Veeky Forums and Medicine

Why is Veeky Forums so hostile towards medicine? Care to elaborate

>Inb4 le you're not solving math problems all day therefore is for brainlets and anybody could do it meme

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have you never been to university?

all you need to do is meet a handful of pre-meds to realize how disgusting of a trade it is

In my country there are no "pre-meds" LEL

what the actual fuck

WTF America is so fucking weird

This is because your pre-med both as a concept and as execution is laughably easy, retarded and useless.

Not science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

Because you barely use your brain as a doctor. Say whatever you want about evidence-based medicine and whatnot, but except for the very rare clinical case which will challenge your knowledge of medical trivia, you'll be doomed to answer the same things to anything that comes your way.

Doctors call it "art" I call it being a fucking robot. I got the diploma and left after I almost got AIDS in a surgery because of my retarded professor, good riddance.

> I got the diploma and left after I almost got AIDS in a surgery because of my retarded professor, good riddance.

what did he possibly mean by this?

Professor didn't use protection

I did biomedical science in my undergrad, had a lot of pretentious premeds. I however did not want to go down that route. I'm currently doing my PhD in more of a research scientist career.

in academia the same thing happens basically. if there is ever an experiment which questions established research it is simply ignored and shelved. it jas happened to me quite a few times in my career where my PI just told me to shelve my research because he "didn't want to start trouble". scientists are forced to publish new and novel research for every single paper they write for years and years. so you can imagine that quite a few papers end up being outright fraudulent and unreproducible because of the immense pressure to publish original research every time. so basically anything of real interest and value is left in the back burner lost in a pile of shitty papers several years old. if you are a new grad student or planning to go grad school here is my advice to you: don't get memed into the "hot topics" of science. find a paper written like 10 - 30 years ago and focus on whether you can improve it or build upon it. Chances are you probably can because most research is hardly ever reproducible or improved upon.

It triggers them because medicine is essentially the chad of science

Because we're jelly. Everybody here would be in medicine if they could be. But you have to be the elite of the elite to get into that cult.

It's nothing but garbage.

Yeah, you're not pretentious at all.

The issue is that the most annoying and pretentious of the premeds are often the most vocal.

Everyone sees the guy walking around campus with a white coat with "pre-med" stitched onto the front, while hardly anyone recognizes the normal guy who doesn't incessantly brag and post on social media but also happens to be premed

When you start patting yourself on the back for something you haven't done yet (med), you're likely to fail.

Why would it trigger them? To most of Veeky Forums engineering physics is trivial since they arent the 120 IQ brainlets they meme about all the time right?

>all you need to do is meet a handful of pre-meds

Thank god my country is not as retarded as america.

Check out my sides

Medfag here, premeds actually do this?

ayy fellow medfag here as well! Yeah I was on an undergrad campus recruiting recently though and some of the premeds take it way too damn seriously, like wearing scrubs around for no reason.

Fuck you eurotrash, you will always be less than us :^)


I'm pretty sure pre-med and pre-health is not limited to America, I know my first year in biology was flooded with aspiring physical therapists who couldn't have cared less about what they were studying but they were apparently expected to do it.

Not European man

We will be superpowers by 2030

What the fuck? Btw anyone here from HMS?


>pre med is literally any degree in my country
>even womens studies or pottery making

stfu brainlet

Medicine (in the UK at least) is a field dominated by pretentious little private school cunts (usually with doctor parents) who think they're better than everyone because they do medicine. They're generally unlikable as fuck because they have that kind of almost caricature-esque 'snooty house' attitude. They aren't all like that, but enough are to make it noticable.

Because the vast majority of medical professionals are just glorified search engines.


Why the FUCK does pre-medical exist?

Literally why? What is the point of studying medical school subjects OUTSIDE of medical school?

Good advice. Thanks.

Don't know man, here is not like that, medical school is simply divided in half.

My dislike (and all the professor's I've had conversations about it) is that MDs just memorize a lot of facts. This isn't inherently bad but MDs don't keep up with the research as much as researchers, and they don't contribute to the knowledge. I guess MDs are viewed as self-serving compared to academia


Listen, europoor. In North America, medicine is very popular. There are certain prerequisites that you must take before applying to med schools. Pre-med is just a convenient package of those prerequisites. You don't learn any actual med school tier subjects.

talked like a real Trump

My two lab partners in chem 2 were total bros going for physical therapy. I think they even had to take organic chem if I remember correctly.

Because of shitty ass Americunt system which doesn't crush the dream of plebs who can't do medicine at an earlier age. Here in the UK, if you've not gotten in as an undergrad in medicine, you're done. If you keep fighting against it, you're stupid.

Well that's fucking weird, they're just trying to show off I think. Still bollocks though premed is a stupid concept

Anybody here considering doing a PhD in pre-med? I don't think med school is for me, I'd rather go into research.

I'm white trash and am in med school.
Gotta love meritocracies.

For the same reason we hate engineers. No rigor.