Most poisonous substances

What are the most poisonous substances, as in lowest LD50?

Other urls found in this thread:


HF, hydrofluoric acid

It's deadly by skin contact if not treated within the hour and doesn't even hurt so you can't even feel yourself dying until it's too late.
It also attacks glass and many other metals.

>attacks glass and many other metals
>glass is a metal

Not really in terms of pure toxicity, although HF will fuck your shit up regardless.

Appearently, it's Botox:


Makes it even more ironic that people inject that shit in their fucking face, out of all things.

No idea but these fucks are worth a mention. A microscopic 3mg of their venom will kill an average adult in a couple of minutes.

No prizes for guessing where you can find them.

why the fuck is ionizing radiation in that list?

"substance" is a broad term.

The rabies virus is a substance. /When left untreated/ (the critical phrase), it kills ~100.00% of all human beings that it infects. Phew, thank goodness there are vaccines!

A black hole is a "substance"...

actually glass is a liquid

Room temp glass is a solid, you fell for the shit meme. If it was a liquid how come you can melt it genius

Just fuck our collective shit up.

so how much do you think a bunch of really fast protons weigh?

bout free fiddy

does that mean sand is a liquid because because glass is made of sand? and sandstone is also a liquid because it's just sand.

>what is google

less than a microgram of Po-210 to kill the average person

why would such a substance ever be synthesized (besides the obvious)

It's part of the U-238 decay chain. It's naturally occurring.

You can buy Whink rust remover in the hardware store. It's hydroflouric acid. You can use it in the laundry.

Dihydrogen Monoxide

He's right you know.

Glass is indeed a liquid. sand is the solid form. It just runs so slowly that you cant tell. Thats why glass warps over time, ever see decades old? the bottom is a lot thicker than the top as it has run. also giant telescopes stopped using giant glass lenses since they just kept warping. that's why they use giant mirrors instead

specifically quartz is the solid (crystal) form of glass


>nobody has said it
I'm pretty sure it's the Botulinum toxins.

good job taking 3 minutes to read the thread before you post so you don't look like a retard:

Came here to post this

Time kills everyone and destroys everything.

2deep420me, hombre

I CTRL + F'd 'botu' and got no result. No need to be mad :)

Botox is a brand name FYI and not a toxin.

>lazy faggot admits to being lazy and think this lets him off the hook
nah, fuck you

>Botox is a brand name FYI and not a toxin
i believe you mean "a brand name OF a toxin", you snarky dipshit

Nice looking jewess

The botulinum toxins are indeed the most neurotoxic substances known with average LD50 of ~1.5 ng/kg.

I think VX is a little sexier though. It has an LD50 of 7mu/kg. Its only use is as a nerve agent in chemical warefare.

Glass is an amorphous solid. It doesn't have a single phase transition from the solid phase to the liquid phase, instead a gradual transition called a glass transition.
The shape of old windows comes from the manufacturing process, not from flowing.

Holy shit, somebody actually knows what LD50 is

But rarely in low doses

Fair enough.

Though if you measure dosage by mass or volume, it kills at a zero dose... eventually.

Zero dose would mean no time and that's just not possible.

If glass is a supercooled liquid and we could observe the effect, then why do some ancient ritual obsidian knives still have blades that are as narrow as 3 nm thin? Over time, the knife should dull even slightly but ones from even millennia ago are still the same sharpness.

Also, if the flowing of glass was something we could observe, then antique telescopes would become incorrect due to the lenses warping

This is utterly false, don't listen to American posters.

This is false, old glass panes where made by pouring molten (hot) glass onto a spinning platform, they where then cut into rectangles, obviously they would be thicker at one end than the other and so the thicker end was placed at the bottom of the window frame for stability etc.

plants and dead dinosaurs are a liquid since oil is made of them

Call it busy :)


Just look at what it does to Women's minds.

delicious dimethylmercury

As long as it does not attack the hardest metal, diamonds, everything is ok

Back to /b/ with you...

I like this one
" A 5–15 mg dose is enough to immobilize an African elephant and a 2–4 mg dose is enough to immobilize a Black Rhino."

You are a stupid, uneducated fuck. Go hang yourself, you fucking brainlet.

>Just look at what it does to Women's minds.

Legitimate pesticides my good man

hnng imagine railing a line of it

Probably polonium

Here's a better question.

What substance has the lowest LD50 but also has a therapeutic use?

Closeness between ED50 and LD50 irrelevant.


a single protein of bse will kill

>No prizes for guessing where you can find them.

In the sea?

not as fatal as you'd think though.

I'm pretty sure this is bait

botulism, I think


weight is a function of energy since the proton is relativistic. that guy got hit with a 76 GeV beam, which is pretty good for a terrestrial source, but cosmic rays can go much higher

some cosmic rays get up to the 10^20 eV; a single nucleus with the energy of a baseball going 100 mph(and 100 billion times more energy than bugorski got hit with)

getting hit with such a particle would almost certainly be fatal, how we calculate the mg/kg depends on if we use the rest mass or the relativistic mass when we determine the LD50

Imagine getting thunked by one of those during a space walk. Would you explode?