>dont fap for 3 days
>only dream of fucking girls
>wake up to my hand being on my dick
>become more and more depressed
>cant even think
>can't do anything but look at porn
Why? Why am I cursed with this organ that can control my mind?
>dont fap for 3 days
>only dream of fucking girls
>wake up to my hand being on my dick
>become more and more depressed
>cant even think
>can't do anything but look at porn
Why? Why am I cursed with this organ that can control my mind?
your a slave to it because of evolution
>lacking self control
you can solve this problem right now
you've seen some of those veterinarian shows on tv, right?
just grab a hammer and place your balls on the table
you know what to do next
Tell your mom about it. That will help.
Put a picture of jesus on your computer desk.
get a gf
after 3 weeks you forget about it and reach full wizard status, hang in there user
Op is touching a really imporant subject. How does one get rid of fucking sexual desire all the time? Sometimes we're absolute slaves to this fucking lust, even with gf, and it's eating away our focus and distorts our potential.
I know its 4chom, but i just tried googleing it for the last hour and all I found are answers in the Bible and Quran
see if you want a less permanent solution, you can inject a thing that deletes your sex drive temporarily
sometimes pedos are forced to do it after getting out of jail
He's touching a really important object as well
Give in you fag. Anxiety relief helps you to work better.
looking for more of a mind over body solution
should have seen that cumming..
>looking for more of a mind over body solution
but the issue is in your mind
so you'd need a mind over mind solution
and that doesn't exist
people take medication for mind issues
but then I've managed to quit smoking purely through mind over mind, so I'm hoping I can do the same with too. Has nobody attempted it?
Honestly, the best solution is to have a devoted and loyal girlfriend who will "service" you whenever you need it. I had this arrangement when I was studying for the MCAT, and it helped a lot.
smoking is a physical addiction
it's not only in the mind
Read this thread
There's a reason why male-to-female transgender cucks are more productive.
so is masturbating, releasing dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, making you crave it again and again
YEs the way to stop fapping is not by stopping to fap, nor even by willing to stop fapping, but it is by getting dispassionate towards fapping, which is done by seeing that there is nothing good about fapping, which is done by willing to stop being unhappy and seeing that, there is no control over the arousing nor over the body and, since fapping is seen as bringing pleasure, fapping has displeasure tied to it and the object of the fap (which is seen as positive) has negative features, typically the whore you fap to is imagined as having a bad character and physically ugly, like imagining her bones, imagining her with stinky hair, with acne and so on.
Get in a relationship. After a while, it completely kills your sexual drive.
Mate, it's like having a shit at the end of the day. Or taking a piss. If you don't shit for three days, you're going to start fucking dreaming of it. If your penis offends thee, cut it off and throw it into the fire or else shut the fuck up whining about it. People like you fucking start religions.
I dont know if this helps but i recently pretty much stopped fapping by just saving all my favorite porn to my phone. I know that sounds strange. Overexposure to my kinks has caused them to become dull to me, and they dont pop up as often in my normal thought processes. On a deeper level somehow having access to the shit that turned me on the most 24/7 has made me less likely to seek it out. Even though its easier to access, i find myself not bothering to go through the trouble of accessing it because "i can do it whenever, why not later".
>Mate, it's like having a shit at the end of the day. Or taking a piss. If you don't shit for three days, you're going to start fucking dreaming of it.
startlingly accurate
>Veeky Forums - Science & Math
Because surviving and fucking is all that matters and you're not doing the fucking part right. Usually when you're not fucking enough there's something wrong with you that other people are picking up on, that makes them want to not sleep with you.
So get better at getting laid you fuckin brainlet
He's asking medical advice you mongo.
>teenager problems
oh to be so young and horny again
>I had problems getting laid when I was a teen, and you're having problems getting laid, so you're obviously a teen
Nice projection fagbot
Wouldn't be surprised if you were underageb& yourself
Get out of your room/house.
Be around other people. Do things which force you to think of something else or at the very least are places where such thoughts are awkward to maintain contanstly e.g. a workplace surrounded by other people.
You don't have to go full pedo to get drugs that do that. It's a side-effect of some anti-depressants, as well as some anti-psychotics. A low dose of atypical (which means modern) antipsychotic won't slow you down but it will kill your sex drive.
first time I went for a month without dobig it, I half way woke up and legit masturbated to a map of europe. I came hard too.
>Hasn’t done it for a whole straight month.
>Almost close to ending the month.
>Suddenly breaks out from withdrawal and begins to violently rub the cock, while looking at a Nestle water bottle.
>Feels ashamed about masturbating to a water bottle.
Can’t blame those curvy looks on a Nestle “Pure Life" water bottle.
do you also like to suck on the top of a bottle?
>its the first phase
just wax on wax off bitch
you have been memed into porn thing