Half of America trusts Breitbart more than they trust NASA

>half of America trusts Breitbart more than they trust NASA

How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate? And how do we fix this?

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You will never be able to fix this for the same reason religion is so hard to eradicate from people's minds. We are wired to hold irrational beliefs. Most of us are for sure. Luckily, science has been able to progress despite our nature.

I believe both. AMA.

How can you believe in climate change when Breitbart doesn't?

I'll pick science any day over "feeling logically." Climate change has been explained over and over again in most my bio classes and all 8 chem classes.

But you also said you believe in Breitbart

But I also said I believe science.

When I say I believe Breitbart, I mean I believe it over CNN, Huffpo, NYT, etc. That's all for politics but their views on climate change and abortion (to some extent) IMO are meme tier.

Public schooling was a mistake. My AP English teacher told us she was told in her doctorate program that the purpose of public schooling is to condition students for being behaved citizens, not for education. That's what college is for.

Two other educators I know, one in teaching and one in administration, say they were told the same.

The fact that we send people to an institution for 12 years to condition them and don't even half-ass educating them the entire time, then put a $20,000+ paywall on actually learning means the system is designed to pump out retards all day every day.

The irony is that trusting NASA or trusting science or trusting anything is just as religious as 'religion'

> meme tier

What does this mean? Is it just like a synonym for retarded?

Aren't most non-public schools in America religious? They push similarly retarded anti-science shit that sites like Breitbart do.

Religion and education should be kept completely separate

I guess you could say that. Basically implying their beliefs in climate change and abortion are a joke.

This silly phrase has been debunked a million times. Do you need me to go through it again with you?

Religion has been 'debunked' a million times, yet there are still people who believe in science religiously

What's your point?

His argument is that religion is dum but science should never be objected because

That's not my argument at all, what the fuck

Science can actually be objected unlike basically every religion. New ideas in religion are oppressed if it directly goes against thousand year old writings by some desert people. Science builds upon itself and if you think something scientific is wrong and can prove it, you are able to change the accepted view of that thing.

People "religiously" following the scientific method and trusting knowledge that has been evidenced and reviewed by thousands is totally different to actually being religious

at least tax dollars go to science

>some fireworks burn a bit of a church
>is extinguished immediatly
Breitbart :
>1000 Muslims burn Germany's oldest church

Prove climate change is a result of human intervention.

So what. I dont even believe in electron bullshit, and im a practicing Electrical Engineer.

I'll also tell u bout the climate dogma bullshit..
Earth magnetic poles are about to flip, caused by an end to a 200k year sun cycle (Nasa magnetic sun data actually), that's why the planet's acting up.
If u truly believe a higher level of CO2 (1/2 amount from dinosour times) is gonna be a problem ur the fuckin tard.

CO2 makes plants grow faster, expofuckinentially!

Are you mad that muslims actually do commit mass homicides frequently? It doesn't take science to figure this out.

You now realize those same Americans believe the earth is flat, it was created 6000 years ago, and heaven/hell exists to punish people who have anal sex.

If I linked you NASAs easy to digest page on climate change would you even bother reading it?

>electrical engineering
>preach botany

pick one

No American actually believes the earth is flat. I'm pretty sure that's just a joke/meme

We have nothing to lose breathing a cleaner air. Jobs in the "green industry" (like organic farms, renewable energy sources, recycling, cleaning up waste, and building better cars) can't be outsourced to foreign lands and have millions of available posts, for all levels of qualification.

And everything to lose if we don't do anything and it's real. Look who believe it is true (scientists) and who doesn't (lobbyists and industrials).

>Breitbart litteraly crafted a story from thin air
>lel Mooslems are bad
Nice change of subject here /pol/ster

Not if it doesn't conform to my current beliefs.

