Is chemistry the worst science field?
Is chemistry the worst science field?
No, at least you will find a job and learn to do cool stuff, maybe the worst one is biology no work or shitty paying job
Social Sciences...
No. Hardly. Chemistry is the crux of microbiology, medicine, and materials science.
>at least you will find a job
>worst one is biology no work or shitty paying job
topkek, you're in for a rough awakening
>> science
well I did a biotechnology degree, but still it was shit, biotechnology field got in a huge bubble and I got into it, very few places to stay for too many people on the field, now I work for an electronic motor company in quality control
>chemistry the crux of microbiology
Define "worst"
physics is the worst. physicists can't agree on anything
Physics is the worst.
At least you can do cool shit with chemistry.
>at least you will find a job
That's not what my teachers are saying
It's just a shitty empirical science, and a chemistry degree is just based on memorizing the results of someone else's lab work and trying to reverse engineer the scientific method to fit experimental results.
t. engineer
Kinda this. Most actual physics experients are completely out of reach except some optics and relatively low-temp stuff.
Everything else is just computer simulations unless you work at Los Alamos or FermiLab or someplace.
Tell that to my high school biology teacher who has a PhD.
Chemistry is the central science.
No, that would be astrophysics.
For some reason the astrophysicists instills this idea that their field of study makes them gods of science who must use their credentials of "astrophysicist" to inject their irrelevant and misunderstood ideas into every other field of academia. They aren't even really scientist. It's just "looking" at shit in a telescope and letting a computer calculate red-shift to see how far away it is and letting a computer figure out from refaction what shit they can't even touch is made of.
>Working at a highschool with a PHD
I think you proved his point there
Biology is pretty cool, but you gotta fight for jobs, but once you get a good one, you get to work on the proteome/genome and cool things like that.
yes i dont like the courses, chemistry is the worst field
its all just memorizing and doing annoying calculations, what is even the point?
the coursework sucks and the classes suck so chemistry is the worst field
what can even you do with it?
its just shitty courses and memorizing the whole field of chemistry science sucks because of this
nothing useful ever will come from chemistry because i dont like the courses or memorizing things in my undergrad program
This right here. In the past 20 years chemistry has done more to help society then all branches of physics combined have done for the entire history of human science.
The first user said you won't get a good job with a Biology major, while the user I replied to said you would be in for a rough awakening
The LLL (and similar places) rely much more heavily on chemists (including nuclear chemists) than they do physicists. This is because the lattermost is typically grouped in with mathematicians (assuming they aren't mathfags themselves) to do computer sim work while chemists are the people actually charged with turning theories into physical things.
That's not to say either party is less valuable than each other, but they work in a team. Although, chemists are lucky in that they can eject to other fields if they desirel
def biology = "The worst fucking thing ever"
This is basically me reason behind minoring in chemistry. If I cant get a dope ass physics job then I can get a dope as chemistry job.
>or maybe both
Worst : astrophysics
Second worst : biology
Third worst : chemistry
Best : Pure Mathematics
Second best : Theoretical Physics
Why the hate for astrophysics? Am I missing something?
I'm a math and physics major with an astronomy hobby. I guess usually when I meet astrophysics majors I assume I know more about each of math, physics, and astronomy than them. Is that why the field sucks
Astrophysics isn't a science (can't replicate anything) (yes, even as opposed to maths)
Also, it's passive. You don't need maths or physics, just observe and try to draw some shoddy correlations which can never be proven or replicated
+as you say, brainlets every-fucking-where.
also, le big bang teory (lots of fans of this cancer study astrophysics)
Chemistry is the most hands on and fun. It's legos with ions. It's playing with voltage gradients to make cool shit. It's your shoes and your wife's dildo. It's your charged up electronics and your unclogged drains. It's your organic photodetectors that allow you to see and the polymers that make up your ballbag. It's the zwitterion that allows you to start digesting food and your shattered hand from the accidental spilling of liquid nitrogen. It's dicks pills and LSD and those spandex shorts that make your dad wish he wasn't a fag.
Learn chemistry.
>also, le big bang teory
honestly what do you consider a better theory?
not trying to bait, I've only ever heard the big bang theory seriously used in academia and I'm curious about other non-meme (parallel universe, computer simulation, etc.) theories.
He's talking about a tv show called The Big Bang Theory. Apparently because astrophysics is associated with a shitty tv show that makes astrophysics shitty.
oh so hes retarded,
Lol no
I think you need to get more specific if you're talking about jobs (e.g. molecular bio vs ecology, analytical chemistry vs ochem, nuclear physics vs astrophysics, etc.)
materials science is cool, so chem is cool
kekd but also agree
What if I like spess though?
its the best