Drumpf hates scien-

>drumpf hates scien-

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Learn how to use the catalog, brainlet.

Tracy Dyson is so cute.

Have fun making all that money just to blow it on impulse business investments and expensive out of country trips due2 hypomania

>/pol/ hates science
[site = (2^3)ch]
Link split because spam protection

>Link split because spam protection

1. Figure out what the site is
2. Try posting a link to it

Lurk moar

>tfw pseudo-""""sciences"""" get defunded
no more siphoning money for bullshit """"""""""research""""""""""

>the astronauts, dahnald

I waited until you saw the post.


what pseudosciences do you refer to?

Fun reminder that Trump didn't do this Congress did.

If you read Trump's 2018 Presidential Request from a week ago he assumes no budget would be passed for FY2017 and it would just be at the level of FY2016. His request is an overall decrease in funds and will end Earth science missions.


Wrong link.


go home, bluesharia.



>Veeky Forums won't fall for bait thre-

>department of energy
>National institute of health

Says the /pol/tard bait / shitposting on Veeky Forums. Get back to your hugbox please.

>claiming a thread is bait
>willingly responding to it
it just makes you look retarded, faggot.

That's great, honestly. But this by itself is hardly more than a photo op, it seems. The NIH which funds research for America's booming, state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry gets 7B US$ cut from its budget, all the while the biotech revolution in foreign developed economies continues..

He's robing peter to pay paul, because paul is the guy that votes for him. But that's not even the half of it, because we're scaling back on support for our most modern industries in which we currently lead the world to support growth in assembly line and menial labor work which any developing country will do for cheaper and which will soon be automated out of existence. And we're going to accomplish that by way of tarrifs and subsidies, so that our economy becomes even more insular, uncompetitive, and we all foot the cost of creating more work for unskilled labor.

As if that isn't bad enough, we're scraping the social programs that the unskilled citizens will need to survive when those jobs do disappear.

We're totally selling out our future. There is hardly a shred of nuance in his design of the budget and no consideration of long-term opportunity costs. Republicans are betting that whoever is in power 10 years from now when we reap the manifestation of our actions today will be blamed for the fallout.

>>department of energy
global warming
>>National institute of health
correlation fishing

Yeah, pseudoscience.

how much did you get paid for that post?

This could be a thread about NASA, but no

what would you cut then, you stupid faggot? you can make a case for every single thing that the government funds.

if it's truly a state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry then it shouldn't rely on government funding to succeed. i bet you're that biomed queer that always pops up in these threads and whines about muh NIH funding.

₽0.3 has been deposited into your ShareKremlin propaganda account!

>what would you cut then, you stupid faggot?

Not him but at this point it's obvious that the only cuts that can make the difference now are defense and social security. And since cutting on defense is arguably dangerous in this global political climate, social security is the only choice.

>you can make a case for every single thing that the government funds.

This is true but out of all the things the government funds defense and social security contribute the most to debt. Other programs like science, health, education and HUD don't even come close and everyone knows it.

>if it's truly a state-of-the-art biomedical technology industry then it shouldn't rely on government funding to succeed

The problem with this logic is the private sector 8 times out of 10 will usually not support state-of-the-art technology unless it is proven to be profitable market wise in the short term.

Long term tech is a gamble profit wise, which is why research and development is done by schools and government instead. While businesses simply provides a means to produce it efficiently and cheaply to commercialize it to the masses.

>cut defense
Nah, we can just continue to cut questionable public programs and spend the saved money elsewhere. Anyone who has been exposed to the accounting side of public works knows how ridiculously bad they spend the money.
Absolutely no ability to function on a budget, nor make one with foresight of at least a year.

Only once this is fixed can we trust public programs with large budgets. As it is now, there is too much bloat associated with all government apparatus that makes it quite wasteful to the tax payer.

like you would have some credibility except for the part where EVERY SINGLE PENNY saved from public programs gets spent on defense instead.

like literally the only way to defend this is to argue that $54 billion more in defense spending on top of the $600b+ we already have actually in some way makes americans safer.

and if you are going to make that claim you are too retarded to talk to.

