand instead of rock. Doesn't it strike you as a bit implausible that the interpretation of scripture of a few small denominations in the Southern united states is the only one that leads to salvation, when the majority of ancient churches (not just Catholicism, but the Eastern Orthodox churches and other Eastern churches as well) do not emphasize literal interpretation of Genesis as a requirement of salvation. This seems to be a weird trend in American Protestantism. I mentioned the Jehovah's witnesses earlier: they think that if you don't call God Jehovah and think that God died on a stake instead of a cross, then you don't get to go to heaven. Seems like they are obsessed with small trivial details instead of the important part: love of God, acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice, and following his message of humility, charity, and forgiveness. That's what it's all about, not fighting over small passages in the Old Testament.
Anyways, I gotta bounce. My master's thesis is not going to write itself. Peace.
We don't
Have you read your Plato's Republic today?
>b.s. in stem at a reputable institution
>atheist catholics actually believe this
>ignores 2,000 years of Western Christendom
So you are just willfully ignorant cuz politics
>Care to explain to me why i should abandon my faith in God cuz reasons.
You should abandon any hope of doing anything but the most menial grunt work, as you have the reading comprehension of the average southerner
Pot calling the kettle black much?
>tfw Chicagolander living in Yeehawland
get me out of this hell place
I don't want to live in a state where you can legally open-carry a firearm into mental institutions, but you can't buy a bottle of rum on a Sunday
knew a girl from Peachtree City in undergrad
she talked with pretty much no accent and then one night got loaded and told a bunch of us (in a thick Georgia drawl) that she disguised her native accent because she didn't want us to think she was ignorant.
she's prettycool.bmp though. smart person, generally nice to be around.
What do you mean by Rural?
Then who will join the military? Better for them to stay the way they are.
faggots like you is why chicago is such shit. hopefully they off you down there.
t. angry redneck
enjoy your Obamacare :^)
Now you know the area plenty of southerners that are cucked too, but I might just live too close to Charlotte
See, that's a problem. She's obviously intelligent, but Southerners are stereotyped as ignorant hicks (with good reason) and had to hide who she was to be taken seriously. Aren't yankees supposed to be all about "muh acceptance"?
It is alway shocking to see how many normies believe and promote this stale civil war era NYC jew propaganda. Travel to any farm area or small town in the 'north' and you see the same people you are blindly hating. I realize youre likely just a gook/pooNloo, but its not uncommon for a white person to actually think this and actively hurt their own race. Sad!
liberals have no mercy when it comes to redneck / southern stereotypes.
Remove the Southern accent, IQ raises 20%.
Remove minorities, Bell Curve is no longer needed.
>How did New England stop being a bunch of Puritan fuckers
yeah. none of us thought less of her after we found out her terrible secret, but if she'd talked that way from the beginning I think we might have gotten a different first impression of her.
tbqh it bothers me how a lot of my fellow libruls think that the only stereotypes that matter are the ones about ethnic minorities, and that it's perfectly fine to mock "those ignorant backwards hillbillies". a lot of people on the left are just as prejudiced and hypocritical as those on the right, and I'm worried that they're going to get control of The Movement (the way their rightist asshole counterparts did).
That's what they get for renege on 40 acres and a mule
>hyper-[protestant] nutjobs who deny a lot of science for literally no reason
Do what the early Methodists did, introduce them to the writings of the early Church Fathers. Then show them how science denial is a modernism that has no basis in original christian teachings.
>there are a lot of people moving to Texas for jobs.
Yeah. Gtfo of Texas pls if you're one of them reading this.
Remove the niggers. Not only would test scores go up immediately, but there would also be more money to spend on education.
Like how rural
>farm area or small town in the 'north'
>Implying northerners don't dislike those people as well.
The presence of minorities hasn't hampered white people in hevaily black states like NY, Maryland, VA, CA, or DC (lol). This is just a cope
I live in Houston, TX and went to school in Dallas. Here at least, we aren't ass backwards regarding science. We have some amazing and relatively cheap universities that help to lead the way in scientific progression. In Houston specifically, we have one of the most advanced and cutting-edge medical districts. Not all of the south is retarded rednecks.
Their pretty girls flee the shit hole south for big cities. Here are two Alabama sisters who now live in LA; both want to be actresses. They have even managed to control their Hick accents.
Even though he is gay The Terminator's son is fucking Abby. He is a pure bottom in his gay life, and likes to give Abby anal.
To be fair to the Rednecks: These girls are both white Puerto Rican girls who loved fucking the local Rednecks when they lived in Mississippi. They preferred Bubba cock over the typical dark PR guy's cock. The one one the right is Mariana Vicente. Mariana balled quite a few of the typical Inbred looking Southern types, so you can be successful even if you look and sound dumb.
we're not going to help you get your dick succ
The South isn't retarded, they just have different social, political, etc values.
Maybe if tolerant, accepting, liberals stop painting everyone who doesn't live in a coastal city of >250K like they're part of some kind of fucking untouchable underclass there will be less of a cultural divide.
>Yes, but how
Convert them to orthodoxy.
>science education demands atheism, why?
Both sides of the issue, whom have actually made an effort to resolve the differences, have found them incompatible.
>Young earth creationists and "New Atheism" proponents represent "both sides" of the false religion/science dichotomy
Don't be absurd. Just because the more extreme thinkers on either side think science and religion are incompatible, doesn't mean that all scientists and all religious people think they're incompatible.
The South isn't retarded because of culture or values, it's retarded because no one smart stays in the south.