Shit brainlets say:

Shit brainlets say:

I'll start
>everyone has an ideology, science is an ideology,
>you BELIVE in science.
>diversity is natural and not a political doctrine.
>communism wasnt ever tried properly
>in the future we will all be mixed race, half-cast.
>overpopulation is inevitable
>because of overpopulation, we will face starvation, so white people should stop having babies, we cant stop the third world, because THAT would be racist.
>im pro abortion, afterall the baby is a parasite and its MY body.

Other urls found in this thread:

>hey i know ill start a shit brainlets say thread

>Shit brainlets say:

>I'll start
>>everyone has an ideology, science is an ideology,
>>you BELIVE in science.
>>diversity is natural and not a political doctrine.
>>communism wasnt ever tried properly
>>in the future we will all be mixed race, half-cast.
>>overpopulation is inevitable
>>because of overpopulation, we will face starvation, so white people should stop having babies, we cant stop the third world, because THAT would be racist.
>>im pro abortion, afterall the baby is a parasite and its MY body.

The common normie with no appreciable science education is absolutely taking his modern atheist ideology on faith from science he doesnt understand. If you deny science is the religion of the modern atheist youre disingenuous.



>Same fag /thread his on own post
The absolute state of Veeky Forums

hi op, you're still a faggot

Please just go back to

Excellent joke, didnt see that one coming.

>It's a conspiracy!
Kill yourself /pol/nigger.

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center scientists report data from a new study providing evidence that random, unpredictable DNA copying "mistakes" account for nearly two-thirds of the mutations that cause cancer. Their research is grounded on a novel mathematical model based on DNA sequencing and epidemiologic data from around the world.

"It is well-known that we must avoid environmental factors such as smoking to decrease our risk of getting cancer. But it is not as well-known that each time a normal cell divides and copies its DNA to produce two new cells, it makes multiple mistakes," says Cristian Tomasetti, Ph.D., assistant professor of biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "These copying mistakes are a potent source of cancer mutations that historically have been scientifically undervalued, and this new work provides the first estimate of the fraction of mutations caused by these mistakes."

"We need to continue to encourage people to avoid environmental agents and lifestyles that increase their risk of developing cancer mutations. However, many people will still develop cancers due to these random DNA copying errors, and better methods to detect all cancers earlier, while they are still curable, are urgently needed," says Bert Vogelstein, M.D., co-director of the Ludwig Center at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.

Tomasetti and Vogelstein conducted the new study described in a report published March 24 in the journal Science.

New work from a team including Carnegie's Guoyin Shen and Yoshio Kono used high pressure and temperature to reveal a kind of "structural memory" in samples of the metal bismuth, a discovery with great electrical engineering potential.

Bismuth is a historically interesting element for scientists, as a number of important discoveries in the metal physics world were made while studying it, including important observations about the effect of magnetic fields on electrical conductivity.

Bismuth has a number of phases. A chemical phase is a distinctive configuration of the molecules that make up a substance. Water freezing into ice or boiling into steam are examples of how changes in external conditions can induce a transition from one phase to another. But for physicists and materials scientists, application of extreme pressures and temperatures can bring about a large variety of other phases. For example, under increasing pressure and temperature conditions bismuth undergoes an array of phase transitions, including eight different types of solid phases observed so far.

In previous studies of bismuth, pressure-induced structural changes were not retained when the pressure was reduced. However, the research team -- which included lead author Yu Shu and colleagues Dongli Yu, Wentao Hu, Bo Xu, Julong He, and Zhongyuan Liu of Yanshan University, and Yanbin Wang of University of Chicago -- used a pathway of successive pressure and temperature conditions to create a form of bismuth that has a "structural memory" of a previous phase.

It wasnt op that said that.

Now can we just have a brainlet rage dump thread without trying to one up eachother for cheap emotional kicks.

>Thread is shit; Hijacking it
Just one guy tring to hijack a thread on his own. How sad.

>communism wasnt ever tried properly

White supremacists like you are brainlets.

/pol/niggers think their IQ is actually above 85. What a fucking joke. Kys OP

I actually dont belive in white supremacy, or even any kind of supremacy. But i also dont believe in the homogenist ideology.

Nothing i have said is actually white supremacist, take your rose tinted beer googles off.

But it's true. It failed in the countries it's been tried in because those countries were all shit, not because communism couldn't work in a place like Finland or Switzerland.

I would say that the USSR was proper communism. The problem was that it was a bad time for communism. Communism had many enemies inside and outside. Inside it had other political ideologies and outside it had europe and its wars.

Communism can only come about if everyone in the country is fine with communism, and if you don't need to support wars. After all, wars are a product of capitalism. Only a capitalist nation would want and need wars.

So what we need to do is identify the enemies of communism and while still in capitalism, we must purge them. Murder all non-communist inside the borders and nuke every non-communist country outside the borders. Then transition to communism and you will see UTOPIA.

