>the speed of light is cons-
The speed of light is cons-
To the brainlets who can't see it: when the two sources of light destructively interfere in the middle the shadow bulges travel faster than light speed
im a fucking idiot but my guess is you are confusing two qualities that aren't related in a way you are suggesting
shadows aren't objects
I'm really fucking tired of telling retards that there's no speed limits for shadows; shadows aren't made of anything
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, you fucking brainlet
then what is pros- ?
Yeah, and I can swipe a laser pointer across the cosmos to achieve FTL travel too.
Can shadows allow FTL communication?
Whom would win?
100 years of theory vs 1 gif with shitty fps
constant speed of light is not a true fact, it's merely a postulate needed to establish a theory.
can you finally be able to distinguish between these 2?
Light is energy. Energy looses strength. Therefor the speed of light is not constant.
Came here to post this.
Well, post it
This is why most fags here should take an English class.
What? How does energy loosen strength? Please enlighten me.
shadows aren't actual things you stupid fuck
Information is transmitted from the light source to the locations it strikes, not between those points.
1st postulate of post-anabelian froeboid-geometric m-theory nigga
Saying "whom would win" is the same as saying "him would win". It's "who would win" because you would say "he would win".
and whomst?
Your parents must be proud of you
ok what about this: maybe light is being slowed down by tiny particles, in a TRUE vacuum, they'd move faster. if we have a gas in a centrifuge-does it get pulled into the outside as it spins? why not try shooting a light through a centrifugal vacuum?
Yeah, and something virtually undetectable like dark matter is more real than this, right?
kys brainlet
This thing you show is cute.
But what you really want to show is destructive interference in other fields.
this< but vaccumated.
then u shoot light across the center, maybe dropping a laser
Speed of darkness *chuuni pose*
>not knowing that with speed of light actually most of the time the speed of causality is meant
of course wave fronts can travel faster than the speed of light, but neither wave packets nor information
please spread your knowledge you wise man
please kill yourself for posting that while I kill myself for finding it funny
What are shadow puppets? You can easily create images and messages out of shadows.
you can't project a shadow onto the surface of a planet in another solar system
if you wanted to send a shadow puppet show to Alpha Centauri it would take 4 years for your light ray to get there and then beings there would see the light get dimmer or blink on and off as long as your gay little show lasted. the message recipient might be able to construct a message from the sequence of light pulses (which is what every computer on earth already does)
you would have achieved nothing revolutionary. you did not transmit data FTL, you moron
what's more: if we can shoot photons at each other, faster than light (if the vaccuumated-retractible-rotary-centrifuge works, destroys the c limit), we may be able to get them to bind or bind with matter. I dub any of these such to-be-found particle-conglomerates photo-loves.
but if shadows can travel faster couldn't we send some shadow morse code message or something? Technically violating the information thing
If I shine a laser pointer at one point in the sky and quickly move to another, the laser is 'moving faster than c' except it isn't because the laser dot isn't actually moving, because it doesn't actually exist. The photons which create its image, do exist, and are moving at exactly c.
what did whoms't mean by this?
You can't transmit information by unary means, you gotta have at least binary.
Light (or other emw) is used to transmit information in a binary fashion by being on or off (state of shadow).
What heppens in the OP gif is interferential bulges going faster perpendicularly in the middle of two emissions. It only goes faster at first because of how circles work, it'd actually be slower if you go very far from the emission points. So this wouldn't work unless you got two planets about as far distant to each other as the target is to the middle of the line between them as emettors.
Wich is stupid because you'd then need FTL for the emission to be synched.
a shadow itself can "move" faster than light but the information travels from the object causing the shadow to the surface the shadow is seen on, and then to the observer seeing the shadow.
> tfw you realize the universe itself limits the amount of computations you can perform during your lifetime.
I don't get this myth. Why do people think that a shadow moves faster then light?
if there is light, and you stand in front of it, the shadow wont appear until all the light has bounced off from being you... or rather, if you put an object close to the sun in such a way that it casts a shadow on earth, we won't know it's there for another 8 minutes. and when you remove the object the light from the sun wont reach is for another 8 minutes again. so the shadow has the same delay as light. ofc it does. the shadow is an effect caused by the absence of light. and light can't be absent faster then it is present. That's just bullshit
I have hope that entropy isn't as inevitable as it seems. There's a possibility we could find more usable energy in another universe.
>What are shadow puppets?
Information propagates from light source A to points B and C at the speed of light.
Let's say a shadow puppet at A moves in such a way as its shadow moves between B and C faster than the speed of light, An observer at B, looking towards C, will only see light from point C at a slight delay, limited by the speed of light, not faster.
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