If all humans died off from a virus do you think that dolphins and chimps would eventually evolve into life forms capable of forming advanced civilizations? If so how long would it take?
If all humans died off from a virus do you think that dolphins and chimps would eventually evolve into life forms...
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imo chimps yes dolphins no
i think chimps have far more potential to utilize tools, then the ones that do it best will naturally thrive and the ones that dont can go on some sort of chimp welfare system
all dolphins can do is blow bubbles and shit
Dolphins are the second smartest organisms on Earth followed by humans.
Dolphins are smarter than humans.
Mice are the smartest organisms.
I read somewhere that dolphins could speak English if they possessed the right vocal cords.
Not sure if that was accurate or not. Sounds like some buzzfeed fake news.
Only if there is selective pressure to do so. There's no telling how long this could take nor if it would actually happen. There's a huge misconception about evolution where people assume mutations which are selected for are those which are related to higher intelligence. There is no a priori reason why that should be the case. What is selected for is what allows individuals to out-compete others, in humans it simply happened to be intelligence (among many other things).
No opposable thumbs = no tools = no civilization
Bonobos are probably
I feel like dolphins would invent heroin and just hang out
>(among many other things).
Kike being tall and having big jaw and dicks, which is actuallly far more important, so how do you explain we evolved for intelligence?
>implying no tentacles/teleknisis
If we left the chimps alone, then in a couple of hundred thousand years or so, maybe a bit longer, there would be every chance that their ancestors would be building planes and computers and all sorts. This will not happen though. We destroyed everything. We suck. We need to die. This is why I worship Islamic Satan.
Using language and your fingers are probably the two things that made the brain get bigger and bigger.
Jokes on you, Allah is god, he is just a huge facist and hates most humans, just like the old testament tells you. Also, he is actually not almighty, that's just a lie he tells humans so they are afraid of him.
Satan is liberal democracy, and in case you didn't know it yet, we are in the midst of the last battle between god and satan, or in other words between autocracy and democracy.
That's pretty cooll, I might go and live with them, become their king and create a mighty chimp army to overthrow humanity.
I suggest you study the subject before pronouncing on it. What you wrote just reads like typical schizophrenic bullshit. I wonder if you smoke weed. If so, you need to stop.
Why so triggered
No knows what the natural progression is. Evolution doesn't dictate that a species "gets better," only that they change.
No, that's meat and making tactics, and the tools, which does not nescessarily requires fingers.
>t.brainlet leader
Plz no bully
das hurt
plz no
Octopussies have a grater chance than dolphins.
Imagine a pussy with eight holes and clits. Sex would be literally insane.
Don't have to imagine. I see your mother every other day.
Would you like a topical lotion for that burn?
After all, by the sounds of it, your mother has already had her share. :^)
She has an 8 inch dick you liar.
Whelp... that sure explains dolphins dunnit?
So how are you going to make tactics without language friendo.
telepathy, duh. could also use simple observation, pehormones or handholding
Dolphins have language, orca's (which are dolphins) have pretty well established "cultures" infact. Coastal pods in the Pacific all have distinct dialects, and some variation in hierarchic quirks. Dolphin's are cool man, but orcas especially so
What's with all the /pol/acks shitposting lately?
They've been infecting this whole site for years m8.
Dolphins are severely restrained by being denied acess to fire.
Chimps and their ilk might do it.
But we have no idea how likely it is that a life form POTENTIALLY able to evolve into something that builds civilizations will in fact do so. All we know is that it happened once.
Evolution is not aiming for any particular destination.
>having big jaw
But it was actually a defect in our DNA that prevented large jaws and jaw muscles that allowed our brain case to expand.
>only that they change.
Not even that. If an organism is well suited for its environment, to the extent that common small variations would not offer significant advantage, there would be little pressure to change unless the environment did.
He is saying that having larger jaws and big dicks are directly more beneficial for a species than intelligence.
They are constrained by really short lifespans, though. Not much time to educate your young in the intricacies of a civilization when you only live a year.
Then he is wrong.
It is all situational. H. sapiens stumbled onto a pathway leading to big brains and smaller jaws, and has done very well compared to, say, smaller brained but massive jawed gorillas.
Fuck off commie
Those guys sounds way more evolved than black people
>way more evolved than black people
Anyone who uses the appellation 'more evolved' is a mongoloid. Evolution is not a scale you fucking retard.
It is now. Kek
Do you even science /pol/tard?
the sun will become a black hole and swallow the solar system if humans die off because there's no point in the solar system existing if humans die.
>If all humans died off from a virus do you think that dolphins and chimps would eventually evolve into life forms capable of forming advanced civilizations?
I feel like even if several million years passes, dolphins and chimps would still be dolphins and chimps, maybe they'd look a little different.
Chimps, yes. Dolphin? Also a yes, however I'd say that they would be more like an aquatic human, or be restricted to specifically water. But chimps would probably get to human level intelligence first, just depends on how natural selection occurs within the population. If chimps were isolated in an environment were intelligence was key, and also had no need for tails, they could evolve into something like a human.
>If chimps were isolated in an environment were intelligence was key, and also had no need for tails, they could evolve into something like a human.
And you are basing this off of...what exactly?
They would never because evolution is just a theory (a guess)
Rats would probably be the most successful species.
Could Insects like ants and or community spiders evolve to be something intelligent?
My money is actually on Ravens.
I missed this meme.
Ants are already intelligent. They farm, have slavery, build structures, wage war, and communicate.
civilization from the point of view of our civilization though.
Its really a tragedy that they die so quickly. Theyre absolutely magnificent organisms.
>t. turkey chin manlet
they only enslave other insects.