Who Veeky Forums mischief here?

>be me
>fake results for about 5 papers and publish them in top journals
>already 100 citations in total
>mfw most scientists are too autistic or scared to complain to the journals that my papers are fake

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek, enjoy your timebomb

All it takes is a complaint or enquiry, and twenty years down the road you'll lose your job and academic qualifications

You've royally fucked yourself there

>implying karma is real

It's not about Karma, it's about risk

If you become a successful academic, more people will read your papers and hence will be more likely to notice the errors

Especially if research is done based on your findings you will most likely be found out eventually

Do you honestly believe anything posted in these threads is not made up?

>If you become a successful academic,


I already have interviews at consultancy and investment firms mate. I'd be out of academia long before anyone notices anything.

>Twenty years down the road
And in the meantime he will have been earning a large five or low-mid six figure salary every year.
At that point I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't care if they lost a few medals or their degree.

Imagine sitting on 120k a year for 20 years from fake results. That's the lowball estimate.

>Do you honestly believe anything posted in these threads is not made up?
But these things do happen.

OP here. I admit, I only used the word "fake" for dramatic effect. I didn't completely fake all my results. I may have fudged the data here and there, simulated results and passed it along as experimental results, and used creative graphing to make up trends, but NEVER have I faked them.

>The whole post.

>Be me
>Have write 5000 word essay on ethics in science
>See this thread

thanks user

>tfw went into pure mathematics
>Literally impossible to fake results


>prove a theorem
>it gets published
>months later discover flaw in my proof
>never tell anyone
>nobody noticed
>2 citations so far

You could discover something *independently*.
Or plagiarize obscure Russian articles.

Don't worry, you are not in the minority
>More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.

>I read it on the internet, it must be true!

>write thesis
>get A+
>notice missing attribution of authorship on a graphic and typo in one equation
>never tell anyone


There are doctors who believe 0% of medical research is real.

What the fuck? How do those doctors operate? When you come in their room do they only talk about conspiracy theories? Is this Dr. Alex Jones?

Met a med student at uni who believed in chem trails and was against about vaccines. Really makes me worry, hes a social activist now though hopefully he goes into another field

What's the point of that. I would just be another mediocre underpaid mathematician.

I want to fake a proof of the riemann hypothesis and get a million dollars, a fields medal, and a job at a top institution.

>was against about vaccines.
This is a brainlet war.
You can't prove that vaccines are necessary like you would do in a physics experiment.
This is why math, with the benefit of doubt for physics, is the only real science.

>I want to fake a proof of the riemann hypothesis
Mochizuki faked abc.
You need to put a lot of effort and eccentricity into it.

That is a good idea but the problem is that they don't give you the millenium prize unless they read the proof and accept it completely.

Pulling a Mochizuki implies creating a paper that is impossible to read, which means no one will ever give me my fields medal.

>what is chemistry

>teaching analysis class
>there's lemma i can't prove or find anywhere on the internet
>write proof: obvious, left as exercise

Ville R?

No, there are scientists who make it a sport to hunt down people who do this, even OUTSIDE OF THEIR FIELD!

>5000 word essay

Is that a lot? My bi-weekly lab reports are usually around 30 pages and 4500 words

It's really the topic that's causing trouble, I keep catching myself thinking "This statement needs a source" or "This is too subjective"

Makes sense. It sounds like an easy way to gain notoriety in the academic community.

Fact checking is not as hard as fact-deducing so it can be done with less effort and you can actually publish papers by debunking people, so it counts as research too. Plus, as what you do is honorable, you become respected too.

Heck, I'd do it. It sounds fun.

So Mochizuki's work has been confirmed as bullshit? I thought it was a whole new level of abstraction that nobody else understood yet, and that after some time it would be validated.

No. Papa Mochi Mochi's work is so convoluted it is impossible to prove he faked abc.

And that is exactly what he wants ;^)

So the consensus is that it's complex therefore not valid? I thought math was the one field that didn't condone such bullshit.

nah m8 don't be fooled, last I heard people were working on it and some others understood the theory and said it seemed correct.