Hard Problem of Consciousness

So what say you, sci, has it been solved? Is there even a problem to solve? Why or why not.

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It's not a problem materialists can solve because consciousness comes from the immortal soul, not the physical brain

Nice b8 m8


False. Consciousness comes from the brain as has been demonstrated via invasive surgery, drugs, blunt trauma, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.

That's like saying the source of television programs is your TV because when you turn your TV off they stop showing on the screen. Clearly if you break your TV there will be no more Seinfeld for anyone ever.

Talked like a real neuroscientist.

Why does the structure of the 'soul' have a correspondent on the physical structure of the brain?

Ex: Mess with the language area, the 'soul' unlearns how to speak, mess with the emotion area, your 'soul' will get rage attacks or depressive swings?

Why does the structure of your TV determine the quality of the picture it produces if the source of the programs aren't intrinsic to the TV itself? Fiddle with the contrast and the picture displayed changes, not like that could happen if some 'mysterious' intangible, invisible source was somehow transmitting the images to it. QED electromagnetic spectrum conspiracy theorists.

The only area you need to mess with to mess with consciousness is the claustrum. But I guess the dualist can come back and say "lol you just unplugged the part of the brain that talks to your soul"

If part of the receiver is 'damaged', why would you expect anything but a limited output?
Ex: Run a strong magnet over your hard drive, if any of your files are corrupted, then there clearly is no such thing as an immortal sou(l)rce