How do "0.999... equals 1" fags can explain the following?

How do "0.999... equals 1" fags can explain the following?

Lets say we divide 10 pies EXACTLY by 3. We now have three pieces of 3.333... of pie. Theoretically that 3.333... equals 4, which means we have 3 pieces of pies that make 4 each. Then say we want to unite them to make 10 again; that is we sum our current slices of pie: 4+4+4

That is 12. Not 10. We magically spawned 2 more pies. How do mathfags explain this?

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putting pies back together is hard work
in order to have enough energy to do it you need to eat at least 2 of them

x = 3.333...
3x = 9.999...
3x = 10
x = 10/3

what's wrong

3.333... doesnt equal 4. It equals 3+1/3.

(3+1/3)×3 = 10

>Theoretically that 3.333... equals 4
never thought I'd see mathematical dadaism in action.

Therefore 0.999999...=1.

>Theoretically that 3.333... equals 4
OP proves himself a brainlet before we even get to the meat of his argument. And you even wonder why we look down on retards like you.

>Begging the question this hard.
You can't just assert 9x=9 then use that to prove x=1.

>Theoretically that 3.333... equals 4
This was my first thought, but if we remember that .000...1 = 0 then we actually could assume that 3.333...3 = 3.333...4 = 3.333...5 = 4, after adding .000...1 an infinite number of times.

op is a fag who doesn't deserve any pie

0.9999999.... = 0.9 + 0.9 + 0.9 + ....
=0.9 (1+1+1.... )
=0.9 (-1/2)

Except the last step doesn't make sense. It would still be equal to 3.333... repeating.

That's not a real number so no.

Mathematical Dadaism at its finest kek

3.333... = 1/3 is your problem here.

>add 0 to a number enough times, and the number becomes bigger
sounds like you're unclear on the concept of 'zero' senpaialam
btw if that was true there would be a smallest positive number equal to 1- 0.(9) which would break some math laws attached to limits soo..

Sure it is. It's equal to 1 - .999... :^)

More seriously tho, it's just an infinitesimal, which are regularly used in mathematics.

Yes we can.
If x=0.999999...
9x=10x-x which is the same as writing: 9.9999...-0.99999...
Therefore 9x=9, and x=1.

> 0(\inf) = 0
Alright matey.

>Theoretically that 3.333... equals 4

>just an infinitesimal
I'm not sure you're understanding that well. An infinitesimal is *arbitrarily* small.

It doesn't equal, it's approximately 1.

x = (1/3)
(1/3) = 0.3333...
x * 3 = 1

Same idea with .999 = 1

Obviously 0.999... = 1, but this proof doesn't work because it assumes what it's trying to prove, which makes it circular.

looool top troll right here

You started with an erroneous position and then ended with an erroneous position.

Not a mathematician but a debater here.

GIGO, as the /g/men say

>How do mathfags explain this?
Easy, you're a brianlet.
See that 0.999... = 1 does not imply that 3.333... = 4. Using the same logic you can get to the first statement you can let
x = 3.333...
10x = 33.333...
10x - x = 33.333... - 3.333...
9x = 30
x = 10/3.
Also note that 4 = 12/3, and 12/3 /= 10/3 therefore 3.333 /= 4

U guys r complicating this
1-0.99999...=0.000000...forever which equals 0

Where are the wild burgers?

These days you can never be certain whether you're dealing with a brainlet or a troll.

I think you are overthinking this. People who say 0.999999... = 1 are just rounding up for simplicity.

0.99999999999999... on and ON up to infinity is precisely 1. It's even the definition of 1.

Daily reminder that nonstandard analysts actually believe 0.999... < 1


No, its not 1. Its 0.0000... ...0001 - 1. Its one infinity smaller unit smaller than 1.

If it where really 1, then it would be 1.

This is how integrals work.

Maybe the two additional pies are "imaginary".

top kek, had a good chuckle

I come to Veeky Forums sparsely now due to how shitty most if the threads on this board are. I can see that status quo remains true.