Doesn't CRISPR imply less that we will all be super healthy super smart overmen in a generation and more that the elites will breed a dull, compliant slave race to do all of their bidding? Why would the super intelligent super healthy elite devalue their inherent genetic superiority that came as a result of centuries of eugenic breeding by redistributing to the average man?
Doesn't CRISPR imply less that we will all be super healthy super smart overmen in a generation and more that the...
Even if the elites wanted to keep it for themselves (and they wouldn't, because they're not idiots), the public demand will be so overwhelming that no government will dare keep it from the people, and most countries will probably make it free.
CRISPR is like a precise scalpel compared to the dull knife that is TALENS or Zinc-fingers. It's not a magic wand. Why do people talk about it like it'll change the world as we know it?
There is an overwhelming demand for gold doesn't mean they will sell it for two cents a pound. Keeping gene editing techniques totally to themselves and creating different castes of people to serve their whims is the complete opposite of stupid actually.
Free market, they wont keep it to themselves, but they'll be the first to get access to it which is a huge advantage.
Because it means we don't need to rely on waiting for generations of selective breeding or eugenic programs to take our evolutionary course in our own hands.
Even if the first decades it will just be curing genetic diseases or giving your babies blue eyes. As we get better and learn more we might learn more about how certain genes influence intelligence.
>Keeping gene editing techniques totally to themselves and creating different castes of people to serve their whims is the complete opposite of stupid actually.
How well do you think such a society will compete against a China were all 1.5 billion chinks have a 150 IQ?
>Free market, they wont keep it to themselves, but they'll be the first to get access to it which is a huge advantage.
The state would be paying for the treatments, since not doing so would mean losing the next election to a candidate who WILL make ot freely available.
>we might learn more about how certain genes influence intelligence.
Not if the SJW's have any say in it
>How well do you think such a society will compete against a China were all 1.5 billion chinks have a 150 IQ?
How well do you think a society with 1.5 billion 150 iq Machiavellian chinamen would function? Sewage treatment workers? Munitions factory worker? Old folks home orderly? Nah boss, everybody is entitled to be a philosopher king across the board and no one will settle for anything less!
China dun care.
Either we follow China or fall behind. It's that simple.
I hope you're learning Chinese already.
>Sewage treatment workers? Munitions factory worker? Old folks home orderly? Nah boss, everybody is entitled to be a philosopher king across the board and no one will settle for anything less!
Of course not everyone can be a philosopher king, but a society were even the lowliest people have exceptional intelligence is a society that will make tremendously rapid progress.
I don't think you've come to grips yet with how functioning civilizations are structured.
So did monkeys build perfect societies?
It's not like it will happen overnight. But even boosting everyone's IQ by 5 points will give them a huge boost.
Increased technological advances, meaning more and faster automatization. Most of these lower IQ jobs could be automated.
It will also lower the crime rates a by a massive amount.
"Muh elites" doesn't make much sense. Even they would benefit from living in paradise.
>Muh elites" doesn't make much sense. Even they would benefit from living in paradise.
Pro tip: they are so isolated from the comings and goings of the average person they already do live in one
What I mean is they too would benefit from the technical advances made by a high IQ society.
It's not like this will be the great equalizer of people. These image the difference between a company employing 120 IQ brainlets and one having 150 IQ people.
There will be a race of gorillaposters collected from Veeky Forums who are forced to breed with gorillas, their offspring will be used as slaves for eternity
To escape this fate fucking kill yourself now, gorillaposter
>super intelligent super healthy elite devalue their inherent genetic superiority that came as a result of centuries of eugenic breeding
Uhh... before we answer your question, we'll need to first address the validity of a few of your assumptions
>why would the super intelligent super healthy elite devalue their inherent genetic superiority that came as a result of centuries of eugenic breeding by redistributing to the average man?
For starters, that has never happened. Even royal family lines rarely manage to stay on top for more generations than you can count on one hand, and aristocrats tend to fail nearly every other generation. Leadership and ambition, historically speaking, seem to be more about nurture than nature, and apparently, great men do not always make great parents.
That said, what you are alluding to is sort of a valid concern.
What I'd be more worried about, but still along the same lines, is an idealistic government that makes genetic modifications mandatory for "the greater good". This might include such things as a greater propensity to obedience, enhanced empathy (mirror neurons up the ying-yang), and the like, that may even seem benign on the surface, but have irreparable and unexpected negative effects that might even be inheritable, and thus spread through the gene pool once the government collapses. Or maybe some truly megalomaniacal government, or even a cult headed up by a mad genius, might develop and airborne CRISPR retrovirus to similarly warp all of mankind.
Not that CRISPR nor genetic engineering in general is terribly likely to be so perfected as to make this a real concern in our lifetimes, but it is among those potential apocalypses man may one day be faced with.
>There are 9 posters in this thread
OP needs some fresh proxies to troll a bit harder
Both extremes are bad.
China being unethical, the west not doing it because of ethics.
>For starters, that has never happened. Even royal family lines rarely manage to stay on top for more generations than you can count on one hand, and aristocrats tend to fail nearly every other generation. Leadership and ambition, historically speaking, seem to be more about nurture than nature, and apparently, great men do not always make great parents.
Upper crusts of humanity are speciating brah, just because a single royal line didn't maintain power for 200 straight generations doesn't change the fact the elites of any given society tend to have access to a certain genetic capital that is not found in the common rubes.
