Y'all ready for this?
Yes. Yes I am. If they pull it off then we are officially living in the future.
It's going to explore you fucking idiot. The duture is not now, and people evolved to live on Earth, not in space so we don't belong there. Deal with it.
Definitive thread theme right there
>tfw your kids could live on Mars
But how does this solve white genocide?
I'm ready for the butthurt after it blows up.
>implying Mars won't be whiteopia
It gets people off their asses.
Thats more than what you, and me, are doing to stop white genocide.
Yes I can't wait for it to explore too, SpaceX is truly ushering in a new age of space exploration.
Im so jealous, you guys have the best flag, the best chant and the best patriotism.
>yfw Musk unveils an autonomous rocketdrone horde that will colonize the Solar System inside and out, surroundings included
>implying the first person on Mars won't be a stronk independent black non-binary trans otherkin muslim amputee.
lol earthfag
>born on earth
low tier plebs
Press F for the 300,000 mobile infantry troopers lost on Klendathu
>ALLAHU AKBAR *explosive decompression*
>cant hold control column, crashes on decent
>leaving the base: "ow my tail got caught in the airlock door"
>fellow crewmember breaks otherkin's visor with a hammer
Is it soon?
Muslims are not allowed to go to Mars, visiting other planets is litterally haram.
When, of when, will the duture become now?
Asplosion is currently scheduled for March 29.
A groundbreaking mission for spacex but hardly a groundbreaking mission for spaceflight.
Pic related flew to orbit and back 39 times already.
Wishful thinking. You just know as soon as the public gets a whiff of more than 50% white people they'll start demanding diversity quotas. Mars will become the testing grounds for a grounds-up experiment in diversity.
That tank didn't come back, and the boosters just fell into the sea. SpaceX will perform a powered landing with all of the vehicle, on a ship no less.
>That tank didn't come back, and the boosters just fell into the sea.
The second stage never comes back and the fairing falls into the sea.
If only they weren't allowed to visit other continents as well
dack to da duture
First people there will be "diverse team". I can guarantee you that 100%.
There's simply no way, absolutely no way the PC brigade will not raise fires to the sky if it's even hinted otherwise. The very notion that the astronauts might be all-white will be something akin to a holocaust, you'd see shit from the highest ranking politicians to the lowest shit infused facebook discussion.
That is assuming us-eu gets there first. If others by some miracle do it things will turn out differently, for obvious reasons.
did they say how much it cost to refurbish the fucking thing
Fairing reuse later this year, I believe
IIRC they said they only x-rayed it and said there is no damage and it can be used again without further investments.
Find your blanket and cry u Fucking faggot
When's launch?
>a small ring of structural metal
oh no
When's launch
According to Musk the fairings cost a few million each and they've been trying some ideas to recover them for some time now.
well shilled, m'friend
Elon Musk is from South Africa.
Besides, look at the people who work at SpaceX right now. Plenty of folks from China/Japan/India but they're not going to be winning the NBA Diversity Award anytime soon.
Praise Kek
>tfw no nerdy, spacehype gf
I know you're suffering, but it will pass.
holy shit
>only two nogs in that picture
Wow, I definitely wouldn't mind all the Asians and Pajeets if it meant very few niggers
why not have a white country
Don't give excuses for why our white country must be destroyed
ALL WHITE COUNTRIES are being destroyed
okay that's pretty cool even for a board as slow as Veeky Forums
>people evolved to live on Earth, not in space so we don't belong there.
Now there's a basement-dwelling beta coward if I ever saw one!
Don't get me wrong, I'm on your side here. But to be realistic, that's unfortunately not going to happen. The only realistic outcomes are
>Company full of niggers and spics, too incompetent to actually help the company
>Asians and Pajeets that actually contribute something
Jesus christ, you're a little bitch.
I think the displacing of competent whites that happens due to the pajeets/asians intruding is more harm than the poo-in-loo or slants bring to civilization.
wait what's the big deal, a sea landing? havent they done that already
first reused booster
ah, that is important
Yeah, they say it currently takes about 3 months to check out and refurbish a stage for reflight, but they're making lots of changes in F9 Block 5 for better reusability.
>to be realistic, Trump is unelectable
>from China/Japan/India
They're not from China Japan or India. They're born and raised in America. US arms control laws make it all but impossible for Space-X to hire from outside the US. Which is good since it means that the poo in loos will never get our space jobs.
Isn't it ironic that u use victimhood to propagate ur retarded ideas
>americans are the victims here
usa has a shit flag
What does this mean? Google is vague, and I don't keep up with meme space exploration, can someone give me a QUICK RUNDOWN?
Hail Musk
there have been several sea landings already by the reusable first stage booster on the falcon 9
this will be the first flight and re-use of one of those boosters, the eventual goal being to launch a rocket, let the booster land, take it back to a refurbishing facility, and launch again very soon after
if it doesn't explode, hooray?
