Why there are so many women in medicine? Every class is like 75% females, I'm starting to think I have chosen a brainlets career.
Why there are so many women in medicine? Every class is like 75% females...
Its the STEM subject that is best for women because its involves nothing but memorization.
They're going to be nurses
Here in my country there's no such thing as Pre meds, Minors, Majors and that stuff, all of them are in medicine.
Because medicine interests women a lot.
Equality and shit.
Have a gf going into the medical field. I can confirm that anatomy is nothing but the rote memorization of hundreds and hundreds of terms. Physiology requires knowledge of hard science, however.
>I'm starting to think I have chosen a brainlets career.
but you have
My class is 65% females.
I'll tell you why: getting a place in med school is hard as fuck.
Most men with the ability to get into med school choose something else instead
(CS, engineering, finance etc.).
The fuck?
Not true.
This is part of the reason.
If you're intelligent it's easier to memorize all that stuff.
>speaks the gender-studies major
>Most men with the ability to get into med school choose something else instead
>(CS, engineering, finance etc.).
most men who do these subjects would not have gotten into medschool.
I know.
Did you even read what I wrote?
Let's take 100 men with the skills to get into med school (this is already a very small subset of the general population).
60 of them will go into STEM
30 will go into finance/econ some other money thing
10 of them will go into med school.
Now, what is so hard to understand?
You are the one who is confused.
Medschool numbers are capped.
Only N people will get into medschool every year.
Way more than N people will go into STEM/econ.
There is no "skills" involved. It's just being at the top of the curve.
Think of all the pussy you'll get
The fucking Ieddit spacing...
You don't need to tell me how med school works, thank you.
Also, you should really review your basic statistics skills if you want to not sound like an idiot IRL.
I am already talking about men who are at the top of the curve. Just because they're on the top of the curve it doesn't mean they all WANT to study medicine. How is this hard to understand? You belong in a shitty McDonald's if you can't understand this.
Which is none.
Tell me how you would find chicks when you're working 80 hrs/week?
Money - yes
Respect - yes
Chicks - not really dependent on the Dr. before your name desu senpai
Female vet student here. Can confirm this, anatomy is basically rope learning but physiology is more of a science.
I'm curious about this as well, we often put our female:male ratio in vet med down to the fact that men typically go into medicine instead of vet med for financial reasons. It's a worry however, take my year, out of 120 of us, only 20 of them are male.
Perhaps men simply don't want to do the sheer amount of work experience needed prior to getting into med/vet med? I know we required an obscene amount before we were even considered for an interview, and my med student buddy had hours of extra-curricular activities plus work experience herself.
I can give you some numbers on our course admissions. In my year we had 2200 applicants for 120 places, where 700 of us were then interviewed. When you have to drill numbers down that far our application process was extremely vigorous, the admissions department did not even look at our personal statement/anything non-academic unless we met a baseline level of academics (typically AAA AS levels).
You are literally too retarded to live.
Let's say there are 10,000 medschool positions.
Let's say 100,000 men who go into STEM/ECON every year.
>le i am female cx
tits or gtfo
>Not true.
You're telling me women in general aren't interested by medicine? They clearly are very much.
Not to be offensive, but considering that you don't study real medicine your opinion on this matter is worth nothing.
Calm down.
I will try to explain it to you in a different way:
Let's say you MUST have an IQ of at least 130 to get into med school. You follow?
Ok, now let's consider all the young males with an IQ over 130.
Of these men, only a tiny minority will WANT to study medicine.
Consider now all the young women with an IQ over 130.
Of these women, a big majority will WANT to study medicine.
Do you understand now why there are more women than men in med school?
Of all the women in my class, only a few actually like medicine.
The rest is here for naive bullshit reasons "save the world" etc.
Also to prove society that they're strong womyn who don't need no man.
>Getting lectures off someone whose highest qualification is a high school diploma in shitposting.
Sure, of course we don't study "real medicine". We'll just ignore the fact human medicines are modeled in animals shall we? Clearly your dog is an alien species physiology wise compared to humans.
>Let's say you MUST have an IQ of at least 130 to get into med school. You follow?