Pic related: an ayyyyy lmao descended from one of the oldest aristocratic bloodlines of Europe
Everyone and their cousin is descended from one or more kings, queens, and/or famous generals or some such, yet the vast majority of these descendants are simply so much riff raff. It takes a whole lot of crazy circumstances to come together to make someone great.
(t. Someone with Rudolf Hess, Thomas Jefferson, Admiral Nelson, and Louis XIV, in his blood line, among others, who is nonetheless browsing Veeky Forums in his 40's.)
Granted, it wouldn't stop people at the top from being full of themselves and taking such a blatantly flawed view of inheritance.
Lmao, this is bullshit. There are statistically more genetically superior people among the "common rubes" than all the elites together.
These kinds of bloodlines rarely selected based on intelligence and more on resources.
And It's those resources they inherit. I doubt many of those elites could do it again if they started from the bottom.
Yeah but this is wrong tho. IQ does correlate with social class, the upper classes really are (statistically) smarter than the working class.
They are relatively smarter, but it absolute numbers they aren't.
Going back 10 generations and finding a single aristocrat in your bloodline is a bit different from going back 10 generations and only finding a single commoner isn't it?
The richest families of Venice today descend from the same richest families of the 14th century.
Sure but it's wrong to say they don't select for intelligence because they do.
They don't. The people they mate with might be smarter than average, but they only average for them.
They would have to mate with increasing intelligence. But being part of the elite has more to do with traits of authority which has more to do with looks and behavioral and less with actual intelligence.
Awayway the difference between the elite and middle class is non-existent, but the difference between the middle class and the lower class is huge. At lest genetically.
The difference between elite and middle class is decided based on resources while the difference between lower and anything above is based on genetics
>slave race
Savagery, just create machines to do labor.
Not him but you're making one fatal flaw, you are assuming they have higher IQs because they are actively selecting for intelligence.
When in fact the main reason why the upper class has a higher IQ on average is because they can afford better/ consistent nutrition and are a significantly smaller population to weight against statistically.
>they won't
>this is what college aged kids actually believe
And do what with the non-ruler races? Exterminate or make them equal?
What makes you think either of these extremes will occur?
Corporations will control this, not 'the elites'. Corporations want to make money. It will expensive at first giving the elites first access. But it will get cheaper and cheaper giving more people access.
Nothing will happen to the people that don't use it or can't afford it. They will live out their lives like they do now. And will slowly but peacefully be bred out of the gene pool.
>Corporations will control this, not 'the elites'. Corporations want to make money.
Corporations are controlled by the ___________
Paradigm shifting tech isn't exactly sold on the open market for all to buy. It is often sequestered if anything.
>Boff meme picture
If i knew you were baiting i wouldn't have wasted my time.
Perhaps pol is more down to your level.
Ignore the silly picture for a moment and try to refute my post. Pro tip: you can't. There is no reason to believe hardcore gene engineering would be rushed to the market the moment it became viable.
>he doesn't know what an overman is
It's not like evey ceo or board member is in some giant underground group. Sure collusion and corruption plenty. But no hand rubbing around a round table.
Companies just wanna make mad dosh.
This thing is gonna start small and benign, with incremental improvements.
I'd like to compare it to the Korean plastic surgery industry. We all know that being beautiful or handsome is a huge advantage in life. Yet it's available to everyone. But It changed nothing in the hierarchy.
This wont threaten their wealth one bit.
Before CRISPR becomes mainstream at that level, we will have legislation for it. It will be illegal to create customized slave humans.
>Why would the super intelligent super healthy elite devalue their inherent genetic superiority
Epic lel.
Private corps avoid expensive hardcore r & d like the plague unless they're given government grants. The notion that gene engineering will be mass marketed is about as silly as thinking that nuclear material or stealth tech or anthrax spores will be mass marketed and sold eventually as well.
>Before CRISPR becomes mainstream at that level, we will have legislation for it. It will be illegal to create customized slave humans
You seem awfully sure that that will happen and continue to be enforced in perpetuity.
The Medici's main line died out in 1737, and really lost hold on their power well before that. All that remains is some secondary branches, the vast majority of which are destitute, with no real hold on their titles (not that those few that aren't destitute won't fight over them anyways).
For every Henry Ford there are fifty Paris Hiltons... There are homeless people but one or two generations removed from millionaires. Unless you're seriously inbreeding, you're losing 50% of that "precious genetic stock" every generation anyways. If you're lucky, you might get enough white sheep each generation to keep the investments alive for awhile, but rarely does a family that rose to power through industry repeat the process. It's usually a downhill ride from one generation to the next, simply because the circumstances that make men great only happen so often, and, outside of externally enforced royalty, rarely to the same family twice, despite having so much more resources to invest in said efforts of greatness.
There's a handful of exceptions, but the vast majority follow that rule. Even the Rothchilds, for all their infamy, no longer hold a single company in the Fortune 500, or even the Fortune 3000.
Indeed, I feel pretty confident about it. I am an optimist tho
>nuclear material or stealth tech or anthrax spores
Not a lot of applications for the average Joe there.
Meanwhile, if for a few thousand dollars, you can increase the IQ of your baby, or even just determine the color of his eyes, that's going to go mainstream right quick.
How long before we start making actual dickgirls? It's very much possible if you think about it.
>tfw no CRISPR slave