Will mankind ever develop the technology to terraform Texas and make it fit for human habitation?

Will mankind ever develop the technology to terraform Texas and make it fit for human habitation?

Global warming will turn it into desert.

~source: brainlet

You have to get around the indigenous life-forms which will spray belt-fed armor piercing death in your general direction

source: texan

Texas is the best state in the union.
Prove me wrong.
>We have a massive booming tech industry in Austin Texas
>Speaking of Austin Texas, it's a fucking gorgeous city
>As long as you avoid Dallas, you'll most likely live in prosperity and peace
>A land rich with history and badassery and independence
Only cucks don't like Texas.

[cans smashing]

Yeah but California kicks its ass in every way.

Ayy someone else from Austin, whaddup

California,Texas and New York are all equally good tbhwyf

I love Ghost too, yes.

I've lived in the bay area and in Austin. I sold my house in cali with 30% of the mortgage paid off and bought a house twice the size free and clear, and a new car with the money from the sale.

Everything is more expensive, and taxes are outrageous in Cali. Thankfully i don't have kids either, having to send them to a fancy private school to avoid diversity is much more expensive than living in a nice white suburb as well.

Texas is the greatest country on Earth. (except Houston and Dallas, they're trash)

you failed in california
now you live in flat boring texas

Funny, I assumed my increase in pay, and I voluntarily leaving California, indicated the opposite.
Enjoy your rioting communists, homosexuals, homeless people, and la raza. I'm sure you live in a 40 million dollar home next to Zuckerberg though, considering you're a success and all.

We have the technology, but it would require stupid amounts of water to be moved. It's simply a waste of money. Just move people somewhere more habitable instead, that's way cheaper.

Stop saying Texas is better, otherwise people might move to Austin. Keep Austin weird, please don't move here.

so much resentment, why is it people who don't live in california all act like this when californians are just jolly and happy about where they live? :-)

You don't realize how much better other places are until you actually experience them

Tfw live in Texas but stuck in the armpit El Paso ;-;

I live in NYC. It's so tempting to move to Texas... But... Can't live in a Republican state, can't deal with the heat, can't leave my friends/family, I like my current job. I love NYC to death, but the cost of living man...

unironically want to work on such tech or methods in the future but not for texas

t. australian who likes rain forests

keep telling urself that m8 8-))

ayyyyy que pasa pendaho

>Republican state
literally makes no difference in your life. You can open carry a gun, but nobody does

>homeless people
I misread that as "homeless pizza."

Op here. That was actually what I meant. Greening Texas to undo the great dustbowl.

Couldn't we cut off the aboriginals' access to automatic weapons?

Most of the state is quite lush. The piney woods in east Texas are thousands of miles of dense pine forests with abundant foliage, even some swamps and bayous near Louisiana.

Central Texas is mostly plains which turn into the hill country eventually, but still full of life. How do you think we support such a large livestock industry with no grass? The desert only becomes more common the farther west you go, majority of the state is green. But that's only because of the Chihuahuan desert, which is fucking massive. Still, deserts can be quite beautiful, and any wildlife biologist will tell you, are not totally devoid of life. Some of our most interesting creates live in desert climates.

As for human habitation (I believe you used the word "terraform" which is wrong because anywhere on earth is terra), the obvious answer is that as a human species we must learn to live more efficiently in urban environments to minimize our impact on the natural world. I don't think there's any debate to this, urban living is more efficient in many ways and has less of an impact on the surrounding ecology.

ironically enough, the people with the automatic weapons (white people) are the safest to be around. The dangerous parts of texas are San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and all across the southern border.

We colonized ARID-ZONE-A we can do this!