


Nice hate speech, Fritz.


As a German person, this thread confuses me.

Why didn't you post a picture of Sam Harris? He's the epitome of einstellung



Brainlets can't into Komposita, Brudi.

back to



my bad

He's a fucking mangelwurzel is what he is. A second rate beetroot primarily used as cattle fodder.

I bet none of you can pronounce his name right

Beta Cuck. thats how.

>girl cucks him with a chad
>he challenges chad to a duel


He stayed up all night before his duel writing his theory. If he slept well, he might have won, or not died, and who knows which tools we would have right now.

ev reest gal wah


See You speak Options but where?

evvah-riis gal-uh

Almost good (ev a reest), but the syllables should be linked. Also, no tonic accent in French


e-va-reest gal-ua

ehv-a-rheest (rh meaning the french rrrrr sound) gal-wah

Dawkins is blinded by his flawed theories