For the past few weeks I have been 'raising' an ant colony at work...

For the past few weeks I have been 'raising' an ant colony at work. They seem to live under the tile/inside the cupboards and are incredibly small, black ants. I have become stumped at their behavior.
>They seem to only come out when I am working (my co-workers have ocd/retardation so they would have killed them all if noticed, and they are very noticeable).
>They clump together underneath an area where a sugar dispenser is refilled, however they don't seem to want to move all the sustinence I provide them(intentionally).
>I estimate their numbers at around 150 strong
>They move out of the way once I bring out the broom, in 2 months I have only sweeped roughly 10 of them away.

Science is increasingly refuting the idea that a larger brain is the only possible way for higher intelligence so can they have a minor sense of self consciousness or a high degree of intelligence?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigga what the fuck?

I would prefer scientific/philosophical responses only thanks.

only brainless can understand brainless


nobody seriously questions if a computer is conscious when it automatically is able to learn language patterns, artistic image styles, schedule prediction etc etc etc.

But you question if ants have consciousness because they learned they survive better and are provided with food when you're around. How do they know if you're around? Not by looking at you you dumbass. By noticing something. They aren't thinking "oh yay user is here food times!" they're more just computing "x smell is present, food/not being killed is likely"

OP you don't belong on this board

>Not questioning the world around you.
>Why don't you go post on Twitter some more

It's a super organism. So it's behavior resembles intelligence.

Ants are smart little fuckers. They can tell when you are trying to poison them. Of if you kill enough of them they will learn to avoid you.


I'm not the only one who refills the sugar refer to OP about my co-workers.

It's less like a true intelligence and more like pattern recognition.

It's like your spinal cord, it controls your reflexes and can move your body by itself (think of touching something hot) but you wouldn't think of it as being intelligent.

Ants don't "think" they react. Think of the swarm as the queen's giant hand touching something hot.

humans work in the same way though, we just have a supposedly conscious layer that goes over the top of that

Some species of ants farm food by having bacteria present on them ferment random shit like grass and wood to feed the fungus they keep in their colony for food. They even keep the carb/protein ratio good enough to feed the colony but bad enough so that the fungus doesn't overtake the colony.

Paper was published in PNAS sometime last year.

ITT: Ants have been proven to be a hive mind containing consciousness.

Can we make this an ant thread?
I have a small colony of Pheidoles I keep in a small terrarium but some how they keep getting out and walking around my desk. The terrarium has no holes and I put vaseline around the lid so they shouldnt be able to get out. How the fuck are they doing it?

ants are smart dude

Fuck yeah ant thread

>"oh yay user is here food times!"
>"x smell is present, food/not being killed is likely"
Those are literally the same thing.

According to this, some species can build bridges to bypass surfaces they normally couldnt traverse.

Its under the Materials section

>They aren't thinking "oh yay user is here food times!" they're more just computing "x smell is present, food/not being killed is likely"

That's exactly what your brain does too

OP here, Please post pics of your terrarium, my interest is peaked.

>If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.

Define "consciousness"

get a tripcode and keep us updated. Looks interesting.

Its a layout I stole from someone else. I used to have a small plant in the corner but the ants took chunks out of the leaves and used it as a bridge to get over the vaseline.
I really dont get how they are escaping. Im being outsmarted by ants.

> I used to have a small plant in the corner but the ants took chunks out of the leaves and used it as a bridge to get over the vaseline.

> used it as a bridge to get over

>I really dont get how they are escaping.
>Im being outsmarted by ants.
At this point, I'm not really surprised.

You biofags make me sick.

prevent them from making bridges and getting over the vaseline.
Google is seriously just like /pol/. All the results are about killing ants

The only time a purge ever has bad consequences is if it's left unfinished

ants are very cool
it never really resonated with me so I didnt follow it through, but did some entomology in second year (im a biology dont bully), and I remember our lecturer got really excited about the "group mind". One of my course friends e-mailed him about it and did some reading on it because he really liked it. (dude was a nerd but rich so I liked him)

I'm not really contributing at all but yes, ants are cool

My professor says bacteria can communicate using electrical signals. There's actually voltage going through biofilms.
Ants use chemicals to do the same. Just goes to show that the individual doesn't matter in the grand scale. That's why humans need to use communism. Because only the state matters, not the person

Non-sequitur much?

Ants = Communism
OK dude

>That's why humans need to use communism.
educate yourself on basic economics then come back, leftyfag
>Because only the state matters, not the person
Good cuck, obey the state unconditionally and put it before yourself always. Seize the means of production, amirite comrade? :'^)

>"hurr classcuck id wasnd real gommunism"
>"gommunism hasnd been tried"
>"braise sdalin :-DDD"

>individual doesn't matter in the grand scale.
aka. genocide is okay.

Run OP.
It's Phase IV

>Because only the state matters, not the person
Yeah. It's so unfortunate that I'm not enslaved to a big brother state. North Korea best Korea :D

Ants have limited pattern recognition and decision making ability.

People tend to underestimate all animals.

Even plants have differing stress stimuli when around a human that previously harmed them and a human that does not.

bring out the yellow poison!

If you don't want ants, put out bait that contains cordyceps mushrooms. They will never return.

not ants but what the fuck

>suppresses the roach's anxiety centers
>chews off its antenna
>leads it back to the rape cave
>lays single egg
>walls roach into rape cave
K-selected insect, crazy.

Consciousness comes in different levels and densities. There's no doubt about it.

