If we do live in a simulation, how can irrational numbers like pi and sqrt(2) exists?

If we do live in a simulation, how can irrational numbers like pi and sqrt(2) exists?

>implying they do


Yeah, it's a mirage. All of it. We're just chasing the pink dragon dude.

Quantum mechanics ensures that we will never see a truly irrational number in nature.

they're lazy loaded into our universe from the platonic plane

>Quantum mechanics ensures

They don't exist physically. You can say they exist as theorems.

If anything living in a simulation provides a better reason for these numbers to exist. Something like a floating point error.

why would some insane and supernatural simulation-creator use our arithmetic and computational structures?

The don't. But humans need a way to translate nature to our understanding.

The greater reality we're being run inside of is well and truly bonkers, infinite scope and detail is merely a single mote of the higher realm.

smoke 75mg of dmt and you'll understand, that irrational numbers are just a meme

please explain

Why cant pi be just pi? And sqrt2 just sqrt2?

Just like 3 is 3. 2 is 2.

I never see the problems you fucking retarded mathematicians have.

You are thinking these things that have literally no consequences on anything.

Im currently thinking things like
>how much energy does this solar panel design produce over its lifetime compared to the energy it consumes
>how much resources can I put into measuring turbulence of the air and weather over my solar cell plant before it becomes economically negative
>how much energy i produce actually goes into producing useful work in consumer section

get on my level you useless brainlets

that's such a pleb level of brainwork. Of course you don't understand mathematicians

what do you think the word "useful" means?

is it something that YOU say about YOURSELF?

is it something that OTHERS say about YOU?

you'll never be a memelord with that attitude

wheee, you sure seem to find math useful for your shitty calculations

We are not discussing about whether mathematics is useful.

Mathematics is undoubtedly the most valuable instrument we have in our entire existence. We both agree on that 100%.

We are discussing how many hours you should lament over things like sqrt(2) and pi. I'd say 1 hour a year is fine.

Nor will we ever see truly rational or negative number in nature, maybe even not the naturals. Maths is just man made set of abstract concepts, and it just so happens some of them can give approximate description of physical world

>just happens

Wrong. It gives exact description. It doesn't happen; it is precisely how real world exists.



We understand almost everything about the universe already. Only tiny details remain.
Of course there is plenty to DO. Hard work.
The "u know nothing" approach doesn't work anymore. It worked in ancient Greece when people believed God caused everything.

edgy atheist that doesn't understand science detected.

We know many of our theories are mostly numerically accurate. They give good predictions to most of the things we've been able to measure. But to think that we know nearly everything is grossly ignorant.

How's freshman year treating you?

Well then, name 3 things you want and I'll post wikipedia link on the technology that will get you there, or a wikipedia link that proves the thing you want is impossible

What i find very weird is that 1/3x1/3 can be translated to the mathmatical language. Yet the mathmatical language cannot translate ideological since 0.33x0.33 does not work with perfection.

I am not a science guy so excuse my language.

Nice trips.

But an experimentally realizable theory connecting quantum mechanics and general relativity would be nice.

In addition to full working knowledge of black holes.


To meme:

The true source or cause of consciousness.

How the universe came to exist.

And these are things we've already been working on for decades and barely brushed the surface of.

Not including literally everything else that we don't even know we don't know.

it does, but you're truncating it.

1/3 = 0.333333....... repeating to infinity, not 0.33.

You didn't list anything you want, you just listed some unsolved methods for getting what you want.

Where do you need the theory connecting quantum mechanics and general relativity?
What do you want to do with black holes?
Why do you need to know abiogenesis and consciousness?
Why do you need to know how the universe came to exist?

What you want is like this
>I want to eat

Knowledge is like this
>Get an acre of land. Plow the field first. Here are some seeds for you. Plant the seeds into the ground. ... When autumn comes, harvest your field and get food.

What you have listed is garbage. Those are not the things you want. You probably want the money and fame that comes with those discoveries. The pursuit of those discoveries is a part of society's way to promote science and intelligence, but society is never actually going to utilize any of those theories.

It works like this
>Economist 1: We need more science for telecommunications, transportation, space, robotics, and such. How do we get people more interested on science?
>Economist 2: I know. Let's create an artificial system that rewards people who pursue these impossible goals. That way when they give up on those goals, we can utilize them in the wheels of economy!
>Economist 1: Brilliant idea. No wonder we are billionaires.

Besides, questions like those have so tiny consequences, so tiny importance.
Also most of those questions are just defined poorly.
For example, it is meaningless to ask what was before "start".
It is meaningless to ask what part of "all" is behind a "boundary" of all.

Why shouldn't they?

Jesus christ...

I didn't want to dignify this with a response, but here I am.

I want to understand. To the best of human ability, I want to understand this world. I don't give a shit who discovers it, as long as I can come to learn about the universe.

I think you have an extremely jaded and flawed view of scientific pursuit, in addition to a flawed understanding of what constitutes 'knowledge'. Please don't speak about the things you don't understand.

We already understand the world. You should focus on getting tangible assets like food, water, air, sex, family, friends, communities, trust, belief, art.

You for some reason assume that getting these 'tangible assets' are mutually exclusive with trying to truly shape your view of how this world is constituted.

If you don't understand that you're probably a normie, which is perfectly okaye but please do realise that there is so much more to this world that you will never understand the value of.

Focussing on these 'tangible assets' is not mutually exclusive with an education in science at all

Infinity is an idea, not a mathmetical number?

Like i can concieve half of something, yet when can you truly not split something? And if yes, why wouldn't it be able to split?
You have to visualize to see my point.

>Well then, name 3 things you want and I'll post wikipedia link on the technology that will get you there,

a better mouse trap

They don't literally exist. All we have is a simplified representation of them, a model.

>quantum anything
I hate this buzzword

That's kind of the point. The math works fine. Reality works fine. But they don't commute perfectly.


We really don't understand the world.

I already have the rest.

>the maths works fine
Not really 0.9999999... = 1. That's essentially all he's saying.

If you measure the radius of a circle, then cut that circle into sections based off its radius, you will always cut somewhere the 4th time rather than nowhete, therefore pi is rational.

Greeks are just autists

i don't know man, damn these """mathematicians""" are so stupid, always trying to reinvent the wheel and look at simple things in confusing ways?

why can't cos(x) just be cos(x)?
why does it also have to be [math]\frac{e^{ix}+e^{-ix}}{2}[/math]?

...oh wait

Mathematics is the theoretical basis for understanding the world, but it isn't THE world. Numbers do not exist, but can manifest themselves through measurements, which are approximations. Regardless of how much of a perfect 1x1 unit square you can make in the real world, it won't be exactly √2 units across. It will be extremely close. The same applies to circles - no real life circles are so perfect that they can be used to derive π exactly.

The universe may be a simulation, and irrational numbers do not disprove that, as they are constructs of theory.

Why wouldn't they? Math is math whether we're in a simulation or not. It doesn't change.

>implying solar panel research is possible without an understanding of complex numbers
good thing for you someone spent their time working out those "imaginary" quantities, eh?

the guys who invented them had no idea whether or not they would be useful when they came up with them. turned out they were. who know?

It's rounded to 2^208 decimal places