What does /sci / think of philosophy ?

what does /sci / think of philosophy ?

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it ended with Stirner

everything from the last 150 years has been intellectual wankery

I like ones that are based on real life practise like Stoicism and Buddhism and can help you weather difficult life circumstance and help you snap out of personal drama.

So, I guess I prefer ethics that is applicable, anything else is just mental masturbation.

it's results are shallow and kinda obvious, but professional philosophers do their best to mystify them in order to make them seem more interesting and important that how they are

a meme for pseudo inntelectuals

People on Veeky Forums don't actually know much about philosophy, so their opinion doesn't matter much. All they think of when they hear the word 'philosophy' is continental garbage.

>People on Veeky Forums don't actually know much about philosophy, so their opinion doesn't matter much
speak for yourself

just because you never picked up a book doesn't mean no one else on the board has

a mathematician becomes a philosopher natrually
a philosopher doesn't become a mathematician ever

the answer is clear

Bertrand Russell

Shut up faggot.

Maybe I'm just stupid. But I don't really get it. I try reading some philosophy, and it seems like all of their sentences are very vague and redundant. I often feel like I'm reading the same sentence over and over, just phrased slightly differently.


Taoism is the strongest philosophy.

Eastern philosophy is garbage.
[math] \text{Western Civilization} > \text{literally everything else }[/math]

I thought it was common knowledge that Veeky Forums is nothing but STEMlords in grad or undergrad jerking each other off or arguing about pointless shit

Stoicism is the best for building character.

Everything else is mental gymnastics for the pseudo intellectual

Every great idea that western philosophy ever "came up with" was thought up first by Eastern philosophy.

good thing you posted this, I almost thought we were about to go a day without this SAME FUCKING THREAD BEING POSTED AGAIN

Not even close.

The master of us all.

Yeah me too, don't know what I would have done in that case.

It ended with Hume
Stirner was just rehashing what he had already written down

Plato was the best.
Fuck Kant and his morality system
Nietzsche is good but widely misunderstood
Stirner was a spook
Buddhist philosophy is bullshit (4 noble truths, nice meme)
Anything pointing towards religion is worthless

On this board everyone only cares about science. But they don't know that science is a daughter of philosophy. This board is so ignorant about philosophy that it makes me hate it even though i browse it daily

thinking about it again, most of this board is ignorant about everything and only shitposts memes


Pretentious people abusing an interesting field.
Their heads are so far up their own asses they disregard reality to pursue useless hypothetical fantasies about brains in jars.

Oh, and old school philosophers were badass. The Stoics, Buddhists, Confucians, Taoists, and even up through maybe Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, etc. The abstract fuckers and especially postmodernists belong in the ground with the abominable Marx and his Frankfurt buddies.

Reading the Roman Stoics has literally changed me, I'm a fucking tone more calm and I used to be and still are a bit (still trying to change) fucking anxious and irritable.

What's wrong with Marx?

Abolition of private property is retarded.

Explain? Do you know the difference between private and personal property?

There is no difference: youtube.com/watch?v=b8UE3QAV8JM

It ended with St Aquinas

Really now?

Watched a bit and heard this: in socialism the means of production is owned by the state. This is by definition state capitalism while socialism has workers own the means of production but of course I wouldn't expect someone posting a youtube video as a citation to know the difference.

Holy shit.

You're just making yourself look bad, thanks.

Dubs versus trips battle

>workers own the means of production
Yeah and how are they going to own it? Through a "workers State" which will degenerate into a dictatorship and State capitalism. It already happened man, don't come up with that "if Stalin wasn't in charge" there would have been real socialism bullshit.

Ever heard of democracy before? If factories were democratically run do you think they would have been shipped overseas?

"Democratically" running all factories, that will certainly satisfie the needs of the market. I though this was Veeky Forums not /sci-fi/.

Take your religion back to /x/ if you think you can comment on whether a philosopher is valid or not when you clearly haven't read his work or know anything about it.