>Why people do not respect a republican institution and prefer a private company to get '''''''''''''''''''scientific'''''''''''''''''''' news ? how do they fail to embrace the republic of the USA ????? wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa wwwwwwaaaaaaaa

Lol because I read Breitbart i'm a /pol/ack? What about Cologne germany? The recent London happening? "Last night in Sweden" where violent riots took place. What is it with this mindset of defending the bad guys? I don't see news of Asians, Hispanics, Whites doing these things.

Still not adressing the fact that Breitbart lied about that church.
Look, there are obvious problems with migrants and terrorism. I don't subscribe to a simplistic approach with lies as arguments.

planetery magnetic discharge is soo not bottany, and is the actual underlying cause..
But my point is that Im freaking out that nasa, an others, have the right info yet all we get from them is buttloads of dussinformation


Like what?

Its also a joke belief the some grandpa in the clouds are watching over millions of hard working americans and spiting on dirty commies.

Joke to the rational is legitimacy to the lunacy. The world will never run out of lunacy, and thats a rational statement.

>the world will never
eventually we will run out of world
the sun will consume the earth or maybe not but either way it will eventually come to an end

>implying lunacy is tangible

when it's all reduced to plasma inside the bloated corpse of Sol all traces of human influence will be purged
there will be nothing left

well lunacy is only relevant to the human context

if you don't support Trump 100% and would give your life for the president and the Breitbart editorial staff, you are a liberal cuck CTR shill traitor blacked liberal muslim leftist marxist globalist democrat cuck scum!

Fuck off shils!!!
I want shils off my board
Ban all communist and leftist shills and anyone who doesnt support Trump and advocate for him online!!!

Anyone who doesn't support Trump is leftist scum

Praise kek!!! MAGA!!!

I don't believe in bacteria but I study biotechnology.
We just bullshit through life

Similarly "the world" is only relevant to the human context as well.

Or more accurately a mayan vampire.

The earth is flat because if it was round, all the people would fall off. NASA are lying.

Because liberals are amoral scum and frank about it.

I mean, the vampirism was South American, but the man was British.

All scientists are liberals.

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?
Religion. The origins of right-wing conspiracy theories and paranoid news outlets are essentially religious, driven by Evangelical needs for alternative facts (see: creationism). Combine this with mainstream media and government openly lying to people, and you get a backwards population who will believe anything a paranoid right-wing news rag says.

The lead generation is in charge now, that's why

I like how violent crimes track previous lead counts in blood until 2002-2005, when it starts to diverge (but is still decreasing). What's the cause of this? Increased Mexican immigration bringing more crime?

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?


>Third lowest


>U.S. ranked 18


>In math, Americans with a high school diploma performed about the same as high school dropouts in other countries.

>"What makes this so sobering is that this is not a high-level test of math or critical-thinking skills,” Stephen Provasnik, a research scientist at the National Center on Education Statistics, told Quartz.

>And how do we fix this?

Make math a required second language taught in all levels of education along with teaching general math courses.

At this point the population as a whole needs to be forced to learn it. No incentives, no promises of better jobs, no feel good shit, just fucking tell them upfront that they will learn it and if they don't want to they can fuck to mexico.

>The solution is knowing math

I fucking wish it were that simple, but I really don't think it is. Something in the average American's base psychology needs to change.

For example, I've noticed that a lot of Americans (especially mid-to-far right wing Americans) have so much pride in their own thoughts and views, that if you point out something they do in a way that unambiguously villanizes them, they will often say things like "That's right", or "Yep!" or "What's your point?". They don't give a flying fuck about changing their ways, or even THINKING about changing their ways because they see it as a threat to

They're so fucking proud of their arrogance that they will defend it until they die, else they should be considered weak, or controlled.

t. American living in Canada with southern mom, seeing her blind American pride reflected in the news and in the Oval Office.


this isn't one i've actually heard before, but it kinda seems like the general idea behind the unwillingness of American's to analyze themselves

yes this is the only possible answer

> CNN posts fake news
> CNN has a pro climate change stance
> CNN is fake, therefore climate change must be fake
Fucking hell you r/poltards need to stop shitting up this board

No, he reason we score so low is because we are the most non white first world country. Its that fucking simple. Controll for race and we do just fine.