This isn't how it works.
If that's how it worked, I would agree with you. But it isn't.
Let's imagine a hypothetical world where there is only 1 (ONE) medschool position and there are 3 students, Joe, Billy, and Bob. Let's say the medschool selects only the one applicant with the highest IQ.
Joe has 100 IQ.
Billy has 120 IQ.
Bob has 150 IQ.
If only Joe applies to medschool whereas Billy and Bob don't apply, in this case you could say "Bob could have gotten in", but if you say "Billy could have gotten in" then you're wrong.
You could say "Billy could have gotten in if Bob didn't apply to medschool", but see where this is heading?
Now what if Joe didn't apply? Then nobody goes to medschool. But here do you say "Joe could have gotten in if neither Billy nor Bob applied?"
So there is a way you could say this that makes sense. If there are 10k medschool positions and medschool selects the top 10k highest IQ applicants and you are talking about the top 10k men with the highest IQ in the country then yeah, you'd be right.
But it's obvious you were not talking about that.
Why the poisonous reply?
I just stated the truth.
Yeah, I "only" have a high school diplom;
But at least I'm studying actual medicine and I will soon be an MD.
I don't have a dog.
>an animal is as important as a human
sure thing Stacey, whatever helps you sleep at night
Dude I don't know how the fuck it works in burger land,
but here in Europe you have to have a perfect high school gpa and then ace a test.
In my city there were like 7 guys with a perfect gpa.
One guy and me -> med school
The other five guys -> STEM (they could have 100% gotten into med school).
So there are already 5 places to be filled by women
(almost all the girls with a perfect gpa want to get into med school), you see where this is going?
If she fucks up something because she didn't learn (the animal "medicine") hard enough:
Big deal a bird has died.
If I fuck up because I didn't learn (the real medicine) hard enough... that would actually be a big problem.
Why are there so many men in cs?
So most of the guys in the top N% don't want to go into medicine but all of the girls in the top N% want to go into medicine?
You could have literally just said that.
By top N% I mean top N% of the entire possible-applicants population not top N% of boys or top N% of girls.
lmao jusy read this abortion of a thread
you are actually fucking retarded, kill yourself
its sad that you arent being ironic
Dude, it's the the same thing I wrote in all my other replies...
Just a few yrs. in college and then easy money. A good choice t b h.
>implying you need any intelligence to become a vet
There's a fuckton of unemployed vets where i live, you better specialise in cattle or your """medicine""" degree is borderline worthless
Jesus Christ, why are women so delusional and stupid?
I've got a plumbing certificate
If you want to laugh laugh at me
>this thread
there is no shameful job, user
you aren't a parasite on society, you did good
woman here, i am not willing to jump thru all the crappy hoops required to get into med school. unlike other women, i am also not a people-pleaser.
i strongly suspect these two are related.
>Why there are so many women in medicine?
physician is a well respected and well paid job, so politicians are hell bent on increasing the number of women in the field
>politicians are hell bent on increasing the number of women in the field
i think it's actually because society pressures women into becoming caretakers
that said i think the entire industry has become a lot more female-centric.
Oh God physiology is the worst. It's a combination of memorization and having to think, but with a billion different exceptions.
>Here in my country there's no such thing as Pre meds, Minors, Majors
So the OP needs to be rephrased.
>Why are there so many women in medicine in my backwater country
Who knows? There's probably all kinds of weird things going on.
>All the University systems of all countries are the same
what about mcdonald employees
Irrelevant - those jobs will be phased out over the next two years anyway.
This entire thread:
>Urgh, women in STEM, fuck off already
>Yeah, women are trash, they're not even smart
>I'm a woman
>Misogyny ensues
You know, for a board that's essentially a dick measuring contest in terms of "My STEM is better than your STEM" and quoting intelligence as its weapon...
None of you niggas are very smart.
Women like social careers, men like technical careers. Welcome to the truth that we knew for thousands of years, but somehow forgot because of 'equality'.
>Let's say there are 10,000 Women's studies positions
>Let's say 100,000 men who go into STEM/ECON every year
Hah! STEM btfo! Women's studies now mathematically proven to be more difficult to get in and also kore rigorous! That sure showed you!