Why is that zodiac killer meme guy there?
I think Cruz

That's for FY2017, the FY2018 budget proposal for nasa looks pretty grim.

Now this is an authorization bill, it doesn't actually provide NASA with money, it just sets policy.

>lurking redditchan

neck yourself

Reading this post makes me feel ill.

I'm so fucking sick of everyone in the boomer generation coming into political office and then fucking everything up for people younger than 35.

Trump is going to rekt this country and there's nothing we can do. All because some ill-educated white people in the midwest still want to be fucking coal miners and assembly line workers.

how does it feel to be a willing sock puppet for the industrial military complex

Lmao defence is the most wasteful public program of all


It's our country, not yours, shitskin

time to fuck off to whatever third world shithole you come from then.

Let's face it. If Trump cut niggers and spics out of the country, we'd have tons of money to spend on any number of scientific endeavors. Our most expensive social programs are all failing because of them and the nigger tax is growing every year.

>All because some ill-educated white people in the midwest still want to be fucking coal miners and assembly line workers.

My uncle works in construction in the Rust Belt (the redneck part of PA, specifically) and he always complains about how he can't find workers. It pays 30 dollars an hour starting, which is not terrible in less-expensive regions for people who often don't have a high school degree. But people never show up for work, fail drug tests constantly, and so on. They're too dumb to get out of their own way.

Now, working on a production line is easier than construction, but coal mining obviously isn't. Half the US lives in large-ish cities, there's no reason to orient the system so much towards rural interests.

They get the spotlight but the untold story of the election is basically everyone making over $40,000 voting for Trump

>basically everyone
>about every second person who voted in 35-75 range
t. high school or less


Looks like income level doesn't really have an effect. Education matters more in predicting support. This is only for whites though for some reason.


I don't care if Trump is pro NASA, physics, chemistry, engineering or other shitty sciences alike. Environment science is the only real science out there and everyone else can go fuck themselves.


Which planet is more likely to get destroyed first by Trump's iron fist of rage?

Spoken like a true pleb.

If by science you mean libtard climate conspiracy theories and godless evolution theories and yes, you're correct OP. Also kys millenials.


> Make Mars Great Again when?

>responding to what is clearly either a humorous jest or an unsubtle false flag with unironic disdain/anger

the one in your imaginary reality :^)

Ssshh no tears now libcuck. sorry nobody buys your Trump is an ebil white male propaganda

>National institute of health

>The NIH which funds research

Only poorfags have to beg the nih for money. pic related



Why do we have to suffer because dindus can't stop doing drugs, doing gangs and refusing to get jobs?

Quick! To the safe space! But don't bring your microscope, those are the tools of the racists.

They threaten to riot and destroy the country if we don't pay their welfare though

Because that kind of welfare is drops in the bucket that is corporate welfare. Direct your anger to Walmart et al. receiving billions in bailout money

That "College Grad" section has so many implied meanings and errors, you should nekk yourself.

Keep in mind that you are guaranteed a grad degree with useless majors like Liberal Arts and Gender """"Sciences"""", which is appealing to retards.

And non-retards go for hard but useful degrees and sometimes they dropout.

My sides left orbit, have a satirical (you)

Worst theory is the theory of God

Nigger look at the mandatory budget spending. Social Security, health, and welfare spending make up over 50% of the budget.

I'm a white make American you shits.

Let's completely ignore the future and sell everything out for a couple jobs for 10-15 years, then when mechanization hits, I hope all of you lose everything and have to kill yourselves.

Fuck this country. "Leave then." Don't worry, I am. You guys can fade into irrelevance. I don't give a fuck

>If I can't refute atleast I can shitpost
never change libcuck

I dont know what I'm talking about : The post

He's cutting the NSF, EPA< NIH, DoE research, and pretty much everything except the military. He also lowered the NASA budget overall.