It's too late. The ants are all free and barricaded my door with leaves so I can't leave. They keep making me open the fridge to get them jam and other sweet things. I have to type this quick so they don't see me. Send help.

>tfw no mindbreak waspgirl rape doujin
why live

don't ruin the ant thread you brainwashed prick

What are the times you and your coworkers work? Is it a set scheduled difference or is it sporadic and difficult to determine who will be working and when?
Ants would take some time to lay down the pheromones to indicate the food source is good, so it might take a few ants some time to initially investigate it and then send out the signals to their sisters for everyone to grab a piece of the pie.

The pheromones they lay down are extremely potent and long lasting. The more ants that lay down a pheromone trail the stronger it becomes. If you bring them food to the same spot, chances are that path is well known and they associate it strongly with food.
Perhaps they can sense the vibrations from walking around compared to you versus your coworkers. They know coworker vibrations= bad and your vibrations= food. The last bit is pure conjecture of course.

Ants have also been known to domesticate another insect that eat a specific plant and their excrement is a food source for the ant colony. The ants will shepherd the insects to fresh plants when the food source is exhausted. The most remarkable thing is the ants can detect when thunderstorms are coming and seek shelter for their "livestock".


What a weird way to look at it, aren't they all technically one giant family of ants?

Sorry... misread


I've read the study

As long as they don't completely destroy the colony there is room for growth, ants are the one of the only species to colonize all of this planet. If we get to another one, no ants on the ship, no mosquitoes, please

>ants are the one of the only species to colonize all of this planet.
>ant arctica

it's not
they don't know who OP is, or likely even what OP is, they just know that something about him signals safety

>Scottish accent
really takes me out of it, but I could get into it

If size was the only way sentience was possible, then that would speak numbers about us in comparison to the universe. As for the ants though, unless you could find a way to communicate with ants or some kind of common ground, there's not really anyway to distinguish consciousness, or intelligence from an instinctual response. It really makes you wonder about animals in general though. If they were sentient, you wouldn't be able to tell because only humans can understand the action of humans.

Killing insects and killing animals are the same. Yet one evokes an emotional response and the other does not.

Two dubs in a row


Kek at the filename

So what does the communism symbol got to do with ants?

I'm a brainlet but I have been researching ants a lot recently because I want to start my own colony. You would be surprised at how many complex behaviors ants exhibit when looking for a new home/dealing with threats/etcetera. They are like robots that have different algolrithms for different tasks. I wouldn't be surprised if they are learning a routine based on your feeding/sweeping habits.

>Because only the state matters, not the person
Aren't you taking the wrong lesson from this? Ants and bacteria cooperate in order to spread their genetics, not their ideology.

Also the communist idea that "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" isn't very Darwinian.

communism is cooperation at the highest degree which is what ants and bacteria do. Ants gather all the resources into one cave and then share it just like communism intends.
Darwinism has nothing to do with what I said

>a dog cannot lie

>ant arctica


Thread related, how to start an ant colony?

grab a bunch of ants and place them in a prison

You need to buy or catch a queen.
If you are catching - there are seasons for different species when queens first fly and mate, then they lose wings and look for a place to start a colony. Only the ones without wings are fertilized.


Some more.

OP if you turned this into an ecology thread about your pet ant colony in an office, it would be cool. Instead you're another fag asking about consciousness.
OP is a faggot

why do we lie?

>Board most likely to have its browsers be in college/uni
>Advocating communism

Pure pottery.

WhenI was a kid two huge ant colonies went to war on the sidewalk in front of my house. I watched them kill each other for days. There were even ants that came to collect the dead and dying.
My grandma ruined the fun by hosing them down with raid.

ants are my fav insects. they're clean, orderly, very organized and a natural pest deterrent. if you have an ant problem don't kill them, it makes a mess and contaminates the area with poison. just make sure they can't get to your food source and they will disperse within hours.

OP here, turned and colony in scattered ant wasteland. Decided to test their capabilities, so far ~75% have returned. To the ones that have been lost Godspeed.

I also support Communism, global Communism under an AI overlord would be paradise.

Even if you end up as my lifestock?


It makes sense when describing ant societies.

They also have individual intelligence, they can pass the mirror test and an study showed that most of the time ants don't work, wich it's interesting cause it will mean that they aren't just drones without will.



What were kibutzes in Israel?

Sometimes we self-organize into communes.
The shit part is - usually there is a power-hungry dictator to hijack the system and shit into everyones cup.
But that happens in every system: Hitler got democratically elected, corporations worked their way through US democracy and stole the show. In monarchies the whole idea is based around the queen of ants.

The road to freedom is long and needs constant fighting for. Also Plato was right - simple democracy is shit because to many retards. We should go for democracy plus segregation of votes based on the knowledge of the subject. For example first part of the ballot should be a test for you to solve. Independent (even from govt) public media and education is also a must.

>Ants don't "think" they react.

I have my doubts about that. I think hive insects like ants and bees basically use "distributed computing" to achieve intelligence no single insect could possibly have on their own. Ants in particular do things that go well beyond just reflex and instinct.

Insects are animals, brainlet.

animals are people, but insects aren't, especially to "people" that go to /pol/

>high IQ board knows that people are not equal
>still advocates equal treatment
really gets the neurons firing. Perhaps you should go back to your shithole because education is a spook!

But I go to /pol/. Is this really the extent of Veeky Forums's intelligence?

No. We don't need communism. What we need is a hivemind.

The internet is the debut of the greatest hivemind in the universe

>I want to live life like an ant
>my life doesn't matter as long as the colony survives miserably

I bet you cry after you masturbate