Scipill me xenoestrogens Veeky Forums
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They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay
It's a meme.
*fucking frogs
i started laughing
this is a comic about sex, not gender
If you take them as a man, you will have lots of biological problems and cancer that will fuck you up.
But you just want to become a girl and you are definitely not mentally ill, so if you're a tranny reading this then take them and kill yourself more sooner.
After all death is a social construct and so is everything else.
BPA is bad
there are other endocrine disruptors out there
the vast majority of synthetic chemicals have not been tested for health impacts
none have been tested for synergistic health impacts
there's still probably nothing to worry about, humans are robust
frogs are only turning gay because people are taking birth control and it's a very rare occurence
They don't have the same effect as estrogen. They only resemble it.
Make girls Lolita's and women fuck everything.
Make boys baby's and men eternal boys.
Science explain why women-men relationship is so fucked today.
How about using science to understand what's wrong with your sentences?
because media ,fashion, popularity dictates things that aren't paralell with what people want in the long term?
if you dont get what i mean, i mean that fashion wise we wear whatever is sexier (more skimpy) than the last fashion, media wise we are taught not to trust, and popularity will only serve to entrench the latter ideas about the people around you.
With these three things you have someone exuding sex but not trusting, i think this defines what i've seen in the US pretty well. I dont think this fits any definition of a positive monogamous relationship
(((They))) want to dumb us down and turn us into femboys.
Stop drinking milk and stop drinking fluoridated water. Buy some INFOWARS™ water filtration. Don't give in to (((their))) schemes.
I'd like to see this hypothesis tested.
While most water bottles are going BPA-free, Johnson and Johnson still make plastic baby-bottles with BPA.
They say the softness of their bottle is just that integral to their product.
Isn't this early xenoestrogen source, kinda important?
Or are we just on bottles too short a time for it to matter?
I don't know but breast feeding has a lot of natural benefits, just sort of common knowledge
they make women develop earlier, this was observed when they notice women picking hops, a component of beer, got curvy sooner.
>i'm usually pretty happy with how i look.
>took the time to draw this.
ok pham
>The average age of girls with premature thelarche was 31 months.
>science and math
To be perfectly honest, fucking frogs is kinda gay...
feminine Benis
fug :DDD
lol some pussy deleted the picture