How was this picture taken?

How was this picture taken?

becuase the earth is flat you can clearly see in the picture

The universe is so big there is an alternate version of "You" somewhere in that direction

You've seen the CSI shows where they enhance a reflection on someone's watch and find the killer? Pretty similar actually. They pointed Hubble telescope at a planet covered in liquid and reconstructed this from the reflection.

Jesus took that picture

this guy's right


no, NASA sent a manned spacecraft out of the solar system and it sent back this picture

There's a documentary about it called Star Trek

I hope this answers your question OP

Don't listen to the trolls in this thread.

Voyager 1 left the Milky Way around 2009. They recently pointed the camera back towards earth.

Fun fact: the image took over two months to be transmitted back to us!

space shuttle

>voyager 1 taking high res pictures
>left the milky way


That "you" doesn't means us you imbecile.

Voyager has not even left the local group, let alone the milky way.

Then who is it, dipshit?


>hasn't left the local collection ~50 galaxies, let alone the individual galaxy within said collectiion.

A better question would be how was that location marker constructed?

Ms paint

I remember the cool black scientist talking about how we had a "inclined" view of our galaxy that allowed us to know how it's like. So as far as I know that's not a real picture.

You know how some cameras have really wide lenses? Pretty much like that. I think they also had an extended stick for their camera to get the extra reach.
I have, of course, never googled how NASA takes their selfies, but I still like to speculate.

that would be a big stick

For you

MFW every poster in this thread is just Black Science Man samefagging?

They used a biiig mirror.

top kek

Only two months to deliver a picture from out of the Milky Way? I thought it would take a lot longer.

They sent it express.


>filnemane isn't star kek


That small dot is earth through Jupiter's atmosphere

We traded with the ayy lmaos for this picture

I will forever regret this now

That circle must be light years in diameter, WTF?!?!

someone leaned back really far

Or few centimetres, depends how far it is

Because brainlets want us to believe in stuff we can't definitely prove all the while they don't want us believe god is real.

It's the cancer ruining academia along with colleges being certificate mills.

>believe in
three tardword/phrases in one sentence,
congratulations m8


Underrated lensing joke