How can I make toxic gasses with house hold cleaning chemicals?
How can I make toxic gasses with house hold cleaning chemicals?
Cable tie a plastic bag over your head and breath in and out repeatedly.
Didn't realize that carbon dioxide was a cleaning chemical you autistic fuck
if you mix laundry detergent with salt you get napalm
Sorry, I meant to say:
Pour bleach and ammonia in a plastic bag, cable tie it over your head and breath in and out repeatedly.
Don't do it Bill. Your ISP has furnished us with the all the gory details.
household bleach and concentrated hydrochloric acid (available as muriatic acid or boat cleaner from a hardware store) makes chlorine gas
we use it to vapor-sterilize seeds at work
Who the fuck is bill?
just boil a very large amount of water, the original household cleaner. It's toxic in huge amounts, also if you really boil a huge amount fast you'll probably die of scalding
I tried an online recipe for nerve gas, and all it made were some beautiful crystals.
Drink bleach
Your body will eventually excrete a solid chemical that can be heated into a potent neurotoxin
You're welcome
vinegar and baking soda
I got you covered senpai
dont click
I remember seeing this years ago and bring so naive I thought it was true but today I feel like this is just an exaggerated account of basic organic chemistry and lab experience to put all this weird shit together. I'm sure if an organic chemist knowledgeable enough could look at many different compounds and propose a procedure for synthesis
Thank you my dude
Good luck getting even a fraction of those chemicals from places like sigma Aldrich without either a good deal of paper work or at least a name to your "chemical company"
Where was this found? It sounds like a good forum
bleach + ammonia
warning: this shit will actually kill you so combine them in a garbage can (or similar) that has a lid
enjoy your party van OP