If you ever wonder how the hell did germany go nuts for Hitler, how could they fall in a cult and totally ignore reality - well here you have the same thing going on.
Lucky that US' institutions are so strong that it will survive with merely a black eye.
I hope.

Terrorists commit mass homicides frequently. The current prominent organizations have taken up home in the middle East and use radical Islam as a means to push their agenda. There are many more peaceful Muslims than them. Specifically pointing out that MUSLUMS committed these atrocities is extremely xenophobic. Call them jihadists, extremists, whatever.

Also realize that our impulsive responses only fuel their agenda. We need to help the countries they have taken over, or else more of their citizens will join the terrorist groups. That's why taking the refugees is important.

>Its that fucking simple
Nothing is ever "that fucking simple". Besides, It seems like the vast majority of radical Christians (read: the ones that would like to remain scientifically illiterate) are white

also, I guess I forgot the classic
>It's not our fault, it's someone else's fault

Massachusetts has the best performance on PISA in the US, comparable to East Asian countries (except math where it's weaker) and it's far from the most white. It's not as if they have a ton of Asians either. Some of the most backward states in the US are the most white, like West Virginia.

The Evangelical Protestant Scots-Irish culture prevalent in much of the South and West is anti-intellectual and harmful to kids growing up in a global economy.

Actually, my Catholic high school taught science correctly and openly. Catholics aren't fundamentalists. We were always told that Science was for finding the truth of all that could be measured. Religion is for finding the truth that can't be.

>Using Pascal's Wager

So which church have you joined up with?

>Attributing motive without proof.

Sure is unscientific in here.

What a stupid oversimplification. It educates AND indoctrinates. And yes, indoctrination is vital to a functioning society.

>"Last night in Sweden" where violent riots took place.
except there were no riots "last night in Sweden"; Orange Daddy made that one up out of thin air too, just like Breitbart made up the church-burning story. of course, you'd never admit it...

is this a motherfucking Jojo's reference

what we need to teach is critical thinking. there's been a push to teach schoolchildren to question what they hear, consider the sources involved, analyze what they hear to see if it's consistent with other information.

I admire your optimism.

Alexandre Bissonnettein, attack on Islamic Cultural Center, Quebec, Jan 29 1017, 6 dead 19 injured, white

Robert Louis Dear, attack on Planned Parenthood clinic, Colorado, Nov 27 2015, 3 dead 9 injured, white

Allen Scarsella and 3 others in ski masks, attack on BLM rally, Nov 24 2015, 5 injured, white

Dylann Roof, attack on black church, South Carolina, June 23 2015, 9 dead, white

Frazier Glenn Cross, attack on Jewish area of suburb, Missouri, April 13 2014, 3 dead, white

[thoughtful expression]

The Paris attack alone killed more people than all of those put together, all in a single night. Stop acting like there's any sort of equivalence between whites and mudslimes. There isn't.

>Its that fucking simple. Controll for race and we do just fine.
>Being THIS fucking delusional

Reminder that America's mantra for over several centuries was taking in the lowest tiers of the social pecking order from european countries and importing manual labor everywhere else. And isn't like you can deny it because we had a Frenchman build a monument to explicitly express that purpose.

America never prioritized importing the most intelligent or elite, they just followed where the money was or escape their own nations bullshit. And honestly we got lucky that our core population was able to last this long without it becoming blantly obvious our demographic constitution (even in the white population) was academically weak and we depended on first gen immigrants for academia prestige.

This goes well beyond race because even American Whites are behind academically compared to European Whites. So either it's an issue with the education system or the population stock.

If it's the former we can fix it, if it's the latter then American Whites are going to have to face the reality their shit tier even in their own race and they won't be able to blame others because their own history shows they were low tier in the first place.

>whites doing these things

You know that the london terrorist was a white convert, right?