If it doesn't explode then the major economic obstacle to effective colonisation of Bars is gone. It might actually be in reach within our lifetime.
eh, not necessarily, rockets are expensive no matter what and really reliable really cheap rocket re-use is a ways off yet.
as with many things, change will be gradual but appreciated
>tfw you want to be on a boat again
>and the boosters just fell into the sea
>reusing SRBs
>literally just a piece of pipe and an exhaust cone
>oh, and an american flag painted on it too
>>reusing SRBs
>>literally just a piece of pipe and an exhaust cone
The electronics and actuators are also important.
High-power rocket hobbyists reuse solid rockets all the time, and they don't even have electronics and thrust vectoring. It's just easier and cheaper to refill it than to build or buy a new one.
The reusable SRBs weren't a bad idea, but they needed a higher flight rate to be practical. As an experiment, they were worthwhile, too. They demonstrated the potential practicality of splashdown boosters. The best part of the shuttle project, really. In the end, the SRBs didn't cost many times more as reusables than they would have as expendables (unlike the orbiter, which was grossly uneconomical), and may even have saved a little money.
Can any Spacex stalker tell me how the static fire test went? It was supposed to be today (March 26th)
Launch is 29th
They put it off until tomorrow for some reason. I don't think they've said why.
The Falcon 9 rocket's static fire test planned for today has been delayed until Monday, likely pushing back the launch until Thursday evening. SpaceX typically needs around three days to prepare for a launch after a static fire test, a series of steps that include the attachment of a satellite payload atop the rocket.
Nothing written anywhere.
space.com or spacenews.com all don't mention it
1.1 million pounds of solid rocket fuel is much more expensive than LOX & CH4/kerosene
Right so thats how the economics works out for SRB's, its cheaper up front in the design to add SRB's, but much more expensive in the long run
>1.1 million pounds of solid rocket fuel is much more expensive than LOX & CH4/kerosene
Completely true, but you're pretty optimistic if you think either is going to be most of the cost of a rocket launch soon, never mind what things looked like in the 1970s when they were designing the shuttle.
>with all of the vehicle
Wrong. Falcon 9 is a 2-stage rocket, they're only reusing the first stage. No 2nd-stages have been recovered at all. And half of the spacecraft itself (Dragon) is expendable as well, while the other half remains yet to be reused.
Shuttle reused all of the spacecraft (Orbiter itself), some of the main stage (Orbiter w/ SSMEs; ET was expendable), and all of the parallel boosters. And it was STILL a fucking quagmire. Hopefully Falcon 9 will fare better at reusability in the long run, but I'm not holding my breath.
yes...yes I am
>Shuttle reused all of the spacecraft (Orbiter itself), some of the main stage (Orbiter w/ SSMEs; ET was expendable), and all of the parallel boosters.
The ET alone cost as much as a complete expendable rocket with the same cargo payload as the shuttle, because it was fucking huge, deep-cryo compatible, and extremely mass sensitive.
>And it was STILL a fucking quagmire.
There was no tension between reusing more and being a fucking quagmire. Rather than only doing reuse where it made economic sense, they forced senseless reuse of parts for appearances, and that's the root cause of your quagmire.
The only interesting, near-practical reuse on the shuttle was the boosters, and this was grossly inferior to Falcon 9's flyback boosters. SRB reuse, done sensibly and at an appropriate flight rate, might have saved a 20-30% of the booster cost, making only a small dent in the total launch cost. Flyback boosters, when mature, might save 80+% of the TOTAL launch cost on their own, and enable 99+% savings as part of a fully-reusable system.
>Flyback boosters, when mature, might save 80+% of the TOTAL launch cost on their own, and enable 99+% savings as part of a fully-reusable system.
hmmmm, [citation needed], that sounds pretty hyperbolic
Meme magic has officially passed peer review.
$1.83 million per booster launch
$1.6 million per tanker launch
That's $3.43 million per launch of 380 tonnes, or $9/kg.
These are their own projections: under $10/kg to LEO.
They were talking as well about Falcon 9 launches (with expendable upper stage) under $10 million, when booster reuse is mature. However, that was before their aggressive ITS schedule, which might mean they never develop Falcon 9 booster reuse to a very high level. If they want to continue operating a smaller launch vehicle, it would probably make more sense to base the booster on the ITS upper stage, rather than to continue to develop Falcon 9.
People did not evolve to fly, yet we still do it.
>Y'all ready
shore enuff, Tex
To bad for you m8.
Blow up, already! God damn it.
Gimme future nao.
I need a reason to procreate. Them methane lakes will burn the lungs of my unborn children. Gonna need a backup plan-E.T. Save us WeylandX.
Or at least show some fireworks.
Why don't we send all the niggers to mars and just have the Earth be white. That would be good.
>trying this hard to be funny
Yes I'm hype as fuck. Also,
>that one thruster tries so hard to save it
If I worked at SpaceX, I'd have this logo on my t-shirt or something
so did they do the statis fire
I to am ready for the of when of duture.