You do believe in science. Science is based on induction and empiricism. The fact that science has always worked each time it is used is not a logically valid way of proving its use, either.

>>because of overpopulation, we will face starvation, so white people should stop having babies, we cant stop the third world, because THAT would be racist.
I don't get it, how would you 'stop' anyone from having babies.

The anti-natal argument doesn't explicitly refer to white people so what the fuck are you even talking about?


I thought this was pretty common knowledge. Cancer refers to a class of bugs in DNA programming that lead to similar side effects. It's plainly obvious that this would be hard to fix or avoid.

It wasn't though. It wasn't even communism, it was socialism. Socialism is meant to be a step towards communism, just a shitty means to an ends but often people conflate the two.

Moreover Stalin's policies were authoritarian garbage and the dude wasn't even supposed to lead the country. He just got lucky that Lenin had a stroke and parliament decided to go with Stalin anyways even after being presented with a letter from Lenin's wife saying "Stalin a shit!".

>The fact that science has always worked each time it is used is not a logically valid way of proving its use, either.

That statment is equally inductionist.

However, i only use science because it uses evidence, and when evidence is not usefull anymore? Well, by that time im sure humans will themselves be irrelevent, so its not worth considering.

Im not a white supremacist though.

Guess read between the lines multiculturailism gives you.

Excuse my hostility. Your fellow conservatives tend to be extremely rude and I respond in kind to them

>I agree with artificial selection and dispute genetic diversity even though it's what makes natural selection work.
>I'm not a white supremacist
top zoz

>the truth is rude
>ill be rude back

Im not even a conservative. Im close to it, but i dont formally endorse any ideology.

I only endrose evidence, without ascribing certain needs to it first.

>>I agree with artificial selection and dispute genetic diversity even though it's what makes natural selection work.

Where do i say i agree with artificial selection?

Im afraid your understanding of evolution is dead wrong, and probably enforced by some ideology.

Everything requires an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS), the only criteria for success is the ESS. NOT mixing genes. IF you already have an ESS, mixing with other genes carries with it the danger of dilution, the genes that are usefull to the ESS dont simply get picked out of the genome and activated, evolution doesnt work that way.

A simple example is this, if everyone has a gene for cancer and you have a gene for, lets say, IQ, if you mix with them you wont end up with just the desirable gene for IQ, you'll have the gene for cancer too.

Furthermore, if you have both genes and you survive because of your IQ, that doesnt mean IQ has been preserved, the caner gene has also been preserved.

So you see you have to be very careful about what you call genetic diversity, there are bad genes aswell as good ones. This is why i call your position homogonist ideology.

But i am not a white supremacist.

>be white
>not a white supremacist
B-But why? Is it self hatred or that they identify with the weak and inferior?

they just have an IQ over 100. Shocking I know.

>they identify with the weak and inferior?

We were all weak once.

>"scientism" and progressivism are indeed ideologies
>"believe" is synonymous with "trust" in colloquial speech
>diversity is both natural and a political issue. The uniformization of mankind is a totalitarian pipedream.
>communism was "supposed" to emerge naturally, not by centrally planning its implementation. Irrespective of feasibility or desirability, it has never been tried properly.
>that is a conclusion one could reach by extrapolating the current trends, though such careless extrapolation is quite naive. See also the pipedreams above
>brilliant people have given excellent explanations and detailed the mechanics through which some forms of overpopulation are likely to occur. Furthermore, there are debates on the precise meaning and criteria of "overpopulation"
>said no one ever

disagree with the last one and also it seems very political and not much about actual scientific topics

>B-But why?
because even the charts that 'redpilled' you logically point to a race other than the caucasian one, in terms of supremacy
>Is it self hatred or that they identify with the weak and inferior?
it's hatred towards stupid, most white people, like yourself are stupid

irony is, it's you who's identifying, basing your identity around the inferior

>>"believe" is synonymous with "trust" in colloquial speech

"believe" is synonymous with "faith" in colloquial speech.

>"supposed" to emerge naturally, not by centrally planning its implementation. Irrespective of feasibility or desirability, it has never been tried properly.

I'd say that the environment to test of communism would emerge naturally is... this world. And as it has emerged and inevitably became a dictatorship, then it has been thoroughly tested.

>>brilliant people have given excellent explanations and detailed the mechanics through which some forms of overpopulation are likely to occur. Furthermore, there are debates on the precise meaning and criteria of "overpopulation"

The critia of overpopulation is obvious, it is a population that exceeds its resources. In any event, the world fertility is slowing, not speeding up, overpopulation is a pipedream.

>Im afraid your understanding of evolution is dead wrong, and probably enforced by some ideology.
>proceeds to spout some retarded shit about a "gene for IQ" and a "gene for cancer" despite genetics not working that way.
Kill yourself pop-sci pleb.