> nothing to lose
> except somebody has to put up a salary for millions of people
> also these millions will be diverted from other productive ends
Are you an idiot?


I thought I was supposed to be on Veeky Forums. What's up with all this unscientific false equivalence you're spouting

> implying this is white
Only in the MSM's fantasy land.

> Afghani
> White

Nice to see you completely denying any of the other terror attacks even happened, Ahmed.
Really stunning display of cognitive dissonance there.

Besides, by your logic wouldn't that mean kicking everyone out who subscribes to Islam would be a more viable solution than just kicking out the mud people and calling it a day?

Typical libshit disinfo.

It has already been done

With just a small amount of critical thinking, you too can become a functional and intelligent person!

The "green" industry is nothing but a form of rent seeking. It exists so that liberal politicians can reward their donors and empower their cronies. Any dollar spent on it is a dollar wasted on corruption that could have gone to something actually productive.

> except there were no riots "last night in Sweden"; Orange Daddy made that one up out of thin air too
Bzzzt. Wrong.

Breitbart is more trustworthy. For years under king nigger NASA's mission has been "outreach to the muslim world." Not science, not space exploration, pandering to the mudslimes.

I'll take the word of breitbart over a bunch of leftist mudslime apologists any day.

Look at these fucking sources lmao

Still better than the trash the MSM puts out. Just look at the bullshit Russia story that they've ginned up, or the endless whining about Trump tweeting X, Y, or Z that no one cares about, or them still demanding Trump's taxes even though the election is over and they lost.

It's one thing to be critical and dubious of MSM, but you're literally putting faith in tabloids in its place. The MSM doesn't do the whining or the demanding, they're just reporting that it's happening. I don't consider leftist media (like CNN) as part of the MSM by the way. Don't watch CNN then, but it's literally the same shit as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.

>How is it possible for such a developed country to be THIS scientifically illiterate?

The Humanities and mostly liberal colleges.

>mainstream news outlets get caught colluding with the candidate who supported climate change management
>hurts their credibility, so people start looking for news somewhere else
Gee, I wonder why.

I don't agree with it, but it's certainly understandable.

The MSM is a liberal sham. They report NOTHING except news that promotes their socialist agenda.

> but you're literally putting faith in tabloids in its place
Conservative news sites have already shown how vastly superior they are. They might not be much, but they're still so far above the MSM that it isn't even funny. Just look at the sort of partisan bullshit an MSM publication like the NY times puts on its front page.

> I don't consider leftist media (like CNN) as part of the MSM
> implying there's a difference between leftist media and the MSM

>Oh no, not the pockets of fortune 500 CEOs, anything but the pockets of fortune 500 CEOs!

They can fucking deal with "putting up" a salary for people, they've got plenty of money.

> Don't watch CNN then, but it's literally the same shit as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.
Except objectively Fox and Breitbart are better than shit like CNN. Which side correctly predicted that Trump would be elected? Fox and Breitbart. Which side correctly predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote? Again, Fox and Breitbart. Meanwhile the MSM has done nothing but spew liberal propaganda that time and again has been proven wrong. For example, when Trump said that mudslimes were creating problems in Sweden, the MSM tripped over itself trying to claim that everything in Sweden was wonderful and how great the mudslime "cultural enrichment" was going for Sweden. Then literally the next day the mudslimes in Sweden riot and destroy half of a city. The MSM is nothing but an endless stream of blatant lies.

Because it's clear to half of America now that news outlets like CNN, who we only assumed to be partially dug into an agenda before, are actually shit deep into an agenda and incapable of the smallest trace of impartiality in what and how they choose to report

I can't even give most news outlets the smallest benefit of the doubt anymore, I only care about news wires

Breitbart has basically arisen as the anti-cancer, it isn't anything better but when your other option is so horribly impartial it begets a horribly impartial response

welcome to the awesome new age of Misinformation

*tips SS hat*

That's not what the original post was saying however.