That's about the level of argument you are making
healing people was always a womans job
At least we're not bigots.
Here in Germany you need a perfect score (an Abitur with 1,0 - 1,3 at worst) to study medicine. I've always thought "well, mostly smart people get a grade like that, so medicine must be for smart people" until my best friend, who is smart, got that grade and started to study it. He said to me that medicine has almost 0% transfer and almost 100% memorization and he believes that is the only reason why only people with a perfect grade can study it, it's so easy that the market would be overflood with medical doctors.
Rote memorization, lots of money.
Perfect for them, don't have to figure anything out just regurgitate over and over again.
ITT: jelly neckbeards who couldn't get into med school so they pretend that medicine is not a science so they can feel somehow nobler about their run of the mill engineering major which any dumbfuck could get into
why do they limit the number of doctors there can be?
There's not a single person on the planet who couldn't get into med school with 30 minutes if Anki studying a day. Biology is science. Medicine is not.
>tfw you have a math degree
>tfw always interested in medicine but thought it was too hard
>see this thread
you're a bunch of fucking retards who cant even apply logic
I guess that's progress of some sorts. But I think we can thank the East Asians for that.
What is Pharmacy then?
i always got the impression it would just have a huge but dull workload
Pharmacy is a science you dumbshit.
>burger land
Medical school in burger land is infinitely harder to get in to compared to any other country on the planet. Speaking from experience.
Yea from experience. Harvard Medical School is a lottery contest, can confirm.
>Medicine isn't
>Pharmacy is
You guys completely confuse me.
pls ahlp, will i be accepted to medical school as a pure mathematics major
pic related
most people that i know who go to med school are brain dead girls and one guy who want to be med because their parents forced them to and because they don't know of any other profession that could yield success, so they figure medicine=$$, better do that. i reckon that there are some intelligent people doing medicine, but those are the future top surgeons and shit working on revolutionary procedures, most people, or all girls end up being peditricians and family doctors who schedule you blood work appointments and listen to your breath and heart beat before prescribing some shit to dull the pain and write off your excuse paper for school or work.
most people choose fields because of memes
>cs leddit numales who think computers=$$ and who fucked around with computers during childhood
>medicine, dumb girls and guys who get scared about life and cant think for themselves, but can memorize a lot of shit
>engineers, same as cs mostly, but generally you can find more normal people here
>math and physics, either extremly autistic, or all around succesful guy with genius-level smarts ( not autistic ) and there's no in-between
>econ, either fell for the econ=$$ or they have rich parents in powerful positions and a job secured for them
>marketing, people who thought it was econ, but easier, future professional sandwich artists and dick suckers
>law, serious well rounded individuals, might have parents in powerful positions as well, a few of them are as retarded as med types
>politics, arts, literature anything related or similar, leftist trash human beings
Because they are women and women are dumb.I got selected for the top medical college of my country but dropped out only to realize I didn't like it. It was full of females too, and yeah, rote memorization is the only thing you do. There is literally nothing else.
Lost all respect for doctors too, when I saw how much of a jew they are, they literally teach people to become scammers,not doctors.
>math and physics, either extremly autistic, or all around succesful guy with genius-level smarts ( not autistic ) and there's no in-between
guess which one i am
i opted for med school
aside from engineering disciplines, why do i need to go to uni to learn math, cs or science in general?
i just want to understand
Because if you are actually smart and have balls you will choose a career that is novel and has the potential for actual gains over memorizing for a safe gig treating obese people for the rest of your adult life.
I wouldn't pick a shit field like medicine if I wanted to do something other than work for a living.
Also LOL at the user above talking about law school, it's just full of stupid faggots from poor backgrounds like every other school.
The only way to actually be /patrician/ is to be born into money. So my advice overall is to avoid medschool and be born rich.
>I wouldn't pick a shit field like medicine if I wanted to do something other than work for a living.
user, I..
>how to be successfully? Lmao just be born rich you dumb fuck.
This is actually true. As long as you've got the money, you can LITERALLY do anything and everything you please.
>tfw need money to make money