To anyone who didn't get a degree in mathematics, remind me, what was your excuse?

To anyone who didn't get a degree in mathematics, remind me, what was your excuse?

i learned all the material for free using libgen and homework posted on course websites instead of paying thousands of dollars to the (((institution)))

There already is a mental masturbation subject for my free time - philosophy. Don't need to waste a degree studying another.

I was busy getting a degree in molecular biology.

too busy doing more important things than proving existence and uniqueness.

I prefer making a difference instead of thinking I do.

Mathematics is a tool -a means to an end. It's also boring as fuck to study without making useful application.

Not very interesting on itself.

I've still got a few months left till I get my first. Get off my back you inscribing polygons autist.

I'm a brainlet.

The irony is you won't make shit with that degree.

Business and CS people are making money, you dumb number-niggers are perma-stuck in the cogs of shit that doesn't payout. Quants that run forex charts all day are the rare exception to the rule, so don't pull that shit on me.

I am doing a joint honours with physics, does that count?

I want to afford a house some day.

Everyone I wanted to fuck said it was boring

I was an aimless 17 year old who stupidly picked engineering and regretted it hard.

I want a job

I study noth physics and math cause I'm not a brainlet. Though everyobe gets annoyed by my rigour.

I like money

I prefer biology. Majoring in something because it's hard and impressive is a surefire way to become a failure.

>Majoring in something because it's hard and impressive is a surefire way to become a failure

I'm asking because this is me right now

Lol no numbers, no science.

what a meme

I like programming and having a well paid job more

There is absolutely no reason why these should be mutually exclusive.

There is a reason, there are only 24 hours in a day, you can't do everything you want to do, so you have to choose and I chose to write interesting programs instead of writing interesting formulas.

i was born

a brainlet

The (((instuitution))) is a cabal that exists because people HAVE TO EAT

How's the dooms day virus coming?

This is not a defense of the cabal by the way

Just think

You (most likely) eat meat, and even plants which are living things

But you explin it to yourself by saying "I GOTSTA EET!!!"

>I'm asking because this is me right now
Because unless you have a real passion for your field, you're always going to lose to people who went into it because they love it. You might feel peppy right now, but eventually you will burn out unless you really love your subject.

>Lol no numbers, no science.

I work in a lab and I can assure you my experiments yield a lot of quantitative data.

comp sci is more cutting edge.

I will do another major in something I love after this one actually. But I'm still mad that people see others that majored in a hard field as superior.

It is the way things are I guess.

>But I'm still mad that people see others that majored in a hard field as superior.
That's like

Yea but I want to study art to work in the entertainment industry. Huge difference.

Oh yeah, well then everybody will treat you like a meme unless you actually succeed. Nevermind, in that case you should just do something profitable.

I'll still study it after and try to succeed because it's what I luv.

It's actually easier than what most people think.

College is just an investment to get a job, so why would I invest in a low return math major when I could get much more from an engineering major?

1) didnt like math until senior year
2) didnt like any of the work associated with getting a math degree
3) wanted to do something more hands on experimental

the wonders of inorganic chemistry my man. everyone go for organic to be slaves to their PIs. i get to make batteries as a job. I think i win on this deal.

I have a career and money and a wife and a kid

I am a psych*l*g*st.