Genes aren't good or bad, they really just create different proteins. Some genes only appear in some populations and often the same gene appears across multiple populations, often in the form of different variants called mutations. The effects provided by the protein produced by a specific gene will often not depend on that gene alone but will depend on many other variables including other proteins, the environment, epigenetic criteria, etc... It is stupid to say that a gene is good or bad in this context because all of those other variables can change over time. It only ever makes sense to say a gene is good or bad within a certain context (e.g. a gene that's good for potatoes grown under a wet dark environment environment prone to floods may be bad for potatoes grown under a dry bright environment prone to droughts).

Artificial selection is when humans impose environmental pressures specific to their beliefs about what is best for our environment under assumptions about what our environment is or how long it will last.

Redlining, voter suppression, and other biased policy (modern and past) amount to artificial selection. Diversity policies are an attempt to rebalance the field.

The power in genetic diversity is that it makes a population more robust to changes in environment, disease, famine, climate, etc...

I have nothing to do with white brainlets. Just because you're my colour doesn't mean that you're as good as me. I would rather be friends with an indian with a brain than a white brainlet. And most racists are brainlets.

but user, those sound like jews, and you know those iq studies that prove how smart they are don't you

>no actual rebuttal
>not having the intellectual honesty to proclaim your gook-supremist views
Remind how great your back water commie gookland is?
Same argument for you poonloo

>>diversity is natural and not a political doctrine.

Diversity is unnatural?

I like you

Artificially importing people who have no way to support themselves in a new environment is unnatural.

>Artificially importing people
The word for that is immigration.
Diversity has another quite different meaning.

Its the /pol/ victim complex dont even bother


0/10 bait.
/pol/acks don't even try anymore.

>Science is not an ideology

How is not? You can reduce it to axioms that we just accept as true.

>im anti abortion, the baby is conscious even though it doesn't have a proper nervous system yet and I have the right to decide what happens to the body of others
You're a brainlet, hypocritical /pol/tard.

you're wasting your time, Veeky Forums is a bunch of left leaning parasites leeching off their parents who pay for their education, and thus have no idea about the real world.
I had to work labour and construction before getting my electrical engineering degree, and it's what kept me from being brainwashed by the leftist hell that is any university

You don't understand. /pol/acks love wasting their time and that of others.

>thinks he's hijacking a shit brainlets say thread
>posts press releases written for a general audience

>tfw my research funding and possibly my future livelihood is dependent on state support
I hate it, but the work is fun af.

>i'm pro abortion, the baby is not human even though it is a human. i have the right to decide what happens to the body of others

lmao are you dumb?

>the baby is not human even though it is a human
Never implied that.

>i have the right to decide what happens to the body of others
You're the one who believe you can impose your choices onto others and their body.

The only sane and scientific position to take is to accept abortion before the fetus can feel pain, that is before it reaches 20 weeks (according to some studies).

>everyone has an ideology, science is an ideology.
Instead of that, you could take a premise of an argument, that there's always something we believe in blindly. Even if it's believing blindly in not-believing-blindly.

>Veeky Forums is a bunch of left leaning
everybody who isn't basing their identity solely on their race is left leaning these days

>Never implied that.
and OP never implied the baby is conscious, but okay

> their body
the fetus is a different body, but okay

There is no scientific position on accepting abortion nigger. It's a moral decision. And since morals are created by society, every society will have different view on abortion. Ancient romans and greeks had no problem with fetus abortion until christianity spread throught these societies.
>You're the one who believe you can impose your choices onto others and their body.

Is this the same line of logic people like you use when talking about homosexual marriage being imposed on everyone?


>homosexual marriage being imposed on everyone?
you can write, can you read?
do you read what you write

>There is no scientific position on accepting abortion nigger.
Science tells us when the fetus begin to suffer, that should help setting the time when it is moral to abort and when it's not, you double nigger.

> when talking about homosexual marriage being imposed on everyone?
Lmao, poor little thing.
How dare those disgusting homosexuals impose their marriage on you.


>Bill Nye the science guy!

Yes and no. The lack of understanding part is true, but their "faith" in science isn't exactly religious since it's based on actual evidence, i.e. you're literally surrounded by the proof that science works 24/7.

>everything is relative

also sage

I hear complaining about "communism has never been tried before" around 100 time more frequently than the phrase itself.

At least we agree on this much. Sadly, political agendas are pushed in gray areas of science and the uneducated take the bait to their own detriment.


That's because you live in a city and all your peers are communist scum. If you stop browsing Reddit and move to someplace that isn't completely overrun by liberals it might help.

>>Same fag /thread his on own post
>The absolute state of Veeky Forums

War existed WAY before capital.

so what about an utilitarian technocracy with an objective function of sustainability and free time?

before we had the means to automate and not require forced labour too

ESS isn't static you dipshit, and not every member of the population chooses the same strategy, some benefit from choosing phenotypes on the opposite sides of the dominant phenotype. I suggest you do more research from primary sources instead of what you read on stormfront.