The idea of religion surrounds blind faith; no matter how enlightened a follower can become, they'll never truly 'know' and must put their faith in the unknown. In the same vain, someone who according to OP trusts NASA but isn't scientifically educated enough (see: most of the world not trained in astrophysics, engineering and astronomy) to understand what they're doing similarly exhibits a blind faith toward science. Now of course the difference is that unlike religion, there is a way of attaining said knowledge so that their trust is no longer just blind faith. But very few people have the time or patience to do this.

It's kind of like the people who hear about a 'recent study that says X prevents Y' and do not try to inquire further as to what it really means, and whether the study may actually be valid. They exhibit a kind of blind faith toward science, and that can be just as dangerous as a blind faith to God.

>my Catholic high school taught science correctly and openly
That is not an objective opinion. I think the US flourished under their protestant roots (Catholics were originally not allowed into government at all because of their questionable allegiance, putting a despot in Rome before their own country and countrymen) and now that the Catholic Church begins to get a firm grasp on the nation the degeneration begins in earnest.

But isn't Fox News MSM too?

You seem to equate "NANA" with "Science." That is a false equivalence.

NASA is not a scientific institute of pure learning -- it is a large and highly bureaucratic agency of government, in a time when many people have come to distrust governments.

NASA has accomplishe miracles in the years before most of us were born, and has done some valuable work since then. But were they are now, they are an organization with a strong tool-kit of technical expertise whose mission has shifted from space, science and technology to survival as an organization.

I'd tend to trust them more than, say, the IRS or the State Department. But even with NASA, I think the wisest approach is to Trust Upon Verification.

>I chose this extreme because opposing opinions seem extreme to me

Wouldn't the best thing to do be weigh multiple reports of PROVEN reputable sources, and make an informed opinion? Sources like the NYT may be opinionated, but they have the resources to uncover more facts than your tabloids do. Learn how to properly read to separate the opinion parts from the factual parts. It's literally your fault if you think opinionated news = fake news.

>Religion and education should be kept completely separate

I think by that you mean that religion should not be taught in schools. I disagree, especially in religious schools, where it will obviously be a key part of the curriculum. But even in pubic schools, we live in a world where religion has shaped our history and continues to do so -- the religion-driven conflict between radical Islam and everybody else is the obvious example, but not the only one.

Students in schools need to be taught about religion and the different world-views fo those who hold different faiths.

I would agree with you this far -- religion is not particularly useful in a math class, and should not be allowed to distort a science class. "The Bible is not a science text," and like that.


>correctly predict

Fox and Breitbart are and always were Trump shills, of course they'd predict their lord and savior would win. It's in their agenda.

What the /pol/ retards are saying ITT, and also the reason why no one bothers seriously debating you faggots, is basically that it's not really bad journalism you're calling out (or else you'd hate Breitshit and Fox just as much as CNN or the like for now inaccurate and misleading they are). It's really just that Fox and Breit espouse the same alt right beliefs you have and that's why you pick them over more liberal news sources.

You're literally clinging to your safe spaces and bubbles because you can't stand it when a news source doesn't support your retarded ideologies. That's literally the same thing SJWs do m8.

the most lib of all lib states, Massachusetts, has the best results for students in science based on PISA scores

> Wouldn't the best thing to do be weigh multiple reports of PROVEN reputable sources
And Breitbart is one of those. It isn't the only one, but it's already proven its worth as a source, by correctly calling Trump's election and Brexit, and by its willingness to report on things like shillary illegally putting classified information on a personal server for all the world to see when the MSM refused to say a word about it.

I think you have your finger on a difference between how change happens in science and how it happens in religion. But I also think you overstate how difficult it is for new ideas in religion to arise and get a hearing (look at the number of "heretical"schisms that were running around in the early Christian Church which were debated, argued, accepted or rejected...)

I suspect you are also overestimating the ease with which new radical ideas are accepted by science. Though of course the "heretical" scientist has an advantage in that the proofs he can bring forward are of a more physical and indisputable kind.