Why haven't we already invented a reliable, safe, multi-usable way of stimulating breast growth...

Why haven't we already invented a reliable, safe, multi-usable way of stimulating breast growth? I know that you can achieve something from massages and such, but you'd think giving everyone "natural" J's would be basic organic chemistry.

I wonder this also. It must be a complicated process. Clearly more genetic than hormonal, otherwise it would be easy

I believe hormones play a significant role. My friend's girlfriend has a birth defect where she basically doesn't have a certain gland that is vital for puberty. She had to take special hormone supplements as a teenager so she would develop normally but a side effect was it gave her really big tits for a woman for her size. She's like 5'2"

I would posit that hormones are necessary but not sufficient to develop breasts. I.e. everyone has a natural limit which is reaches if they have sufficient hormone levels. Obviously supplementation beyond normal levels doesn't work, otherwise everyone on estrogen b/c would have huge increases in breast size (which happens, but is rare)

>wanting big useless sacks of fat
the fuck is wrong with you

Watch yourself, son, many of us posting here are big useless sacks of fat.

Post pics


that makes it sound like it's 100% hormonal

They have a super expensive cream that will feed fat cells when soaked through the skin.
Some people discovered using regular fish oil topically kinda has the same effect. The expensive cream is basically fat/oil with 1 Chinese herb added to it to increase absorption.


I'm going to need approved citation on that.

Not kidding.

Not everyone likes their tits online

not him but find a facebook pic and just crop the upper chest doesnt have to be nude. but dont post if she underage

when i was 12 in 5th grade this one girl had huge tits from what i remember for her age..ended up being Ds or some shit

Because we have and it's estrogen. For some reason it makes your body deposit fat on your chest.

How the hell do you think HRT works?

Who cares about boobs? I want my massive dick already


Many girls in high school use contraceptives to end up with bigger diddies

Sneaky bitches

Mmhhh now everything make sense.

That's just retarded.
They'd have to take huge amounts of it.

Come to think of it, this question also quite curiously applies to penises.

It's been done for penises, I saw it in my e-mail.

I don't think this is correct

>wanting breast growth
>not wanting a reliable method for keeping girls chests perfectly flat


For real though- genital and sexual organ growth is confusing

Because I'd pick an abnormally attractive partner over a bigger dick.

>Clearly more genetic than hormonal
mate you can literally grow some nice tits right now if you want

also why the fuck would anyone waste time on this or care, larger tits are inferior we should do away with elongated tits all together. Useless, unhealthy, things they are.


holy crap! sick digits friendo!

That's because most people have been totally brainwashed by porn and society's infatuation with big tits.
That's why so many millenials are trapfags too. Their brains started associating other mens' dicks with arousal because of the sheer amount of modern porn they watched.

Flat chest is objectively the best.

Wether it works or not, remains to be seen.
But I know many who did it