Earth is not flat

earth is not flat.

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Prove it.

>pic related

Looks 2D to me.

>every planet we see through a telescope is round
>ours isn't for some reason

wow really activated my almonds

sunlight illuminates the bottom of clouds after the sun is beyond the horizon

this isn't possible on flat disk earth
therefore the earth is not flat

you didn't ask me to prove the earth was spherical

> Thinks we're on a "wandering" star

Is this reverse shit posting?

please explain your batshit insane conspiracy theory in great detail for me so I can have a good laugh


what about the reptilians? are they involved?

In ancient times, astronomers noted how certain lights moved across the sky, as opposed to the "fixed stars", which maintained a constant relative position in the sky.[11] Ancient Greeks called these lights πλάνητες ἀστέρες (planētes asteres, "wandering stars") or simply πλανῆται (planētai, "wanderers"),[12] from which today's word "planet" was derived.[13][14][15]

Earth isn't a planet, as it doesn't wander through the sky.

Bouyancy laws prove a flat Earth.

Gravity does not exist. Formulae for it are incomplete in a "round world" scenario. Removing gravity, then calculating for a flat Earth makes perfect sense.

Finally, somebody gets it.

the earth is actually a 1dimensional vibrating string

>All definitions from ancient greek are relevant today

but apparently it is not round either.

This thread is really low-level bait.
Must be a kid thinking this is how one trolls.

For anyone wondering, OP's image is by artist Aydin Büyüktas using image stitching software.


HOW can a round Earth be real if bouyancy exists?

There is ONLY bouyancy in a flat Earth. Gravity is false and once you start to do equations for it, you figure out real quick that it's just a piece of disinformation.

Flat Earth is the only thing that makes mathmatical sense. Bouyancy is the only force that accounts for it. Gravity arguments only come from Big Aerospace-funded shills.

Can you show me your equations? Have you actually even taken physics 101?

Just type up the actual equation for gravity (compensating for a round world) and tell me that makes sense. The physics community is struggling to fill the gaps in these equations.

Now, substitute gravity for bouyancy and change your round world to a flat one. See how everything makes sense? It all fits together, like a puzzle. Bouyancy can be used in a flat Earth equation to account for everything. Even stars and planets.

how the fuck do bouyancy laws prove a flat earth

if that was true every fucking middle school science class would have kids flipping out about bouyancy not making any sense and people would be coming up with flat earth on their own all the time.

I see, so you haven't even taken physics 101, you just watched a bunch of youtube videos...

How does bouyancy not work with a round earth? it works just fine with a round earth

but you are assuming that you are on one of those wanderers without """reliable""" observations.
If you throw out pics of round earth and all the math that shows orbits, just saying we are round because others are round is fallacious

It's being covered up by the Big Aerospace lobby. They profit from sheep like you believing in a round Earth.

Bouyancy is the only thing that makes sense, and it only makes sense on a flat Earth. Gravity doesn't make sense in a "round" world. In flat world equations, the term doesn't even make sense. EVERYTHING can be explained by bouyancy.

Bouyancy DOES work with a round Earth. Gravity doesn't.

But here's a simple experiment to prove what I'm saying. Take a styrofoam cup and put it in your bathtub. See how it floats? This WOULD NOT happen in a round world.

>Take a styrofoam cup and put it in your bathtub. See how it floats? This WOULD NOT happen in a round world.
What would happen in a round, world? Would the cup fly out into space or something?

Yes, in your mind what would hypothetically happen in a spherical planet?

It would sink. This is why gravity is simply disinfo on a scale of the whole "round world" conspiracy.

Bouyancy accounts for the action of the cup floating, but only on a flat Earth.

Why would it sink? What is the relationship between the planet's roundness and the cup sinking?



why wouldn't it float in a round world? You think it would sink because lel gravity? Gravity is putting the weight of the cup down on it while bouyancy will be putting the weight of the water it displaces up. Since the water is heavier, it holds the cup up. This is the same on a flat world (with some way of still having gravity) or a round one.

>It would sink.
You realize that the styrofoam floats because it is less dense than the water? The cup (or whatever is floating) sinks just enough to displace its weight, thus it cannot sink any further.

Gravity pulls the buoyant object down as far as it can.

Just do the equation. It doesn't make sense that it would float if the world is round.

Think about it like this: if you shine a bright light on a stone, where does the shadow go? Gravity can't even begin to account for something as simple as that.

Exactly. But If gravity was real, the cup would just sink right to the bottom. Thankfully we don't live in a topsy turvy "round" world.

Bouyancy accounts for every physical property of the cup.

