Could someone explain why American universities teach first year content that would usually be taught in European secondary education.
Could someone explain why American universities teach first year content that would usually be taught in European...
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Because in Europe the guidelines for each subject are better defined, most of the schools are public and (most of) the teachers are better prepared for teaching in elementary and secondary school.
Different continent, different culture.
You say that like European universities don't just teach HS content again in the first year.
This exam paper is taken by British 17-18 year olds. Can you do it Veeky Forums?
because public US high, and elementary, schools are designed so that as many people pass as possible. this means that anyone who isn't retarded is held back and wastes their time. when college rolls around it turns out that most of US students that went to public schools are unprepared, so they have to be taught material that in all honest should be high school material.
as europe gets filled with more niggers and shitskins you'll see the same thing happening to your public schools.
>as europe gets filled with more niggers and shitskins you'll see the same thing happening to your public schools.
kek confirmith
It's complicated but I'll try to lay it out.
We have serious social/developmental problems due to the environment provided to our children. For various reasons students aren't motivated to learn. They'd rather watch TV or whatever. High schools want the best graduation rate possible, so even if a student fails prealgebra 6 times, chances are the school will find a way to get them a diploma.
Colleges get more money if they can get more people to enroll. In USA if you sign up for college (and don't have a high income) you basically check a box and get sent several thousands of dollars in PELL grants and Perkin loans - before it gets to you, the school gets their tuition.
So imagine you're a high school graduate with no skills other than updating your instagram, there is high societal pressure to go to college, nobody will hire you for more than minimum wage.. but if you sign up for school and check a box, you get sent thousands of dollars and don't have to work. What do you do? You go to school.
Now imagine you're a school and there is an outrageous amount of federal money out there just ripe for the picking. All you have to do is sign up more students. But a there is a huge group of students who have no business taking college classes, and you know you can't place them in college classes if you want their tuition for more than a semester. What do you do? You offer easier classes.
I know this is messy and incomplete but seriously, that's the gist of it
Thanks for explaining it user.
I can do most of it. I have never once seen a hyperbolic trig function since calc II and they weren't even tested then so I don't remember how they work
Europe has had the good fortune to have 2 world wars on their continent to help weed out the stupid retards. the US has not had that blessing since its own Civil War after which time its Universities flourished........
US is past due for a good culling of the herd.
Let's conveniently forget the fact that the world wars flushed out or killed most academia from Europe.
American prof here, this is about right. At least half of the students at my school need to just quit school and never come back. The rest aren't great but might be OK.
Also they stay in classes that they will definitely fail, no matter how much you tell them they basically have no chance of passing, because their scholarships encourage this behavior.
this is honestly pretty hard
t. second year math major in America
I think I could do it when I was 17, especially with a formula sheet. I acknowledge that its difficult though, and I seriously doubt the average 17 year old Brit knows how to do hardly any of it.
How much time do they have?
I could have done it with some study.
high school is a glorified daycare facility.
Veeky Forums shits on community college, but any above average 15 year old in the US can be knocking out college level material at one for cheap/free. they don't because "muh university experience" of going to a 4 year with all their daycare friends.
If it makes you feel better this is only used for applicants to Oxford/Cambridge/Warwick.
my first semester of college this black guy was my chemistry lab partner. he told he this was his second time taking the class because he failed. since most people won't start in the spring semester, it's safe to say that this was his third semester in college/second year.
one year later i saw him in calc 3 where he told me he had to take calc 2 twice to pass it. three and a half years later i meet him again. at this point i'm in my second semester of grad school, and he's still an undergrad. i ask him when he's going to graduate and he said he should be done in one and a half/two years. i heard him in the hallways again half a year or a year later, and after that i don't recall ever seeing him again.
so the guy was an undergrad for at least 6 years and either dropped/flunked out, or finally managed to graduate. my lab mate also knows a black guy that started at the same time as him, and the guy is still an undergrad while my labmate is in his 3rd year of grad school and took 5 years to graduate himself.
then there's this hispanic guy that took 6 years to graduate in our college, and took classes in a community college before that, so in total it should be 7-8 years.
and these are just people that i actually know about. fuck knows how many more undergrads there are that are getting close to taking a decade to get their undergrad degree. technically, the college is supposed to drop them when they start failing/dropping too many classes, but because my college's pride is diversity they don't dare do it to non-whites. on the flip side, last year we dropped 20 spots in usnwr rankings.
also, the only white guy i knew that was fucking up dropped before his first semester ended. i think he became a painter (blue collar, not artist.)
i could do most of that except for some of the probability at maybe 15, besides learning early isn't even that important when everyone learns it later eventually
I could probably do it, but I think I wouldn't have been able to back when I started university. Does British education even prepare people adequately for this test?
>American universities are brainlet schools
>American universities are only good because they steal all the burger's monies
Here are your two arguements. You can only use one at a time, but they['re both shit but okay bait.
are eurocucks all math geniuses or some shit
They're neither.
American universities are schools that try to repair the harm done by our public education and shitty parents.
They're good because of the strict quality control for professors and their coordination with the job market to produce useful graduates.
>American universities are schools that try to repair the harm done by our public education and shitty parents.
no, they're not. non-STEM degrees are nothing more than high school 2.0: electric boogaloo.
fucking hell, even in STEM, but non-engineering degrees you get a fuck load of electives. in non-STEM courses the major required courses themselves are piss easy, and then the electives are usually filled with low level trash courses just to meet the credit hour requirement.
I went to UF, which isn't a super high level school. But the rule there was that you couldn't fail/drop a class more than once or you basically couldn't finish any major that required that class.
For example, I dropped biochem the first time I took it because the medicine I was taking was fucking up my mind and I couldn't study or do anything. The second time I took it, they emailed me saying that if I don't pass this time I can't complete my bio degree, or any degree that needs biochem. I thought most schools did that. That was the only class i dropped for the record. I wasn't an amazing student, but I got a 3.65 and went to grad school and now am moving on to Ph.D.
You don't have to be perfect. You just have to fix one or two mistakes if you make them
this is for entrance into cambridge and oxford m8
I can do it and could have in high school as well, but I was definitely the best in my class at that sort of thing. Most students didn't take calculus at all. Surprised they're expected to be able to solve all of those in Bongland.
Doesn't matter.
MIT is the best uni on Earth for Veeky Forums
All brit unis are for cucks
>not Cal Tech
literally who
They don't
This isn't really true STEP is only used for admission into the most elite universities.
>tfw I'm too much of a brainlet and got rejected from MIT