Why aren't more of you scientist becoming entrepreneurs? Is it secretly because you have weak hearts? I know you have some bad ass invention ideas too baka.
Why aren't more of you scientist becoming entrepreneurs? Is it secretly because you have weak hearts...
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They just don't tell fags like you about it.
Maybe this.
But also this is a Socialist mindset board, and majority here is incapable of taking risks or getting actual things done.
Because i'm a introverted manlet, I'll never be able to exert any kind of authority over anyone.
a fascination with the genre of bullshit known as 'science' is simply the way that weak and scared individuals use the imagery implanted in them by TV to pretend that they have some sort of sneaky trump card against all the strong and brave humans. i don't mean strong and brave or weak and scared in the physical sense but in the sense that one lives their life one way or another.
Nobody cares how smart you are. People only care if they like you or not. Social skills > IQ.
I wish I was stupid as fuck but extroverted and fun. I'd have a job, gf and friends. This way I'm just living a lonely and miserable life.
Scientists do not care about money. Most people doing the real science and working at universities make five figures and work 60 hour weeks simply because they have a passion for it. They realize it's more important for as many people as possible to know as much as possible.
This directly contradictions modern capitalism that wants people to be dumb consumers, wants technology to stagnate since disrupting market is bad for business, and will not spend money on research since it is high risk, high cost, and might not yield much of a reward.
most entrepreneurs realize what a waste of time it is to spend years and years to get a degree especially in a useless field such as physics which has mostly been figured out already and there is basically a 0% chance that you'll invent some crazy new physics that you can turn into a marketable product. even if you want to build a biomedical company or something it's not enough to be educated yourself, you still need the funding and you still need to hire a team of researchers.
Because the skills required for an entrepreneurs are different than the ones required for a scientist. Hence all the failed startups with PhDs who think that having a good idea and experience in managing 3 master students is enough to survive
Because most of the ideas are already patented. People are just waiting for technology to catch up. It's a broken system.
You are just saying that because you're a butthurt autist with no social skills, when in fact, one needs IQ too if they want to succeed.
Nobody is gonna hire you just because you're nice. You need to know how to do stuff. CEOs aren't stupid to bet their money on someone just because they are nice to be around, otherwise they would hire every friend and relative of theirs (which is true one for the capable friends/relatives).
On the other hand, technical skill is useless if you're an insufferable faggot. You need to balance both.
it's a mixture of univs being coercive hierarchical institutions, and sheltered people over 30 with no real life experience. at the end of the educational process they're brutalized, and managerially retarded.
i am. i'm just unambitious about it. i make a modest living doing engineering work from home. mostly tract housing development and strip mall stuff. HVAC, water treatment, etc.
Scientists are most often a mix of laziness and passion for science.
Working too much on something that isn't interesting is bothersome.
Or marketer, sales and lies.
>scientists and engineers push the boundaries of what is possible
>incapable of taking risk
Taking a risk is literally every scientists and engineers job.
yeah, try doing that shit a pharma company, or meeting a deadline.
being a wagecuck and following your manager's instructions isn't taking a (personal) risk
So what do you guys do for a living that is so risky and alpha?
>Physics has mostly been figured out.
Memes at St. Petersburg.
No replies? Are you guys ashamed?
Yuck this is bitter, pathetic, fucked up and just wrong.
Why not kill yourself?
How can I look at patents, I invented an automatic un-circumcizer.
Sadly that's anti-semitic so no.
make a charcoal filtering water bottle with easy replaceable filters, good comfort, 500 + 750ml, glass interior and mouthpiece, plastic / anything else as the rest
make a website where people throw out ideas for things that they want other people to make
Most scientists are consultants so places will pay them $300k-500k depending on "distinguished status" during their sabbatical to come and work on research. They have no boss and work out their own consulting contract.
well anything that's still pre revenue isn't worth bragging about but i'm doing my own software startup company
lol, i dont do any original design. i literally just pull shit out of a catalog. its basically lego's using off the shelf components. easy stuff. i have no desire to try to bring a new product to market. way too much work.
when i said unambitious, i meant it.
you don't have to be Tony Stark to be self employed as an engineer. there is so much rinky dink engineering work out there. i'm basically two steps above the plumber that owns his own van.
That's cool. I'm not going to shit talk you because that takes balls and you were honest enough to actually say what you do but I will say this: people invented computers, they understand pretty much just how they work which makes it easier to control the trajectory of a startup. In contrast, in biological research there are a lot more unknowns about what will be feasible and how to get from A to B due to the higher complexity of biological systems. Not to mention a biology experiment costs several orders of magnitude more than it costs to write code due to the cost of reagents and all the regulatory red tape. So it bothers me when software types with low entry costs go all 'lol why don't u do a startup it's easy man look I'm doing it right now!'
But anyways now that you bring it up, I'm curious, what kind of software are you planning on making? I'm always interested in seeing how you tech guys think, since it's a completely different world from bench research.
tell that to facebook
will do
i see, sucks, been looking around for such product, might have to develop it myself it seems. altho i dig the lego-product development, it is a lost art. maybe start a diy book with what you do? seems useful and no harder than writing a blog
Would be fun for you as memrophilia when you grow older i would think aswell
I would be identified if I'd tell, and it doesn't really matter anyways.
Your employer reads Veeky Forums? Why can't you just give a vague job description?
No, I'm the entrepreneur, and there is only few of us doing what I do, and by looking us all up, one can instantly spot the shitposting autist from the group. :D
There's no entry cost to developing parallel algorithms to scatter search gigantic bio datasets. algorithmsinnature.org
Because a tortilla chip warmer is not a demanded product.
>tortilla chip warmer
i know it's a meme but maybe a portable tortilla chip warmer could legitimately fit a niche for small restaurants and for home use. it's probably not a 100 million dollar idea but if you can make and sell them at a profit for $20 each in decent quantities why not
similar to what Veeky Forums user imagined