If you shine a bright light on a stone...the shadow is directly in line with the light. How does this relate to buoyancy or gravity?

It does make sense the cup floats regardless of the world being flat or round, the water is displaced just the same and is just as dense on both a flat and round world. The equation says that the cup floats either way.

The shadow is ALWAYS straight, opposite of the light source. In a round world, it would bend every which way. Sometimes even be in two places at once.

The cup problem I just don't think you're understanding. Cups only float because of bouyancy. The gov't and NASA has been suppressing this knowledge for years. This is why TRUE bouyancy isn't taught in school. It's substituted with a watered down version, and then "gravity" is taught. But that one is a LIE

you aren't very convincing

Neither are you. Parroting disinfo about gravity is the reason the round Earth LIE will be exposed. It all falls apart too easily.

So, why do you think a shadow would bend randomly on a round planet?

Jesus Christ...

Because of Rounders insistence on applying gravity to everything. Bouyancy is the only thing that explains a straight shadow.


Here, just take this (you) and leave us rounders alone.

I never trusted the gov't or NASA myself, but I wasn't ever a brainlet so I never needed to.

I figured out buoyancy for myself, and its real, and has nothing to do with light. What they teach in school is actually okay, not watered down at all. Its literally the weight of the object, thats all it is. I don't even know how you'd water that down other than just saying "things float".

The light will bend exactly the same regardless of whats around it. The 'world' being round has absolutely no effect on this. Maybe thats why you think buoyancy says the cup would sink, you don't understand it.

Heres a simple reminder that you can follow yourself, you don't have to trust me or anyone else, you can check the logic yourself and please reply with any error I may have made:

Cup is in world

Cup is dropped on top of water

As cup enters the water, the water where the cup is going moves aside, obviously they can't both be in the same place at once.

The water moved aside has to go somewhere, it could try to go out from the cup, but that just pushes more water aside until you get to the wall, it doesn't work, doesn't make sense.

So that water instead trys to stay as is. How successful it is depends on the weight of the cup

if the cup is styrofoam, it is not very heavy, and so the water is able to mostly stay in place.

if the cup is iron however, it may sink, because the force of gravity pushing down on it is stronger than the weight of the water.

Notice that the shape of the world never even mattered. This is true with any sort of gravity be it the type described by physics or some arbitrary value in a discrete direction on a plane.

Your scenario would ONLY work in a flat world. There's no other way for it to happen.

It works absolutely no different depending on if its a flat world or a round world or a donut world or a fucking dog world ffs

Donut worlds are false, made to make flat Earth look silly.

Just try putting a styrofoam cup in water. If it floats, we are on a flat Earth. How hard is this to figure out? Plug all the variables you want into a bouyancy equation, it will ALWAYS work out. Know why? Because the Earth IS NOT ROUND.

But how does that have to do with the world shape?

Buoyancy works the same in a flat or round world.

the bouyancy equation doesn't even take into account gravity by default because it has nothing to do with gravity. Gravity just ends up being the force down.


You know why it doesn't take gravity into account? Because gravity is NOT real. It never was. Gravity is the wool that is being pulled over your eyes. All forces in nature and the heavens can be explained by bouyancy.

Things just wouldn't work on a round world. For lots of reasons. For one, there wouldn't even be any water to float a cup on. "Plate tectonics" or whatever they are calling it nowadays would have evaporated water long ago.

you're the only one parroting disinfo

you just say that things cant float on a round earth while giving no evidence for this


that explains nothing

my physics textbook gives a much better argument for the existence of a round earth, gravity, and how boyancy works in the first page than you have in all of your posts

>muh textbook

Paid for by NASA hm?

Typical rounder. Once your arguments fall flat and you see that I'm right about bouyancy and gravity, you revert to "my t-textbook says so!"

no u

This is funny. Thanks for the laughs.

well it DOES take gravity in to account sort of, gravity is the force down. Its the same on a flat or round earth. If you're claiming gravity doesn't exist then what holds the cup down in the first place?

>flat earther with perfect grammar

pretty sure they didn't spell buoyancy right once

Yeah but I think that word is pretty commonly misspelled because of the u before o thing

The bouyancy formula explains everything. Gravity is a chunk of that equation that "scientists" have taken and warped to discredit Flat Earth.

It can be spelled out either way. Bouyancy looks more natural to me, and it's what the Ancients wrote when they were computing a Flat Earth.

how does buoyancy explain why a styrofoam cup doesn't float in the air?

The cup isn't bouyant enough to float in air. This is why a flat world makes sense. If the world was round, the cup would jump between floating in the air, then sinking in the water.