Just because he approved one funding bill for a project that was set up years ago doesn't mean he isn't against science.

>I don't know what against means

Claiming climate change is a Chinese conspiracy and defunding almost all scientific research is definitely again science

Lets be honest here the only people who actually go on Reddit are the ones that bitch about it on Veeky Forums.

total chan is alright when you want to escape the cancer of Veeky Forums once in a while

>muh automation will wipe out 80% of JERBS! I know it didn't happen the last 2947629483 times we said it but this time it's TRUUUUUUUU

>tiny dip in NASA
>huge cuts in environment science which is full of scammers
You do know that science isn't about your global warming cultist agenda right? You do know that it involves dozens of other branches too right?

>Obama singlehandedly destroys the entire Constellation program
>Ares 1 and Ares V rockets and Orion spacecraft failed to be completed because of Obamas cuts
>billion dollar investments goes to trash

Compared to Obama, Trump is a saint in the scientific community. And we all know no other candidate would have given two shits about science. You can't really change facts by repeating the same thing and annoying everyone.

>I refuse to acknowledge basic logic
well, that was unexpected

>Compared to Obama, Trump is a saint in the scientific community. And we all know no other candidate would have given two shits about science. You can't really change facts by repeating the same thing and annoying everyone.

You know this is a fucking lie. Destroying the NIH budget and funding for computational science via the DOE is going to get us destroyed by Chinese science.

>>>they made a special board just for you and your friends, go and enjoy it!

>my shitposting is my logic
looking back at your posts, it makes sense

irony at best

spam belongs to

>computational science via the DOE
Get ready for the (You)s about
>muh programming

Yeah the cuts are pretty drastic, and I think it is a shame. Sure we should be smarter with our money, but these cuts are a real slap in the face.

Yeah and most of that "social security, health, and welfare" goes to social security. Unless you mean that by "welfare," in which case I'm sorry for debating semantics


construction is a fucking shit job though. i'm certain your uncle also doesn't hire people on as employees but as contractors, so they get fucked on taxes, i.e. that 30 bucks/hour isn't that appealing.

NSF is a shit organization. they deserve to crash and burn.

Climate modeling ( instead of experiments)

>imitating pol memes
>thinks everyone who calls him a retard is actually a skinhead
oh boy...

>Obama singlehandedly destroys the entire Constellation program
>Ares 1 and Ares V rockets and Orion spacecraft failed to be completed because of Obamas cuts
>billion dollar investments goes to trash
Constellation program deserved to be scrapped. The only worthwhile parts of the program, a heavy lift vehicle and the Orion capsule are still happening. Ares I was garbage and most of the rest of Constellation isn't worth mentioning because NASA was never given the funds to do any serious work.



Having worked in a shipyard on some Army boats, yes.

Hey /pol/

Why not cut military spending?

The US already makes more arms than it knows what to do with.



>had 8 year of king nigger to disband the military ushering a new era of pacifism around the world

You dumbassess blew it. It's time for plan B.

The problem is with Congress tho

>The only worthwhile parts of the program, a heavy lift vehicle and the Orion capsule are still happening.

Neither of those is worthwhile
The idea that they can take this long to produce a shitty capsule is insanity
SpaceX's capsule is better in every way

>because NASA was never given the funds to do any serious work.
They had billions of fucking dollars, the idea that they didn't have money is absurd

Then fix the waste in all those places

defense is literally the most overfunded, wasteful bureaucracy in the world

good lucking getting a bunch of small business owners to change their wasteful practices

They could cut payments they make to these places easily
Or redo contracts to do more shit all in one building rather than spreading out contracts to every state

drumpfee is Putin's personal bitch
nuff said

you seem to have forgotten to close your true statement:
>Trump hates science

The NASA *cut* only looks good compared to the gigantic cuts applied to other departments.